250+ Common Surnames Or Last Names That Start With F

The sixth letter in the alphabet has something special about it, especially when it comes to last names that start with F. Whether they’re nature-inspired like Falcon and Forrest, have positive connotations like Faith and Friend, or are short and sweet like Fay and Foss, there’s a surname to suit everyone’s taste. Looking into these surnames can help in creating intriguing characters, captivate genealogy enthusiasts, or inspire those seeking standout names. This post lists F surnames from all over the world, making it easy to explore and discover interesting options. Dive in and learn more about these fascinating surnames.

250+ Unique Last Names Starting With F

These surnames ranging from the French Fortescue to the Japanese Futamura, highlight varied cultural origins and linguistic influences globally.

Common Last Names That Start With F

Whether it’s the Scottish Ferguson, the Spanish Flores, or the English Foster, each of these popular surnames tells a story of lineage, occupation, or personal characteristics.

1. Faulkner

Meaning ‘keeper of falcons,’ this occupational surname comes from the Scots and Middle English term ‘faulcon,’ which is derived from ‘falco,’ a late Latin term. It is considered a variant of Falconer, an English-origin surname. As per a source, this surname comes from Faulconnier, an Old French term meaning ‘falcon trainer.’

2. Ferguson

The surname Ferguson originates from the Scots Gaelic ‘Macfhearghus,’ which means ‘son of the angry one,’ derived from the personal name Fergus. Alternatively, it is also interpreted as ‘son of Fergus,’ where Fergus means ‘man of vigor,’ and comes from the Old Irish terms  ‘fer’ meaning ‘man’ and ‘guss’ meaning ‘ strength, vigor, or force’

3. Fernandez

This surname is a variant of the Spanish name Fernández which means ‘son of Fernando.’ Fernando is ultimately derived from Fredenandus, a Latinized version of a Gothic name. This name combines elements like ‘friþus,’ meaning ‘peace’ or possibly ‘farþa,’ meaning ‘journey,’ and ‘nanþa,’  meaning ‘boldness, daring.’

4. Fields

Originating from the Old English word ‘feld,’ this is a surname given to individuals who resided close to a field or pasture. A prominent figure with this surname was Gracie Fields, a British actress.

5. Finley

This is an Anglicized version of the Scottish Gaelic name MacFhionnlaigh, meaning ‘son of Fionnlagh.’ Fionnlagh itself means ‘white warrior’ in Old Irish, combining the terms ‘finn,’ meaning ‘blessed or white’ with ‘láech,’ meaning ‘warrior.’

6. Fisher

Originating from England, this occupational surname is used to refer to someone who earned a livelihood through fishing. It is a cognate of the German surname Fischer, both denoting the occupation of a fisherman.

7. Flores

Of Spanish origin, this surname means ‘son of Floro,’ with Floro being a variation of the Roman cognomen Florus, derived from the Latin word ‘flos,’ meaning ‘flower.’

8. Foley

This surname originates from Irish Ó Foghladha or the original modern Irish surname Ó Foghlú. It means  ‘descendant of Foghlaidh,’ where the name Foghlaidh referred to a ‘marauder, pirate, or plunderer.’

9. Ford

Ford is a surname that originated from various sources. It might have originally denoted someone living close to a ford, deriving from the Old English and Middle English word ‘ford.’ Alternatively, it may have come from specific place names or been an anglicized form of Irish surnames. It may also be the Americanized form of similar-sounding Jewish surnames.

10. Foster

There are many possible origins for the surname Foster. It originated as a variation of Forster, indicating someone involved in forest-related work. Alternatively, it might have roots in the French term ‘forcetier,’ referring to a maker of scissors. Another possibility is its association with the occupation of a forester, denoting someone responsible for managing or growing timber in a forest. Additionally, it could be an occupational surname for a saddle tree maker, derived from the Old French term ‘fustier.’ Lastly, Foster could be a nickname given to someone who was either a foster child or a foster parent.

11. Fowler

A Scots or English origin surname that comes from the Old English word ‘fugel,’ or ‘fugol,’ which means ‘bird.’ It may also be associated with the term ‘fugelere’ in Old English, denoting someone who caught or hunted wild birds.

12. Fox

The surname Fox is derived from the animal of the same name. Initially, it served as a nickname for individuals with red hair or those deemed crafty. Megan Fox, an American actress, is a notable bearer.

13. Franklin

Originating from ‘frankelin,’ a Middle English term this surname means ‘freeman.’ It depicted a landowner of free status but lacking noble birth, and can be traced back to the Old French term ‘franc,’ meaning ‘free.’ One of the renowned figures associated with this surname was Benjamin Franklin, a Founding Father of the United States.

14. Freeman

A surname that indicates someone born without being a serf, having freedom as their status. Cassidy Freeman, an American actress, is a well-known individual with this surname.

15. Fuentes

Originating from the Latin word ‘fons,’ meaning ‘spring, well or fountains,’ the surname Fuentes is of Spanish origin. One notable figure carrying this surname is Joshua Luis Fuentes,  an American baseball player.

American Last Names Starting With F

These are familiar last names commonly found in the United States. While some may not have originated in America, they are widely adopted and used across the country.

16. Farmer

Of English origin, this surname is associated with the occupation of tax collection. Derived from Middle English ‘ferme,’ meaning rent or revenue, which traces back to the medieval Latin term ‘firma’ and ultimately the Old English term ‘feorm,’ it wasn’t typically bestowed upon agricultural workers but rather on those tasked with gathering taxes and tithes, particularly focusing on funds from agricultural leases.

17.  Farrell

The surname of Irish origins is derived from Ó Fearghail, a Gaelic patronym, meaning ‘ descendant of Fearghal.’  Fearghal is a form of Fergal, which means ‘man of valor,’ originating from the Old Irish words ‘fer,’ meaning ‘man,’ and ‘gal,’ meaning ‘valor.’

