Doctor Share Heartbreaking Photos Of Mother Who Died In Childbirth

When something goes wrong in the delivery room, we instinctively focus on the family left behind. Their grief is often so all-encompassing, so raw and painful that it feels disrespectful to focus on anything else.

But there are other people who feel that intense grief, as a doctor posted on Facebook alongside a series of heartbreaking images of a mum who passed away while giving birth.

“Today is the saddest day in my life.” he wrote. “As a Doctor, I have dealt with many pregnant women and whenever I am in the labor room, I pray to God to protect and bless all mothers. The pain of a woman in labor is intolerable and does not just involve carrying the child for nine months, but the birth of a new life as well.

Today we cried bitterly, we lost a woman, we do not call God to speak such things but to God’s wisdom in it, why put this woman in such circumstances? She was deprived of childbearing for 14 years and we tried all treatments including injections and artificial insemination.”

“Finally, God willing, she would carry all the laws of medicine and science, even though she had bags on her ovaries and a large tumor. When she was pregnant, this tumor began to melt, and everything was fine. During the time of delivery, my husband rushed to me and left all my work for the generation and stayed in labor for seven hours until we decided to cut the abdomen, she carried her child in her arms and smiled, and then departed. The mother died and the Child lived, her husband fainted at the news of her death.”

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“How did this happy day turn into a tragedy?

Please respect the women because they are dying to bring you a new life that lasts for nine months, and you suffer the pains of childbirth for hours and spend long nights raising your child it is the greatest sacrifice. If you do not talk to your mother or cross for any reason, please go and contact them now. Show your love for women and respect them.”

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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