These Newborns Are Getting Tiny Face Shields To Protect Them From The Corona-virus

They might have been born into a world where an epidemic is raging, but that doesn’t mean they are defenseless. A Thai hospital has gained notoriety for posting pictures of infants wearing protective face shields because “safety is what we care about most,” according to hospital representatives.

According to local Thai media, the newborn infants’ visors are part of an initiative to provide new moms with “peace of mind” at the hospital.l.

Babies born at a hospital in Thailand are fitted with special plastic face shields in order to protect them from and . The masks are designed to stop any droplets with the from coughs or sneezes from reaching the baby’s face.

In a statement released on Facebook last week, the medics at the Praram 9 Hospital in Thailand’s capital of Bangkok said the masks were being used “because safety is what we care about the most.” Photos shared from the maternity ward show nurses wearing surgical masks while holding the newborn babies wrapped in blankets, fitted with tiny visors.

“We have extra protection measures for little ones and friends, with face shields for newborns. So cute!” Hospital wrote on its Facebook page.

The masks should not be worn all of the time, according to the source, because they may become unsanitary for the infants. Instead, they’re used when parents don’t have any other choices, like transferring newborns from the hospital to their homes.

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Article written by Baby Plumbing

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