18. Figueroa

Originating from Galicia and Spain, Figueroa is a surname linked to locales named after the Galician term ‘figueira,’ which translates to ‘fig tree.’ One prominent individual bearing this surname is Nelson Figueroa, an American baseball player.

19. Fitzgerald

Originating from Anglo-Norman French roots, this  surname means ‘son of Gerald.’ Gerald, meaning ‘power of the spear,’ comes from a  Ferman name composed of elements ‘ger’ signifying ‘spear’ and ‘walt’ meaning ‘authority or power.’ Additionally, it is also considered a surname of Irish lineage tracing back to Hiberno-Norman descent. As a patronymic surname, it combines the prefix ‘Fitz-‘ derived from ‘filius-,’ a Latin term with Gerald, meaning ‘son of Gerald.’

20. Fleming

An Anglo-Saxon England surname that is attributed to individuals who hailed from Flanders in the Netherlands. Renée Lynn Fleming, an American opera singer, is a well-known individual with this surname.

21.  Fletcher

A surname of English, French, Irish, and Scottish origin, this is considered an occupational surname that comes from the Old French term ‘fleche,’ meaning ‘arrow.’ This is associated with the trade of fletching, where feathers were affixed to arrow shafts.

22. Flowers

Derived from the English word ‘flower,’ this surname ultimately comes from the Latin word ‘flos.’ It is a variant of the surname Flower.

Last Names That Start With F Flowers

23. Floyd

The surname Floyd comes from Welsh roots and comes from  Lloyd, a name derived from ‘Llwyd,’ meaning ‘gray’ or ‘gray-haired.’ It also has Scottish origins, stemming from ‘flood.’

24. Flynn

A name of Irish origin, this surname is an anglicized version of the Irish name Mac Floinn or Ó Floinn, which means ‘son or descendant of Flann’ in English. Flann itself carries the meaning of ‘blood red’ in the Irish language.

25. Francis

A surname originating from England with Latin roots that is derived from the personal name Francis. It is an English version of Franciscus, a Late Latin name meaning ‘Frenchman.’ It is derived from the Franks, a Germanic tribe known for their use of a specific type of spear.

26. Frank

This surname originates from an ancient German name linked to the Franks, a Germanic tribe. Jason David Frank, an American actor, was a well-known individual with this surname.

27. Frazier

A Scottish surname, this is a variation of Fraser. Originating from the Norman French ‘de Fresel,’ possibly linked to a now-forgotten place name in France, the meaning of this surname is unknown.

28. French

As per a source, this is a surname that originally referred to someone from France, derived from the Old English ‘Frencisc and Middle English ‘Frensch.’ Another theory suggests that it’s an anglicized form of the name Defreine, with Norman roots. Despite its French origin, the name doesn’t directly mean ‘French,’  instead, it comes from the French term that is used to denote an ash tree.

Check out more American surnames.

English Last Names That Start With F

From classic names like Fairchild and Finch to less common ones such as Farran and Fastolf, explore the diversity of English family names.

29. Fairbairn

Of Middle English and Scots origin, Fairbairn signifies a ‘beautiful child.’

30. Fairburn

Derived from Old English, Fairburn originates from a place name indicating a ‘fern stream,’ combining ‘fearn’ meaning ‘fern’ and ‘burna,’ meaning ‘stream.’ William Armstrong Fairburn an American writer, engineer, architect, and chemist was a notable bearer of this surname.

31. Fairchild

Hailing from Middle English, Fairchild denotes a ‘beautiful child.’ It is a common surname formed from the Old English words for beautiful or fair and child.

32. Fairclough

Fairclough is linked to Old English, representing a place name meaning a ‘fair cliff’ or ‘fair ravine.’ David Fairclough, an English footballer who played for Liverpool in the 1970s, is a prominent figure who carries this surname.

33. Falconer

Falconer is an occupational surname that originates from the Old French term Faulconnier. It refers to a person who trained falcons. Falkner and Faulkner are other English variants of this name that are used.

34. Fancourt

The surname Fancourt comes from England, specifically from Bedfordshire County. It’s believed to have originated there.

35. Fane

Fane is a surname that could have originated from two different sources. It might have come from the Old English term ‘fægen’ meaning ‘willing or glad,’ used as a nickname for someone with a cheerful disposition. Alternatively, it could have Welsh roots, where it was used as a nickname for someone slim or slender.

36. Fanshawe

Fanshawe is a surname with roots tracing back to Northumberland, England. It is derived from a place called Featherstonehaugh, which is now known as Featherstone. Interestingly, the traditional pronunciation of Featherstonehaugh is ‘Fanshaw.’

37. Farlow

The surname Farlow is linked to a place name in Shropshire, England. This place was named for its features: ‘fearn’ meaning ‘fern’ and ‘hlaw’ meaning ‘hill tumulus.’

38. Farnham

This surname comes from the Old English terms meaning ‘fern’ and ‘ham’ denoting ‘water meadow or home.’ Popular in England and associated with royalty, this surname signifies individuals originating from different towns called Farnham in England, especially in Surrey.

39. Farnworth

It originates from old English with ‘fearn’ meaning ‘fern’ and ‘worth,’ which altogether refers to ‘settlers from a place rich in ferns.’

40. Farran

Farran is a surname derived from the Old French ‘ferrant,’ meaning ‘iron-grey.’

41. Fastolf

Fastolf comes from the Old Norse name Fastúlfr, meaning ‘strong wolf.’ This surname was carried by Sir John Fastolf, who was an English knight.

42. Fay

This is a surname that refers to individuals from various locations named Fay or Faye in northern France. It stems from the Old French ‘fau’ meaning ‘beech tree,’ originating from the Latin term ‘fagus.’ Notable bearers include the English singer William Fay.

