Interesting Facts About Baby Girls That Will Surprise You!

Even while being pregnant is a lovely experience, you do occasionally consider what it would be like to raise your newborn daughter. Even though each gender is special and great, having a girl in the family slightly alters your life. You will be more than a little astonished to learn that having a baby girl has some very special characteristics. Here are five fascinating facts regarding newborn girls:

  1. Baby Girls are Easier to Deliver

Even if you are a first-time mother, chances are that the delivery time could be shorter by a significant amount if you have a baby girl instead of a boy. Some lucky mothers experience an average of shorter delivery time, even up to 25 minutes. Can this get better? Yes. Mothers giving birth to baby girls are less likely to request p.aink.illers during labor when compared to mommies having baby boys. This could be attributed to the size of the baby girl being smaller than that of the boys. Whatever it is, it is worth cherishing.

  1. Baby Girls are Born Later than Boys

Do not worry about experiencing premature birth if you are having a baby girl because chances are that she will come out as late as she can. Baby girls have a significantly higher chance of reaching term during pregnancy than boys do, as some studies indicate. They are also born to be slightly smaller and lighter when compared to baby boys. They are shorter by half an inch on average and lighter by five ounces. Studies indicate that this disparity continues to be the same during toddlerhood but puberty can have a significant impact on the adult sizes in terms of weight and height, as will other factors such as nutrition and genetics.

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  1. Baby Girls Could Have Bre.asts

It is perfectly normal for some baby girls to have little brea.sts (or a chest that is not flat like is expected). They have swollen or enlarged lumps under their n1pples identical to bre.asts. This growth is a result of being exposed to maternal hormones during pregnancy and it is completely normal. They are noticeable during birth and quite distinct because they tend to grow for a bit after birth. Pinching the brea.sts might release some amount of milk. Within a few weeks normally the tissue will shrink. Even if some tissue remains, it remains benign and is not a cause for worry.

  1. Baby Girls Talk Faster

Female babies are quicker than little boy babies when it comes to a lot of things. You will notice that they begin understanding what you are trying to communicate with them much sooner than boys do. As a result, they start speaking much sooner as well- within 12 months when compared to boys who start speaking around the 14th month. As they grow older and enter toddlerhood, baby girls continue to talk more and quicker than boys. Baby girls can produce up to 100 unique words when they are 16 months old whereas boys can only speak up to 30 on average. They also walk sooner and learn to communicate through gestures earlier than boys.

  1. Baby Girls Observe More

Girl babies respond more to texture, color, and sounds when compared to boy babies who respond to movement and actions. Studies indicate that even when babies are provided with non-gender-specific toys, girls gravitate towards toys with faces like dolls whereas boys prefer moving toys like cars and trains. They are better at understanding expressions and respond appropriately from quite a young age. They can identify when a face is scary and when others appear distressed, they depict more empathy than boys even as babies.

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Whether you have a baby girl or boy, the experience will be worth it. But it would be kind of cool to have a baby girl just for the reasons mentioned above.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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