11 Fun Dolphin Crafts For Preschoolers

Dolphins are friendly creatures, and most children love them. So, turn this love for dolphins into fun activities by getting your children’s hands on dolphin crafts for preschoolers.

Children love these aquatic mammals because they look like they have a smile on their faces. They are also bubbly, playful, and friendly creatures. If your child has ever seen a dolphin, the chances are that they would want to befriend it. While that might not always be possible, you can keep them interested by engaging them in creative dolphin crafts. So gather the supplies and get your preschooler busy by choosing a DIY craft idea from the list below.

1. Dolphin paper art

Dolphin paperwork crafts for preschoolers

You Will Need:

  • Blue construction paper
  • Green construction paper
  • Pencil
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Black marker

How To:

  1. Show your child how to draw an image of a dolphin on the green construction paper using a pencil. Make an eye at the proper place using a black marker.
  2. Cut out the picture of the dolphin with the help of scissors.
  3. Paste it on the blue construction paper.

An anonymous blogger and full-time working mother of two recounts her daughter C’s dolphin project. She says, “As part of C’s June holiday assignment from school, we had to do a project related to sea creatures. Projects such as making a paper mache model, or visiting the fish market were suggested. We decided to do a lapbook.

“We started by doing a paper collage of C’s favorite sea creature – the dolphin. C looked for blue and pink shades in magazines and cut them into tiny pieces. She had fun creating the collage, and I really liked the way it turned out. This got the place of honor, on the cover of the lapbook (i).”

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2. Clay dolphin

Dolphin clay crafts for preschoolers

You Will Need:

  • Clay of different colors, namely blue, white, and black

How To:

  1. Help your kid to spread and shape dough of blue clay in the form of a dolphin. Make the fins and tail.
  1. Use white clay and create the lower body of the animal.
  1. Make dolphin’s eyes using the black clay. This is one of the best and interesting dolphin crafts for kids to make during their free time.

3. Banana dolphin

Fruit based dolphin crafts for preschoolers

You Will Need:

  • A long glass
  • Banana
  • Knife
  • Black peppercorns
  • Grapes and berries

How To:

  1. Use a knife and cut the top end of the banana horizontally making the mouth of the dolphin.
  2. Press and stick two black peppercorns at the top end of the banana making the eyes of the animal.
  3. Place the banana in a long glass.
  4. Fill the glass with grapes and berries surrounding the banana.
  5. Place one grape or berry in the mouth of the banana dolphin.

4. Balloon dolphin

Balloon based dolphin crafts for preschoolers

You Will Need:

  • Small, elongated balloons of white and blue colors.
  • Threads
  • Black marker

How To:

  1. Tell your child to blow elongated blue and white balloons and tie their ends with threads.
  2. Now, tie the ends of the blue air-filled balloons in such a way that they make the upper body of the dolphin. Create the fins and mouth of the sea mammal using blue balls.
  3. Tie the ends of the white balls in such a way that they make the lower body of the animal.
  4. Make an eye using a black marker.

5. Fabric dolphin

Fabric based dolphin crafts for preschoolers

You Will Need:

  • Blue fabric
  • Scrap of black fabric
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Toy stuffing

How To:

  1. Help your kid draw the image of the dolphin on blue fabric, and cut out two identical images of the animal using the scissors from the cloth.
  1. Use needle and thread and sew the dolphin-shaped fabric leaving a small space.
  1. Fill in toy stuffing through the small gap.
  1. Cut out the round eyes of the animal from a scrap of black fabric and sew it in the proper place. This is one of the best and most interesting guides on the dolphin craft ideas to make with your kid.
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6. Dolphin painting

Dolphin paint craft for preschoolers

You Will Need:

  • White construction paper
  • Pencil
  • Blue and black food colors
  • A paint brush

How To:

  1. Show your kid how to draw a picture of a dolphin on the white construction paper using a pencil.
  1. Color the image using blue food color and a paint brush.
  1. Create an eye of the animal using the black paint.

7. Silhouette of dolphin

Dolphin silhouette craft for preschoolers

You Will Need:

  • White construction paper
  • Black food color
  • A paint brush
  • Pencil
  • Dolphin template

How To:

  1. Trace out the shape of a dolphin on the white construction paper using a dolphin template and pencil.
  1. Now, help your child paint the animal using black color and paint brush on the white paper.

8. Dolphin dot painting

Dolphin dot painting crafts for preschoolers

You Will Need:

  • Dark blue construction paper
  • Pencil
  • Paint brush
  • Light blue food color
  • Black marker

How To:

  1. Show your child how to make a picture of a dolphin on the dark blue construction paper using a pencil.
  2. Now, fill the image with light blue dots using light blue paint and paint brush.
  3. Make a round black dot in place of the eye using a black marker.

9. Dolphin mural

Dolphin mural craft for preschoolers

You Will Need:

  • Dark blue tiled mosaic wall
  • Paint brush
  • Light blue and black paints

How To:

  1. Help your child to create an outlined image of a dolphin on the blue tiled wall using a paint brush and black color.
  2. Now, paint the picture of the animal using light blue color.
  3. Make the eye using the black paint.
  4. The underwater masterpiece is ready.

10. Spray painted dolphin

Dolphin spray paint crafts for preschoolers

You Will Need:

  • Two white sheets of paper
  • Blue spray
  • Pencil
  • Knife

How To:

  1. Draw an image of a dolphin on one white paper and cut it out using a knife.
  1. Now, place the white sheet comprising the hollow image of the dolphin on the other blank white sheet and spray the blue paint.
  1. Then remove the upper white paper with the dolphin’s cutout, and you will observe the spray-painted dolphin on the white paper below.
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11. Leaping dolphin

You will need:

  • Empty tissue box
  • Cardstock
  • Glue
  • Old CD
  • A piece of cord
  • Two plastic water bottle caps
  • Tape

How to:

1. Cover the tissue box with cardstock for decoration.
2. Help your child draw dolphin designs on more cardstock and cut them out. Glue the designs onto the CD.
3. Thread the cord through the hole in the middle of the CD, ensuring it’s even on both sides.
4. Carefully drill a hole through the middle of two plastic caps and slide them onto the cord, one on each side of the CD.
5. Secure the caps with tape to prevent them from sliding off.
6. Attach the CD to the opening of the tissue box using the cord.
7. Show your child how to use tape and tape both ends of the cord on either side of the tissue box.
8. Ensure the CD can spin freely, simulating the dolphin’s leaping motion.

Ocean animals, sea world, and craft activities – sound like a perfect afternoon for kids, isn’t it? Craft has many benefits for children. It helps in increasing their creativity, channels their imagination, and improves fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and patience. These dolphin crafts for preschoolers will add fun and excitement for your little one. You can save their crafts in a sketchbook or activity book to revisit when they grow up. Save these craft ideas for your next flight or next trip, and have fun.

Key Pointers

  • Children adore dolphins for their amiable and playful demeanor.
  • Dolphin-inspired craft ideas include paper art, clay, fruit, balloons, fabric, paint, and tiles.
  • Materials vary across different crafts, such as construction paper, clay, and fabric.
  • Parents should prioritize non-toxic materials and supervise their children during crafting activities.
  • Safe sewing practices and adult guidance are essential when children use needles or scissors.

Follow along with this easy DIY video tutorial to make your own cute origami dolphin in no time.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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