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43. Fear

A surname originating from the Middle English term ‘feare,’ meaning ‘comrade or friend.’

44. Felton

Felton, a habitational surname, originates from a combination of the terms ‘feld-,’ meaning ‘pasture or field’ and ‘-tun,’ meaning ‘settlement.’

45. Fenimore

Meaning ‘fine love,’ this surname comes from the Old French term ‘fin amour.’

46. Fenn

Indicating individuals who lived near a marsh, this surname is derived from the Old English term ‘fenn’ meaning  ‘swamp or fen.’ Ellenor Fenn, a notable British writer, bore this surname.

47. Fiddler

This surname is an English version of the German name Fiedler which means ‘fiddler,’ in German.

48. Finch

Derived from the Old English term ‘finc,’ this surname comes from the name of a bird. Atticus Finch, from Harper Lee’s novel ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ is a famous fictional character with this surname.

49. Fishman

An occupational surname that is used to refer to a fisherman.

50. Fitzroy

Derived from the French term ‘roi’ meaning ‘king,’ this surname of Anglo-Norman French origins means ‘son of the king.’

51. Force

Originating from the term ‘force,’ this surname refers to a waterfall in Northern England.

52. Fortune

Derived from the Latin term ‘fortuna,’ this surname originating from Middle English  means ‘chance, fortune, or luck.’ It might have been given as a nickname to someone fond of gambling.

53. Frost

Meaning ‘frost,’ this surname originates from Old High German and Old English. It is often assigned to individuals with a white beard or cold personality.

54. Fry

Meaning ‘free,’ this surname originates from the Old English term ‘frig.’ Frye is another English variant of this surname.

55. Fulton

Meaning ‘bird hill,’ this surname of Old English origins comes from Foulden, the name of an English town in Norfolk.

Check out more English surnames.

French Last Names Starting With F

From Falba to Furneaux, discover the richness of French heritage reflected in these family names.

56. Fabien

A surname that comes from the given name Fabien, which traces its roots back to Fabius, a Roman family name that comes  from the Latin word ‘faba,’ meaning ‘bean.’

57. Falba

This surname is speculated to be derived from the French word ‘fauve,’ which means ‘wildcat.’

58. Faron

This surname originates from the given name Faron, a French version of Faro, which itself is a diminutive of Germanic names containing ‘fara,’ meaning ‘journey.’

59. Faucher

Means ‘mower’ in French, this occupational surname has its roots in the Latin word ‘falx,’ meaning ‘scythe or sickle.’ Léon Faucher, a French politician, was a notable bearer of this surname.

60. Favager

Used to refer to someone from Faverges, a town in eastern France, this surname comes from the Old French word ‘faverge,’ meaning ‘forge.’

61. Favier

Originating from the Latin word ‘faba’ meaning ‘bean,’ this occupational surname was used to refer to someone involved in farming beans or trading them.

62. Favri

This surname comes from ‘favri,’ a medieval French term meaning ‘blacksmith.’

63. Fayard

Fayard is a topographic surname used to indicate someone who was living near or associated with a beech tree or beech forest.

64. Fernel

This surname is considered a short form of ‘ferron’ meaning ‘ seller or maker of iron.’ It is derived from the French term ‘ferronel.’

65. Feuille

Pronounced as ‘furry’ without the r’s, Feuille is  a common French word meaning ‘sheet or leaf.’

66. Fèvre

Coming from the Latin term ‘faber,’ this occupational surname means ‘blacksmith’ in Old French.

67. Février

This French surname means ‘February.’ Jacques Février, a French pianist, was a prominent figure with this surname.

68. Firmin

This surname is inspired by the given name Firmin, which comes from Firminus, a Late Latin name meaning ‘firm.’

69. Flamel

The origin of the surname ‘Flamel’ is uncertain, with suggestions ranging from the French word ‘flamme,’ meaning ‘flame,’ to associations that denote origin like ‘Flemish’ or the French term ‘Flamand.’ Notably, Nicolas Flamel, a French scribe, often regarded as a legendary alchemist, was a famous bearer.

70. Fontaine

This surname comes from the Old French term ‘fontane,’ ultimately from the Latin term ‘fons,’ meaning ‘fountain or well.’

Last Names That Start With F Fontaine

71. Fortescue

Derived from the French terms ‘fort’ meaning ‘strong’ and ‘escu’ meaning ‘shield,’ this surname means ‘strong shield.’

72. Fortier

A surname that was used to denote an individual who worked at or lived near a fort or stronghold. This name comes from the Old French term ‘fort,’ meaning ‘stronghold.’

73. Fosse

Meaning ‘ditch,’ this surname of French origin comes from the Old French term ‘fosse.’

74. Fouche

This French surname means ‘people army.’ Guy Fouché, a French operatic tenor, was a notable bearer of this surname.

75. Fournier

Derived from fourneau, a French term, this occupational surname used to refer to a baker means ‘oven.’

76. Frain

Coming from ‘fresne or fraisne’ meaning ‘ash’ in French, ultimately from ‘fraxinus,’ the Latin term for ash,’ this topographic surname indicates an individual who resided close to a notable ash tree.

77. Frémont

A surname carried by many prominent individuals, including Thierry Frémont, a French actor. This surname means ‘ free mountain.’

78. Frere

This French surname means ‘brother’ and is derived from the French term ‘frere.’

79. Furneaux

This surname may originate from the word ‘fourneau’ meaning ‘furnace’ or may also be from the name of various places in France known as Fourneaux.

Check out more French surnames.

German Last Names Starting With F

This section covers a collection of last names originating from Germany that reflect the culture of German heritage.

80. Fahr

Originating from the Middle High German word ‘vare’ meaning ‘ferry,’ this topographic surname was given to someone who lived close to a river crossing.

81. Fahrenheit

This surname comes from the German word ‘fahren,’ meaning ‘to ride,’ and ‘Heit,’ similar to the ending ‘-ness’ in English. Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, a Polish physicist who invented the Fahrenheit temperature scale., was a well-known bearer of this surname.

82. Falk

This surname originates from the Old Norse word ‘falki’ or the Old High German term ‘falco,’ both of which mean ‘falcon.’

83. Falkenhagen

This habitational last name is derived from Old High German, combining ‘falke,’ meaning falcon, and ‘hag,’ meaning ‘fencing or hedge.’

84. Falkenrath

The surname comes from Middle High German, where ‘falke’ means ‘falcon’ and ‘rat’ stands for ‘advice or counsel.’

85. Faraldo

Derived from Faroald, A Germanic name, this surname comes from the Old German terms ‘fara,’ meaning  ‘journey’ and ‘walt,’ meaning ‘authority or power.’

86. Färber

Meaning ‘dyer,’ Färber is an occupational name coming from the German word ‘farbe,’ meaning ‘color.’

87. Fass

Coming from the Middle High German term ‘faz,’ meaning ‘cask or keg,’ Fass is an occupational surname associated with making or selling these containers or used as a nickname for someone rotund.

88. Fassbender

As an occupational name, Fassbender denotes someone who makes keg barrels. Jürgen Fassbender, a German tennis player, is a notable bearer.

89. Feigenbaum

Meaning ‘fig tree’ in German, Feigenbaum was borne by notable individuals such as Mitchell Feigenbaum, an American mathematical physicist.

90. Feigenbutz

This occupational surname is used to indicate a seller of figs

91. Felber

This surname comes from ‘velwer, ‘ a Middle High German name meaning ‘willow tree.’

92. Feld

Conferred to an individual who resided on land cleared of forest, this surname means ‘field’ in German.

 93. Feuerstein

A surname conferred usually to a blacksmith, this name is a combination of the German terms ‘feuer’ meaning ‘fire,’ and stein signifying ‘ stone.’

94. Finger

A surname that might have been given to someone with an unusual finger trait, like having an extra finger or losing some due to injury. It could also be for someone small or seen as unimportant.

95. Fisch

This surname of German origin  means ‘fish.’

96. Fischbach

This name comes from a place called Fischbach, or it could describe someone living near a stream, combining German words for ‘fish’ and ‘stream.’

97. Fischbein

Meaning ‘fish bone,’ this surname is notable for being borne by Eric Fischbein, a Jewish Swedish footballer.

98. Fischmann

Similar to Fishman, this surname suggests an occupation, possibly for someone who sold fish, combining Middle High German and Yiddish words for ‘fish’ and ‘man.’

99. Fleischhacker

This occupational surname used to indicate a butcher, comes from German words ‘fleisch’ for ‘flesh meat’ and a term meaning ‘to chop or cut.’

100. Fleischmann

Another occupational surname, this one also for a butcher, literally translates to ‘meatman’ from Middle High German words ‘fleisch’ for ‘meat or flesh’ and ‘man’ for ‘man.’

101. Forney

Originating from the Old High German word ‘farn,’ meaning fern, this surname was given to someone who resided close to ferns.

102. Forst

This surname comes from the Old High German term ‘forst,’ meaning ‘forest,’ which is derived from  the term ‘foraha,’ indicating ‘fir tree.’

103. Frankenberg

It’s a surname derived from a place in northern Hesse, and means ‘fort of the Franks.’ The elements ‘franken’ and ‘berg’ signify ‘mountain hill mountain.’

104. Frankenstein

Linked to various minor locations in Germany, it translates to ‘stone of the Franks’ in German. Mary Shelley used it as the surname of a fictional character, a scientist named Victor Frankenstein, who brings a monster to life in her novel Frankenstein.

105. Frei

In German, it simply means ‘free,’ possibly describing someone who was outside the feudal system.

106. Friedberg

This surname is a blend of either the German term ‘vride,’ meaning ‘protection or security,’ or ‘Friede,’ meaning ‘peace,’ with ‘berg,’ which means ‘mountain or hill.’

107. Friedrich

Coming from the given name Friedrich, which ultimately comes from Frederick, the English version of an Old German name, meaning ‘peaceful ruler,’ and combines ‘fridu,’ which means ‘peace,’ and ‘rih,’ meaning ‘king or ruler.’

108. Frischkorn

With ‘frisch’ in German meaning ‘fresh,’ and ‘korn’ referring to ‘grain,’ this surname indicates an occupation related to farming.

109. Frühling

In some cases, this surname acts as a nickname, derived from the Middle High German term ‘vrüelinc,’ or German ‘frühling,’ which means ‘spring.’ It may also be conferred to an early-born child, combining ‘früh’ for ‘early’ and the suffix ‘-ling.’

110. Fuchs

Originating from Old High German, this surname means ‘fox.’ Initially, it served as a nickname for individuals with red hair.

Check out more German surnames.

Italian Last Names Starting With F

This subhead lists Italian surnames beginning with the letter F including names like Ferrari, Falco, and Farina, among others. These surnames are commonly found in Italian families and have various origins and meanings.

111. Fabbri

Meaning ‘blacksmith,’ this surname comes from the Italian term ‘fabbro,’ which ultimately comes from the Latin term ‘faber.’

112. Facente

Originating from the Latin term ‘facere,’ meaning ‘to do or to make,’ this surname is used as a nickname for someone who is industrious.

113. Fadda

This surname is speculated to be from the term ‘fada’ meaning  ‘fate or fairy,’ or from the Sardinian term ‘fadda’ meaning ‘error,’ which ultimately is from the Latin term ‘falla’ meaning  ‘trick, mistake, or failure.’

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114. Faggiano

Originating from the Italian word ‘faggio,’ this surname means ‘beech tree.’

