100 Wondrous Baby Names Inspired By Nature For Girls And Boys

Nature represents varying degrees of emotions. It can be calm and pleasing and also strong and stubborn. Giving your baby a nature-inspired name could give it a personality as strong as nature. It reminds your child to be strong and focussed, without reeling under pressure.

Nature names have been on the rise since the Green Revolution. They represent the trees, flowers, clouds, or any other elemental form of things!

MomJunction has compiled a list of nature baby names, going through several nature forms, for your little ones. Go on and read more!

50 Nature Names For Girls With Meanings

Here’s our list of unique Nature baby girl names, covering all the elements that we could possibly think of.

1. Abilene

Abilene means ‘meadow’ in Hebrew. It has an exotic sound but is not too difficult to spell.

2. Abungu

Looking for an African name? The name Abungu means ‘of the forest’. It is a great name to connect with your African roots, and is unisexual as well.

3. Acacia

A name that is fast becoming popular, Acacia means ‘guileless’ in Greek. It is a wonderful option for parents looking for a trendy yet exotic name.

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4. Aria

In Italian, Aria means ‘air’. The name reflects how important your daughter is for you. You need her as much as you need air to live!

5. Aspen

Trees, in all their majesty, can inspire awe and admiration. Aspen is the name of a tree and a great choice if you are looking for a name that’s both unique and easy. Aspen also means ‘one who is like mother earth’.

6. Autumn

If your daughter was born during the fall, naming her Autumn will be apt! Autumn, the season of fall, is a subject of many poems! Even if your little one is not a fall baby, Autumn is still a great nature-inspired girl name!

7. Blossom

A very traditional name, Blossom today is making a comeback into the popularity charts. It means ‘to bloom’ or ‘to grow in all its glory’.

8. Brier

Do you have special love for all things French? Then you can try Brier as a name for your baby. It stands for ‘heather‘, a purple-colored flower.

9. Brin

A simple name, Brin means ‘like a hill’. The name traces its origin to the Welsh language and is a great way to connect with your roots.

10. Brooklyn

We are not talking about Brooklyn, New York, here! The name Brooklyn originally means ‘a stream, brook, or lake’. And if you stay in New York, the name is more suitable.

11. Cascade

What a lyrical name? Cascade means ‘a steep, usually, small fall of water’. It is a unique name for a baby that’s one in a billion.

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12. Chrysanthe

Chrysanthe, means a flower of gold

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A unique name, Chrysanthe means ‘flower of gold’ or ‘Marigold‘ in Greek. It is exotic and has an amazing meaning too – just what a good name needs.

13. Coral

The coral reef is a wonder of nature. The name Coral not just gives voice to your love for the sea, but also refers to the color coral.

14. Darya

The endless ocean is a sight for sore eyes. So is your daughter! Darya means ‘ocean’ in Persian.

15. Deniz

Deniz means ‘sea’ in Turkish. If you want to give your baby girl a nature-inspired name that is not too difficult to spell or pronounce, this will be your best choice.

16. Denver

The beautiful and traditional English name Denver means ‘one who belongs to a green valley’.

17. Ela

If you are looking for a first name to go along with a chosen second name, Ela can be worth a try. It is a simple sounding name and means ‘earth’.

18. Farley

The name Farley is a great choice for parents who want a traditional English name. It means ‘woodland clearing’.

19. Fleur

This French variation of Flora, meaning flower, is not common. This not only makes it unique but also stylish. We bet you there wouldn’t be many Fleurs out there.

20. Gaia

The Earth is not just any other planet. It is a living, breathing organism and the giver of life. Gaia is another name for our beautiful planet and comes from Greek. Choose this name to keep your daughter rooted in nature.

21. Genesis

Tell us a better name for your little princess than beginning itself! Genesis, Greek for beginning, is all about all things new!

22. Ghadir

Arabic names are popular for their meaning and beauty. Ghadir means ‘stream’ in Arabic.

23. Hazel

Hazel is an English word for the color light brown or the tree. Hazel eyes are some of the most beautiful colored eyes on the planet. And let’s not forget the refreshing hazelnut coffee!

24. Idoya

Spanish, the language known for its lyrical beauty, is also popular for beautiful names. Why not try a Spanish name for your daughter? Idoya means ‘a pond’ in Spanish.

25. Irmak

Another Turkish nature baby name on the list, Irmak means ‘river’. An exotic sounding name, it is the ‘go-to name’ for parents who like things different.

26. Iris

The colors of the rainbow can fill any person with a sense of beauty and calm. Iris refers to these beautiful rainbow colors. It is a Greek name but would be perfect for any nature-loving family.

27. Itsaso

Looking for a nature girl name that’s not part of the crowd? How about Itsaso? It means ‘ocean’ in Basque.

28. Ivy

The delicate ivy plant is famous for its beauty and elegance. As a name, Ivy reflects simplicity and beauty. A great name for your little sweetheart!

29. Jade

Jade is a ‘gemstone’. Isn’t that what your daughter too is, precious? A simple name with a wonderful meaning, just what the ‘name-doctor’ ordered!

