4 Fun & Interesting Learning Activities For 9-Month-Old Baby

When your little one is nine months old, it is time to introduce them to learning activities for a 9-month-old. Right from banging, shaking, and throwing objects, this is also the time when you should be careful with your child. Your baby might not restrict themselves to toys, so to create an inclusive and safe space, you will need to childproof your home. Learning activities are known to set the foundation for the learning pursuits for your little one. Keep reading to understand what you can introduce to your child for specific developments.

4 Learning Activities For 9 Month Old Baby

Your baby has got some wonderful opportunities in this 36th week of birth and undergoes plenty of emotional and physical changes. His way of communicating also undergoes tremendous change at this stage. Check out 4 interesting 9 month old baby activities:

1. Physical Changes:

Physical changes supportive learning activities for 9 month old baby

At 9 months, your baby undergoes the following physical changes:

  • He can now stand up from a sitting position. In some cases, babies learn to stand a bit late and that is nothing to worry about mommies!

However, your baby’s first instance of standing up may not always go well, so it does not hurt to be prepared. As mother Manisha Shah recollects, “I remember the first time my daughter grabbed a chair and pulled herself up to a standing position. She flashed me the proudest grin, then lost her balance and fell flat on her face.

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“Witnessing her stand for the first time was so exhilarating, it became my mission to elicit that same magic all over again (except this time I’d make sure to put some pillows on the floor!) (i).”

  • He can now stand with support and walk by holding on to something.
  • To get the perfect balance, he spreads his feet apart.
  • He uses his hands to grasp objects. So far, picking up objects had been an involuntary act for him, but now he uses his brain to hold objects.
  • He can now crawl swiftly with his knees and hands. Hence, continue with the tummy time to strengthen a baby’s neck, back, and shoulder muscles, which are essential for crawling, sitting up, and walking.

2. Brain Developments:

Brain development supportive learning activities for 9 month old baby

Brain development of a 9 month old is very fast. Here’s what your baby is probably going through:

  • At this stage your baby observes if others are paying attention to his activities.
  • He is now capable of doing two things at a time.
  • He can manipulate and probe an object as his brain function and exploring abilities improve.

Kaleigh Carnahan, mother of four, often reads to her nine-month-old daughter. To develop her fine motor skills, Carnahan insists on letting her daughter touch the book as she reads it. She says, “One trick that I love is actually putting my thumb right between one of the pages so it lifts it up. So, your baby can turn (the page), and touch and feel the book (ii).”

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  • His sight, hearing, and vision have also improved at this stage. For instance, he can identify the direction of an object lying on the floor and respond to music or singing even from a distance.
  • The baby can recognize familiar faces and differentiate them from strangers. Playing peek-a-boo with a baby around eight months old can aid in developing their understanding of object permanence.

3. Teething Activities:

Teething favorable learning activities for 9 month old baby

Teething can be a big problem at this stage. Here is what you can do:

  • Make sure you offer adequate comfort to your baby when he is teething.
  • To help soothe your baby’s sore gums, try offering teethers filled with jelly or other sweet flavors. In addition, give them teething toys for safe pain relief and alleviating discomfort.

4. Feeding:

Feeding supportive learning activities for 9 month old baby

You may find your 9 months old interested in eating himself. While this may add to the mess in your home, encourage your child to feed himself with a spoon.

Considerations For Activities For 9 Months Old Baby

While your 9 months old is growing fast, there are some vital considerations that you need to keep in mind while traveling to ensure his well being. Take a look below:

  • This period can be quite difficult for your child as he may suffer from frequent bouts of cold and cough.
  • When you are planning to undertake a journey, carry all essentials to manage your little one. Pack his medicines, books, toys and food.
  • You can make him wear slippers, as it is a healthy option. However, experts believe it is not a good idea to give him shoes, until he walks regularly all through the day.
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Be Careful Of The Following

The activities and milestones discussed above are generic and you must not make the mistake of comparing your baby with those of your friends. You should remember the following:

  • In case you believe his developments are not up to the mark, you should discuss with your doctor. He shall offer you the right information and judgment.
  • You must closely watch his sight and hearing abilities. In case you suspect any problems, you must consult a healthcare professional.
  • Each baby has a unique pace of development, and what some other baby may be doing now; your baby may be doing later, or vice versa.

Hope you liked our 4 playtime activities for your 9 month old baby. So, enjoy yourself with your baby and leave it on the doctors to decide if anything is wrong with him.

Key Pointers

  • Babies at nine months display physical developments like standing, walking support, crawling, and gripping items.
  • They can multitask, manipulate objects, and differentiate between strangers and familiar faces.
  • Teething can be challenging, comfort your baby with jelly or sweet-filled teethers.
  • At this stage, babies are prone to frequent colds and coughs, so be equipped with essentials when traveling.

Learn how to engage your 9 month old with fun Montessori activities! From sensory exploration to language development, we’ll show you how to play with your baby.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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