These Beautiful C-Section Birth Photos Are Nothing Short of Amazing

Jessica Bender is a photographer who specializes in maternity, newborn, children, and family shoots, but she was recently given a very special opportunity to photograph a C-section birth.

See Little Man L’s entrance into the world — and a sneak peek at his adorable newborn shoot — in the photos below. Mama-to-be Felicia reacted on the stunning photo session during a prenatal shoot and told Bender that if she were to undergo a C-section, she wanted her to be present to capture pictures.

The entire event was documented by Bender, and Felicia claimed that looking at the pictures makes her feel more involved in the birth.

Well, it happened, and “Little Man L” was finally born after 72 hours — yes, you read that right! — via C-section.

Bender shared: “Feeling disconnected is something that I commonly hear from moms who deliver via c-section, so it was really special to hear that the images helped Felicia feel more present in the delivery of her baby boy.”

We have no doubt that Felicia and her family will treasure these stunning pictures forever because they are truly breath-taking.

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Article written by Baby Plumbing

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