30. Juniper

Juniper comes from the Latin juniperus. This name has a wonderful meaning as juniperus means young to produce or evergreen. It defines the spirit of youth. Now, wouldn’t we want our kids to be forever young?

31. Kai

Kai is a unisexual name, fit for both girls and boys. It means ‘ocean’ in Hawaiian.

32. Karma

You get what you deserve, and that is the law of the universe. Karma is a Sanskrit name which defines this exact concept. Your little one can be a stark reminder to people to do good.

33. Keithia

Keithia, baby name refers to a forest

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Keithia – a beautiful name for a much-cherished baby! It is an English name that means ‘forest or wood’.

34. Lana

It is a great name for families that like to keep things easy and simple. Lana means ‘little rock’ in Gaelic.

35. Meadow

A traditional English name, Meadow reflects the very best of nature. Sunshine, trees, fresh leaf, open sky – the name Meadow encapsulates it all!

36. Misty

There is something very poetic about the name Misty. It means ‘covered by mist’. A name fit for an artistic family!

37. Phoenix

The name Phoenix has two meanings. It refers to the mythical bird that rises from its ashes. The name also means ‘dark crimson.’ Pick the meaning that appeals to you more.

38. Primrose

There’s rose, and then there’s Primrose. The name means ‘first rose’. If your daughter is your first child, the name will be apt for her.

39. Rain

Nature inspired girl names come in a myriad variety, suited for all cultures. Rain or maybe its fancier form ‘Rainey’ can be a great choice for you. As a name, it reflects life, satisfaction, and love!

40. Raven

Popularized by a cartoon of the same name, this name stands for the black bird. It is a unisexual name and while a few people may associate it with negativity, people with the name Raven have a strong family bonding and love for the community, just like the bird.

41. River

The river reflects the flow of life and its thirst for the ocean. For a baby girl, it is a name that shows her parents’ endless love!

42. Rosetta

Do you love the name Rose but do not want to use because it is common? Try Rosetta! It means ‘rose blossom’ in Italian and Latin.

43. Sequoia

Looking for an exotic nature inspired baby girl name? Try Sequoia! The sequoia trees are amongst the largest in the world. These trees are epitome of all the royalty of nature.

44. Sky

This nature name for girls is truly spectacular. A great first name option, Sky not just means the open space above us but also an endless beauty! It is a beautiful name for your little darling.

45. Soleil

This beautiful French name refers to the sun. It is another name for all the energy source on Earth.

46. Solstice

Are you looking for a name that is not just unique but also reflects the greatness of nature? Solstice is a new-age name, with an ancient history. It means ‘the time when the sun reaches its highest or lowest excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere’.

47. Sparrow

Sparrow is a cute little name for a cute baby. The little bird, sparrow, has become rare in cities today. The least we can do is keep its name alive!

48. Terra

This name is unique yet famous. This isn’t just the name of the Greek Goddess of Earth but also a variant of the name Tara. This is also the name of a Nasa satellite! All its forms mean Earth.

49. Willow

A name made popular by actor Will Smith’s very talented daughter, Willow refers to the strong and hardy ‘willow tree’.

50. Wisteria

Wisteria is a Latin word and stands for a flower with the same name. This name is not very common, which means that your little angel is really going to stand out.

50 Nature Names For Boys With Meanings

Nature baby names for boys are not just hard and macho, they come in gentle forms too. And we bring you a list of such 50 names!

51. Ackley

This unique name is English for ‘oak meadow’. What’s best is that you won’t find another boy with this name, making your prince stand out in the crowd.

52. Afon

Afon comes from Welsh and means ‘a river’. Doesn’t it have a unique ring to it?

53. Aegis

Ageis stands for a protective shield and comes from the goat-skin shield, which protected Greek God Zeus and his daughter.

54. Ailin

Ailin is a Gaelic origin name and means a ‘little rock’.

55. Anani

Nature inspired baby name, Anani meaning cloud

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Anani comes from the Hebrew culture and stands for ‘cloud’. This would mean that your baby would have a free and fun personality, just like a cloud.

56. Beaumont

This French name means ‘beautiful mountain’. This would mean that your kid might just grow to be strong, firm, and sturdy as a mountain.

57. Benton

Benton is the English word for ‘bent grass settlement’. It is also the name of a cartoon character called ‘Ben 10’, which is a hit series across the world.

58. Birch

Birch trees are some of the longest trees and this name means ‘close to birch trees’.

59. Blaze

While the word blaze could mean a lot of fire and give a picture of negativity, it also stands for ambition and righteousness.

60. Branden

Branden is English for ‘brown hill’.

61. Brier

You can use the lovely name Brier for your darling little boy. It is French for ‘nature’. It is also one of the favorite names on the list.

62. Brin

This is a lovely Welsh name for ‘one who is like a hill’.

63. Canyon

This Spanish name means a rocky hill and is known more from the Grand Canyon.

64. Cephas

Want a cute name which isn’t too long yet unique! Try Cephas, which is Greek for ‘rock’ or ‘stone’.

65. Dagwood

Dagwood stands for ‘a shining forest’.

66. Dale

An English name for ‘valley’, Dale signifies the depth of things. Your little one might be one adventurous kid.

67. Dakota

This native American name means ‘a friendly companion’. This name, as you may know, has two states after it – North and South Dakota! It is also a unisexual name, but we think boys would sound macho!

68. Deniz

Deniz is one of the most popular nature baby boy names. It is of Turkish origin and means ‘the sea’.

69. Denver

Denver is English for the one who is ‘born in a green valley’.

70. Dillon

Dillon is a Welsh name and means ‘the great sea’.

71. Dzovag

Doesn’t this name have a unique sound to it? The name Dzovag is American for ‘lake’.

72. Eben

This simple and short Hebrew name means ‘stone’.

73. Eco

Everyone knows what this nature baby boy name means! But did you know it comes from Latin? It is Latin for ‘of the environment’. In this crazy world, where we are killing Mother Nature, Eco would be the best bet.

74. Fawn

Fawn means a ‘little young deer’, and aren’t they cute? They have the cutest eyes in the whole world. We hope that your baby also has cute eyes.

75. Flint

An out-and-out English name, this means ‘a stream’.

76. Fox

This name needs no description. It stands for the animal fox.

77. Gachie

This is the African Kikuyu origin name for ‘small pool’ or ‘river’.

78. Glyn

Glyn is a Welsh name that refers to a valley

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Glyn is a Welsh name for ‘valley’.

79. Halcyon

Halcyon comes from Greek mythological character Halcyone, who threw herself into the ocean to save her husband, and the gods turned her into a kingfisher. Halcyon means ‘calm’ ‘peace’ or ‘joy’. It is name used for both boys and girls.

80. Hawthrone

This is a Scottish name for someone who lives by the bushes or edge of Hawthorne, a throne bush. This name stands at the 868th position in the US Social Security Administration’s list of 2016 and is less common. If you like it, grab it now!

81. Hyperion

This name has Greek roots and stands for ‘he who goes before the sun’.

82. Kodiak

Doesn’t this name sound similar to Kodak? Well, Kodiak is a Russian name for the Kodiak Islands of the US. This is a very rare name, meaning it is up for grabs.

83. Landon

Landon sounds similar to London. It is an English origin name for a ‘long hill’.

84. Lee

Yet another name for meadow, Lee is of English origin.

85. Lynx

With its roots in Greek and English languages, Lynx translates to luminescence. It is the name of a wild cat which is known to be fierce.

86. Marin

Marin is French for ‘one who loves the ocean’.

87. Montana

Montana is Spanish for ‘mountain’, and signifies strength.

88. Oliver

Oliver is one of the most popular baby names! It is Latin for ‘nature loving’.

89. Orion

This Greek name means ‘rising in the sky’. This name comes from Poseidon’s son, who was a brave and strong hunter! Be ready for a strong kid, who is courageous.

90. Pembroke

This name is English for headland, which is a narrow strip of land projecting into the sea. This name is pretty unique.

91. Reed

The name means nature itself.

92. Risco

Risco stands for ‘waterfall.’

93. Spruce

The evergreen tree signifies everything good for your son. It is an English name and is a good substitute for the name Bruce.

94. Sterling

Sterling is an English name for pure silver. This name would be apt for your little boy!

95. Strom

Doesn’t this nature boy name have some strength of its own? This German name stands for ‘one who loves water’.

96. Vale

This English baby name is not heard much. It means ‘lives in the valley’.

97. West

This English and German name stands for someone who lived in the west. It is quite popular.

98. Wolfe

This English, Irish, and German name needs no introduction. It is a variant of the spelling wolf and stands for a loyal and committed breed of animal, which is respected by a lot of cultures.

Ashley, a mother and vlogger, says that Wolfe was one of the baby names she considered for her baby. She says, “I’ve always kind of liked Wolf as a name, but when I saw someone put an ‘e’ at the end of it, I was like, that’s fun. I’m not one to use a name that’s spelt differently than you would assume because I feel like that’s inconvenient for your child, but something about the ‘e’ on end made me like it a little bit more (i).”

99. Wren

Wren, a baby name meaning farm

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This English name means ‘from the farm’.

100. Zion

Have you ever heard this name? You’d be surprised at how popular this name is. Bob Marley named his son Zion. This nature inspired boy name stands for a promised land and has a Biblical reference.

Discover More Names

When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.

If you are a nature lover, we are sure that this list of nature baby names would have inspired you. These names capture the beauty of nature and could be your way of expressing your gratitude to the environment. The list is diverse, including names of flowers, birds, butterflies, trees, and famous places. We have also included a few unisexual names. The wide range of stunning names on this list can help you find the right name that commemorates your baby’s spirit while representing their personality.

Key Pointers

  • Names inspired by nature have become more popular since the Green Revolution.
  • The comeback of classic names like Blossom and Willow shows that parents are rediscovering the beauty of nature-inspired names.
  • Names such as Ackley, Benton, Canyon, and Dakota evoke strength, resilience, and adventure characteristics.

Embark on a journey of meticulously crafted names reflecting bountiful wonders of nature. From the graceful Acacia to the vibrant Zinnia, each name offers a delightful and distinctive choice for your precious little one

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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