115. Falaguerra

Formed from ‘fare,’ meaning ‘to provoke or make’ and ‘guerra,’ meaning ‘war,’ this surname might mean ‘ to make war.’

116. Falanga

Originating from the Sicilian word ‘falanga,’ this surname may mean ‘temporary bridge, plank, or ‘fence.’

117. Falasca

This surname may have originated from the word ‘falasca’ in certain dialects, which means ‘straw,’ and might have been used to refer to someone’s physique or hair. It may also be indicating a profession involving crafting with straw.

118. Falco

Coming from the Italian word ‘falco,’ meaning ‘falcon,’ this surname could signify someone who worked with falcons or resembled one in some manner.

119. Farina

This surname traces back to the Italian word ‘farina,’ which means ‘flour,’ indicating an occupational name for someone who worked as a miller.

120. Farro

Derived from the name of a location in Sicily, Italy, this surname comes from the Latin word ‘far,’ meaning ‘spelt or wheat.’

Last Names That Start With F Farro

121. Fattore

This Italian surname means ‘bailiff, land agent, steward, or farmer,’ suggesting an ancestral occupation or role within land management or farming.

122. Fava

Coming from the Italian word for a kind of broad bean, ‘fava,’ this surname was borne by Giuseppe Fava, a prominent Italian writer and journalist.

123. Fermi

This surname originally referred to people from Fermo, a town in Italy’s Marche region, once called ‘Firmum’ in Latin, meaning ‘steady, strong, or firm.’

124. Ferrari

Meaning ‘iron,’ this surname was often given to metalworkers or smiths. It stems from the Latin word ‘ferrarius.’

125. Filippi

Coming from the Greek name Philippos, meaning ‘friend of horses,’ this surname is derived from the given name Fillipo, an Italian version of Philip.

126. Fini

This surname comes from given names ending in ‘fino.’ Gianfranco Fini, an Italian politician, is one notable bearer of this surname.

 127. Fiore

Meaning ‘flower’ in Italian, this surname is derived from the given name Fiore.

128. Fiscella

Originating from the Italian word ‘fiscella,’ which referred to a basket for storing cheese, this surname was often given to those who made cheese.

129. Fonda

This Italian surname possibly comes from a location linked to the word ‘fondo,’ meaning ‘deep.’ Henry Jaynes Fonda, an American actor, was a notable bearer of this surname. While the family of Henry Fonda hailed from the Netherlands, they had roots in Genoa.

130. Fortunato

Derived from the Latin name Fortunatus, meaning ‘blessed, fortunate, or happy,’ Fortunato comes from the given name Fortunato.

131. Franzese

Common in the Naples area, Franzese comes from a nickname indicating someone from France.

132. Fusco

Coming from the Italian word ‘fosco,’ meaning ‘dark,’ Fusco was often used as a nickname for individuals with dark features.

Check out more Italian surnames.

Irish Last Names That Start With F

From Fallon to Fylan, discover the meaning behind each name in this list of  Irish surnames.

133. Fallon

The surname Fallon comes from the Irish Ó Fallamháin, which translates to ‘descendant of Fallamhán.’ Fallamhán itself means ‘leader.’

134. Fannon

Fannon is derived from Ó Fionnáin, an Irish name, signifying ‘descendant of Fionn.’ Fionn originates from the Old Irish name Finn, meaning ‘white, blessed.’

135. Farling

Farling might be a variation of the Scottish and Northern Irish surname Farland, the meaning of which is unknown.

136. Farquharson

Farquharson denotes ‘son of Farquhar.’ Farquhar, in turn, is an Anglicized version of Fearchar, derived from the Scottish Gaelic form of the Old Irish name Ferchar, which combines the terms ‘fer’ meaning ‘man’ and ‘carae’ meaning ‘friend.’

137. Fenlon

The surname Fenlon is Gaelic in origin, derived from the old Gaelic name O’Fionnalain, which means ‘Son of the Fair one.’

138. Finan

The surname Finan originates from the Gaelic name Ó Fionnáin, meaning ‘descendant of Fionnán,’ which itself is derived from the Gaelic name Fionn, from Finn, meaning ‘blessed or white.’

139. Finn

Finn, a form of Fionn,  is derived from the Old Irish name Finn, originating from the word ‘finn,’ meaning ‘white, blessed.’

140. Finnegan

The surname Finnegan is an anglicized form of Ó Fionnagáin in Irish, meaning ‘descendant of Fionnagán,’ where Fionnagán is related to the name Finn, signifying ‘white or blessed.’

141. Finnerty

Finnerty is an anglicized form of Ó Fionnachta in Irish, which means ‘descendant of Fionnachta.’ Fionnachta comes from ‘fionn,’ meaning ‘white or fair’ and ‘sneachta,’ meaning ‘snow.’

142. Flaherty

Flaherty is an anglicized version of the Gaelic surname Ó Flaithbheartaigh, meaning ‘descendant of Flaithbheartach.’ Flaithbheartach means ‘hospitable or generous’ derived from ‘flaith(eamh)’ meaning ruler or prince,’ combined with ‘beartach’ meaning ‘behaving or acting.’

143. Flanagan

This surname comes from the Irish Ó Flannagáin, meaning ‘descendant of Flannagán,’ where Flannagán is a given name signifying ‘blood red.’

144. Flannery

The surname ‘Flannery’ is an English version of the Irish name Ó Flannghaile, which means ‘descendant of Flannghal,’ where Flannghal means ‘red valor.’

145. Fogarty

This surname is a shortened English adaptation of the Gaelic name Ó Fógartaigh, which means ‘son of Fógartach.’ Fógartach comes from the word ‘fógartha,’ meaning ‘banished, proclaimed, or outlawed.’

146. Foody

Foody is an Anglicized form of the Gaelic name ó Fuada, which means ‘descendent of Fuada.’ Fuada is a personal name meaning ‘rush, speed, or swift.’

147. Forbes

Originating from a Scottish place name, this surname means ‘field’ in Gaelic. Jonathan Forbes, an Irish actor, is a notable bearer of this surname.

148. Foy

Foy is an alternate spelling of Fahy, which comes from the Irish Gaelic Ó Fathaigh, meaning ‘descendant of Fathach.’ Fathach likely comes from the Gaelic word ‘fothadh,’ meaning ‘foundation.’ Additionally, ‘Foy’ is a variant of ‘Fee,’ derived from the Gaelic Ó Fiaich, meaning ‘descendant of Fiach,’ where Fiach means ‘raven’ in Gaelic.

149. Friel

Originating from the Irish surname Ó Frighil, ‘Friel’ signifies ‘descendant of Fearghal.’ Fearghal, derived from Fergal, means ‘man of valor.’

150. Fylan

This surname is derived from the name Faolán, which means ‘little wolf’ in Old Irish. Faolán comes from the word fáel, meaning ‘wolf,’ combined with a diminutive suffix.

Check out more Irish surnames.

Greek Last Names Starting With F

From Filippou to Frangopoulos, delve into this list to learn more about these distinct family names.

151. Filippou

This surname means ‘son of Filippos,’ where Filippos is a form of the  Greek name Philip, which comes from the Greek name Philippos meaning ‘friend of horses.’

152. Filo

A Slovak diminutive of the name Filip, Filo refers to both a shortened version of Philip and a type of extremely thin dough used for making pastries.

153. Floros

This surname comes from the Greek word ‘floros,’ meaning ‘greenfinch,’ which stems from the Greek term ‘chloros,’ meaning ‘green.’

154. Fotiadis

Fotiadis denotes ‘son of Fotis,’ where Fotis is a variant of the Greek name Photios, which means ‘light.’

155. Fotiou

Fotiou means ‘son of Fotios,’ where Fotios is derived from Photios, meaning ‘light.’

156. Fountas

This name, rooted in Latin, refers to an individual with abundant hair, derived from the Latin word ‘funda.’

157. Frangopoulos

Frangopoulos means ‘descendant of a Frank,’ with ‘Frank’ being a term historically used to refer to Western European peoples.

Spanish Last Names Starting With F

From Feliciano to Funes, find below a list of last names beginning with the letter F commonly found in Spanish-speaking cultures.

158. Feliciano

A Spanish surname originating from the name Felicianus, which stems from the Roman name Felix, meaning ‘lucky’ or ‘successful’ in Latin.

159. Felipe

A surname inspired by the given name Felipe, which is a form of form of Philip meaning ‘friend of horses.’

160. Félix

Coming from the given name Felix, this surname means ‘lucky’ or ‘successful.’

161. Feliz

This surname means ‘fortunate or happy’ in Spanish. Noemí Feliz, a Spanish swimmer, is a notable figure who carries this surname.

162. Ferro

Meaning ‘iron,’ this surname comes from the Latin word ‘ferrum.’ It was typically used for those who worked with iron.

163. Figuracion

Meaning ‘figuration,’ this surname comes from the Spanish term ‘figuración.’

164. Fonseca

Derived from the Latin terms ‘fons’ meaning  ‘spring or well’ and ‘siccus’ meaning ‘dry,’ this surname was used to refer to a person who resided near a dry spring.

165. Fragoso

Originating from Portuguese and Spanish, Fragoso means ‘rough, rocky, or uneven,’ and is derived from the Latin term ‘fragosus.’ Originally, it served as a surname for people living in various places named Fragoso.

166. Frías

Frías originates from the city of Frías in Spain, derived from the Spanish phrase ‘aguas frías,’ translating to ‘cold waters.’

167. Fuerte

Originating from Spanish, Fuerte directly translates to ‘strong.’

168. Fulgencio

Derived from the Latin name Fulgentius, Fulgencio denotes ‘bright, brilliant,’ originating from the given name Fulgencio.

169. Funes

Funes finds its origin in a town named ‘Funes’ in Navarre. Mauricio Funes, former President of El Salvador, is a well-known individual with this surname.

Check out more Greek surnames.

Mexican Last Names That Start With F

The surnames listed below represent families across the country with roots in various regions and backgrounds.

170. Figueroa

This surname originates from areas named after the Galician ‘figueira,’ which refers to a ‘fig tree.’ A famous person with this surname was Gabriel Figueroa, a Mexican cinematographer.

171. Firó

Unfortunately, the meaning of this surname is not known. As per a source, It is an altered form of the German surname Fiero.

172. Fraire

With roots in Latin, Fraire stems from ‘frater,’ meaning ‘brother.’ Isabel Fraire, a Mexican literary figure, was a notable individual with this surname.

173. Franco

Franco is another version of the name Frank, a term used to refer to the Franks, a Germanic tribe.

174. Fuentes

Meaning ‘well or spring,’ this surname comes from the Latin word ‘fons.’ Carlos Fuentes, a renowned Mexican writer, carried this surname.

Check out more Mexican surnames.

 Hispanic Last Names That Start With F

Find names like Favela, Ferrer, and Fulcar, along with cultural references such as Flamenco.

175. Favela

This topographic surname originates from the Spanish term ‘faba,’ a form of the term ‘haba,’ which means ‘broad bean.’

176. Ferrer

A Catalan occupational surname that is similar to the surname Ferrari and means ‘iron.’

177. Flamenco

This surname comes from the art form that embodies various folkloric music traditions of southern Spain.

178. Font

Originating from Catalan and Occitan languages, this surname indicates someone who lived near a well or a spring. It is derived from the Latin word ‘fons’ meaning ‘well or spring.’

179. Fulcar

Predominantly found in the Dominican Republic, this surname’s meaning is uncertain.

Haitian Last Names That Start With F

From Fanfan to Frederic, explore these simple, straightforward names that reflect Haiti’s rich cultural heritage.

180. Fanfan

It’s a nickname derived from the French term ‘fanfan,’ meaning ‘baby or little child.’

Last Names That Start With F Fanfan

181. Fenelon

Coming from the French Fénelon, this surname is mostly found in Haiti. It’s also an Irish variant of Fenlon, which means ‘fair or white.’

182. Fenelus

It’s likely a changed version of Fénelon or a derivative of the Old French adjective ‘fenal,’ meaning ‘hay-‘ used as a nickname for a haymaker.

Related  200 Top German Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings

183. Ferdinand

Derived from Fredenandus, the Latinized form of a Gothic name that combines the terms ‘friþus’ meaning ‘peace’ with ‘nanþa,’ meaning  ‘daring or boldness.’

184. Fertil

Originating from French and Haitian, it seems to come from the French ‘fertile,’ meaning ‘fertile,’ possibly given as a topographic name.

185. Fidele

Originating from Latin, the name Fidele signifies ‘faithful’ and derives from the word ‘fĭdēs,’ which means ‘confide, trust, believe, or hope.’

186. Fils

In French, Fils is a term used to denote ‘son’ in a family, typically identifying the younger bearer of a name shared by family members.

187. Fils-Aimé

Combining French words, Fils-Aimé translates to ‘beloved son,’ with ‘fils’ representing ‘son’ and ‘aimé’ meaning ‘love.’

188. Fleurimond

Originating from the male personal name Fleurimond, it’s a variation of Florimond, which comes from the Latin ‘florus’ meaning blooming or flowering, combined with the Germanic element ‘mund’ meaning protection.

189. Fleury

This surname may come from various places in France called Fleury, derived from the Gallo-Roman name Florus meaning ‘blooming’ or ‘flowering.’

190. Forestal

Derived from the given name Florestal, likely a variation of Florestan originates from names starting with Flor-, like Florentin and Florent. While Florestal itself means ‘relating to forests’ in Portuguese.

191. Francique

This surname signifies someone belonging to France.

192. François

This is equivalent to the English name Francis, which means ‘free man.’

193. Frederic

Derived from Catalan and Occitan languages, it’s a form of Frederik, ultimately from the name Frederick, which means ‘peaceful ruler.’

Jewish Last Names Starting With F

Here is a collection of family names commonly associated with Jewish heritage, that may have origins rooted in Jewish culture, history, or geography.

194. Fagin

Originating from Jewish communities of Eastern Ashkenazic descent, ‘Fagin’ is a variation of ‘Feigin,’ which is derived from the Yiddish female name Feig, Feiga, or  Feige.

195. Fallow

In English, ‘Fallow’ is a surname that likely refers to someone living near an area of fallow land, which could mean land recently bought for cultivation or land left uncultivated temporarily to regain fertility. This term originated from the Middle English ‘falwe.’ It’s also used by Ashkenazic Jews, sometimes as an Americanized version of similar-sounding Jewish surnames.

196. Faran

Appearing in the bible, this surname is mentioned as a desert where Ishmael settled with his mother Hagar after their wanderings. It was also traversed by the Israelites on their journey from the Sinai desert.

197. Farissol

The meaning of this surname is unavailable. Abraham ben Mordecai Farissol, an Italian Jew, the first Hebrew author to extensively discuss the newly-discovered Americas, was a notable figure who carried this surname.

198. Farkash

Transcribed from Hungarian, ‘Farkash’ originates from ‘Farkas,’ meaning ‘wolf.’ A notable figure with this surname is Israeli singer and actress Amit Farkash.

199. Fayerman

This Jewish surname means ‘fireman.’

200. Faynshteyn

This Jewish surname means ‘fine stone’ in its literal sense.

201. Feder

Originating from the Middle High German ‘vedere’ or the German term ‘feder’ meaning ‘feather quill pen,’ this occupational surname signifies a trader dealing with feathers or quill pens. It’s similar to the name Feather.

202. Federman

Literally, it means ‘feather man.’ Wayne Federman, an American comedian and actor, is a notable bearer of Jewish descent.

203. Feferbarg

This Jewish surname means ‘pepperbarrow.’

204. Fein

In German, it’s a spelling for the Yiddish word ‘fayn,’ meaning ‘excellent or fine.’

205. Feingold

A Jewish surname, it comes from German, denoting ‘fine gold.’

206. Feinman

A nickname indicating a refined or fine individual, coming from the Middle High German term ‘fīn’ or German/Yiddish ‘fayn,’ meaning ‘excellent or fine’ combined with ‘man.’

207. Feit

A variation of Veit, which originates from the Roman name Vitus, which means ‘life.’ It can also be a nickname derived from the Middle High German term ‘feit,’ meaning ‘pretty or adorned.’

208. Feldman

An Americanized form of the Jewish surname Feldmann, combining the surname Feld meaning ‘field’ with the German suffix ‘mann,’ meaning ‘man.’

209. Feldstein

Meaning ‘field stone’ in German, this is an ornamental surname. Notably, the American actor and filmmaker Jonah Hill, born Jonah Hill Feldstein, bears this surname.

210. Fell

This surname relates to an occupation, indicating a furrier. It originates from Middle English ‘fell,’ Middle High German ‘vel,’ or German, and Yiddish ‘fel,’ all of which denote ‘hide, skin,  or pelt.’ In Yiddish, ‘fel’ specifically refers to an untanned hide.

211. Feller

Meaning ‘pelt or hide,’ this is another form of the surname Fell.

212. Felstein

Of Jewish (Ashkenazic) origin, it is a constructed name, comprising German ‘Feld’ meaning ‘field’ and ‘Stein’ meaning ‘stone.’

213. Fenster

This surname comes from Middle High German, where ‘venster’ or German ‘fenster’ means ‘window,’ indicating an occupational name for someone who made windows.

214. Feuer

In modern German, ‘Feuer’ means ‘fire.’ Alternatively, it may also be from the Middle High German word ‘viur’ meaning ‘fire.’ This surname might have been given to a stoker in a smithy or public bath, or to someone with a fiery temper or red hair.

215. Feynman

This surname is the Russian and Yiddish form of Feinman, suggesting someone fine or excellent. It’s notably associated with the American theoretical physicist Richard Feynman.

216. Fine

This surname, often found in Jewish American communities, is a variation of ‘Fein,’ meaning ‘excellent or fine.’

217. Fineman

An Americanized version of ‘Feinman,’ suggesting someone who is fine or excellent.

218. Fink

Originally a nickname, this surname could denote a lively or cheerful person. It also has Jewish origins, derived from the Germanic word for ‘finch’ or from the German translation of Slovene ‘Šinkovec,’ which originates from ‘šcinkavec’ or ‘šcinkovec’ meaning ‘finch.’

219. Finkelstein

Meaning ‘spark stone,’ this surname combines the Old High German terms ‘funko’ for ‘spark’ and ‘stein’ for ‘stone.’

220. Finster

Derived from German or Yiddish, the surname ‘Finster’ likely originated from the words meaning ‘dark’ or ‘gloomy.’ It could also be a descriptive term for someone dwelling in a shadowy forest.

221. Firestone

Firestone is an English translation of the German and Ashkenazi name Feuerstein. This surname combines ‘feuer,’ meaning fire, with ‘stein,’ meaning stone.

222. Fish

Coming from Middle English ‘fische,’ the surname ‘Fish’ was often given to fishermen or fish sellers. It could also be a nickname for someone who shared traits with a fish. Additionally, it’s an Americanized version of the German and Jewish surname Fisch.

223. Fishbein

Derived from the German name Fischbein, the surname Fishbein means  ‘fish bone.’

224. Flam

The surname ‘Flam’ is an ornamental name originating from the Yiddish word for ‘flame.’

225. Forster

Of Jewish (Ashkenazic) origin, ‘Forster’ is an ornamental surname derived from the German word for ‘forest.’

226. Fraidstern

Fraidstern is the English version of the Yiddish name Freydshtern, which means ‘joyful star.’

227. Franzblau

Franzblau comes from German and means ‘French blue.’ It’s among the surnames given to Jewish individuals during Emperor Joseph II’s reign when all Jews in the Hapsburg Empire were mandated to adopt surnames.

228. Fridman

Fridman originates from the Yiddish word ‘Frid,’ which means ‘peace,’ combined with ‘man,’ meaning ‘man’ or ‘person.’ Alternatively, it’s considered a variant of Friedmann.

229. Frisch

Frisch serves as an ornamental or nickname derived from modern German ‘frisch’ or Yiddish ‘frish,’ both meaning ‘fresh.’

230. Fuks

Fuks is a Jewish surname that means ‘fox.’

Last Names That Start With F Fuks

231. Futterman

This is an occupational surname that denotes a furrier. It’s derived from Yiddish ‘futer,’ meaning ‘fur’ or ‘fur coat,’ combined with ‘man,’ meaning ‘man.’

Check out more Jewish surnames.

Japanese Last Names Starting With F

From Fuchino to Fukuzawa, these surnames offer insights into the Japanese language and history.  Each entry provides a breakdown of the surname’s components, offering insight into its meaning and cultural significance.

232. Fuchino

The surname Fuchino is derived from ‘Fuchi,’ which means ‘abyss, deep end, pool,’ and ‘no,’ which signifies ‘field, plain.’

233. Fudeyasu

In the surname Fudeyasu, ‘Fude’ stands for ‘handwriting, painting/writing brush,’ while ‘yasu’ translates to ‘cheap, relax, peaceful.’

234. Fujimori

This surname originates from the Japanese words ‘fuji,’ which means ‘wisteria,’ and ‘mori,’ which means ‘forest.’

235.  Fujimoto

In Japanese, ‘fuji’ means ‘wisteria,’ and ‘moto’ means ‘ root, base, or origin,’ giving rise to this surname. Miki Fujimoto, a Japanese musician, is a prominent figure who carries this surname.

236.  Fujimura

Derived from ‘fuji,’ meaning ‘wisteria,’ and ‘mura,’ meaning ‘village or town,’ this surname has Japanese origins.

237.  Fujioka

Japanese elements fuji’ Meaning ‘wisteria’ and ‘oka’  meaning ‘ridge or hill’ combine to form this surname.

238.  Fujisawa

A surname formed by combining the characters ‘fuji’ meaning ‘wisteria’ and ‘sawa’ meaning ‘marsh.’

239.  Fujita

This surname is formed by combining the Japanese words ‘fuji,’ meaning ‘wisteria,’ and ‘ta,’ meaning ‘rice, field, or paddy.’

240. Fujiwara

This Japanese surname combines ‘fuji,’ meaning ‘wisteria,’ with ‘wara,’ meaning ‘plain or field.’

241. Fukagaya

Originating from Japanese, Fukagaya combines ‘Fuka,’ meaning ‘deep,’ with ‘gaya,’ which denotes ‘valley.’

242.  Fukui

This surname indicates a person’s origin from  Japan’s Fukui prefecture. It is also associated with the meaning ‘fortunate.’ Kenichi Fukui, a Nobel Prize-winning Japanese chemist, was a notable bearer of this surname.

243.  Fukuzawa

Combining ‘fuku,’ meaning ‘ happiness, good fortune, or blessing,’ with ‘sawa,’ meaning ‘marsh,’ this is a surname with Japanese roots.

244.  Funaki

Funaki is composed of ‘funa,’ meaning ‘vessel or ship,’ and ‘ki,’ which signifies ‘tree or wood,’ in Japanese.

245.  Funamizu

The surname Funamizu originates from ