10 Powerful Shots Of Delivery Room Dads That Will Make You Appreciate Your Dad Even More

The moment of welcoming the baby is special not only for mothers but also for those who see this photo. We bring you some of the most powerful shots by pro photographers taken at the very first moments when dads become dads.

These photos taken in the delivery rooms will make you laugh, cry, but most importantly they’ll remind you, if you ever needed reminding, what a special feeling it is to witness or to even take part in bringing life to the world.

And the language to record the special feelings of mothers when giving birth is nothing more wonderful than pictures. Let’s look at 10 wonderful images in the world to feel the happiness of fathers and mothers meeting their baby for the first time.

“This baby’s mom had just handed her to her father for some skin-to-skin … and this sweet girl was clearly absolutely smitten! At less than two hours old, she was raising her head to look straight into his eyes.”

“As the pushing phase progressed, this first-time dad grew more and more excited to meet his daughter. He continually covered his face in astonishment and awe as her head began to poke out. He was clearly taken aback by her first breath!”

I had the strongest emotional reaction to this photo. The image of encircling and comforting arms and hands around the new life with the potential for the same encircling and comfort.

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“This couple had really, really wanted a baby for several years. While I was waiting for the baby’s father to come out from the OR, his sister said, ‘I can hear him crying from here!’ One minute later, we saw him — covered in happy tears and holding his baby girl.”

“When you just realize that after two boys…you finally have a girl.”

“A perfect picture of the couple’s journey to have a baby. They have worked together to welcome their baby and enjoy the wonderful space when the family has a new member.”

“There are those moments in life that you know will change you forever. And sometimes in those moments, you just can’t keep it together!”

“This dad is holding his son for the first time, after waiting for his girlfriend to nurse and to have her time with the baby, skin-to-skin. He was very patient, but it was also clear that he was looking forward to holding his child for the first time.”

“Dad burst into tears when he held his baby in his arms for the first time photo. This man finally had his child in his arms after dealing with infertility for seven years. an unparalleled sense of joy.”

“So powerful and peaceful.”

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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