Mother Defies Odds of 500,000 To One To Give Birth To THIRD Set Of Twins

This is a true story that happened in 2013 in Langbank, Renfrewshire, A MOTHER who defied the odds by becoming pregnant with a third set of twins has given birth to girls.

Karen Rodger, 41, and husband Colin, 44, from Langbank, Renfrewshire, said they were “over the moon” about their latest arrivals, who are not identical.

The couple already has four boys – Lewis and Kyle, 14, and Finn and Jude aged 12.

The fact that they became pregnant with twins for the third time, with two girls called Rowan and Isla, was a miracle. Rowan arrived first at a weight of 5lbs 8oz followed two minutes later by Isla at 6lbs.

Parents Karen and Colin Rodger were told the odds of having three sets of twins were 500,000-1 when they found out they were expecting.

Mrs. Rodger, 41, was convinced the doctors were right to think it was a rather unlikely prospect. ‘It never crossed my mind that it would be twins again but I’m absolutely delighted,’ she said.

Before they arrived at Southern General Hospital in Glasgow, the couple from Langbank, Renfrewshire, chose not to find out the sex of the infants.

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Mrs. Rodger said: ‘I was convinced I was having two boys. I’m still getting my head around the fact that there will be more girls in the house – people to steal my sparkly shoes and make-up.

Mrs. Rodger said: “I still haven’t really taken it on board because I was convinced I was having two boys.

Mr. Rodger described the arrival of Rowan and Isla, who were born at the Southern General in Glasgow, as “life-changing”.

Although daunted by the new challenge of parenting a total of six children, he said: “Karen is so great at being a mother and a wife that I’m sure we’ll get through it.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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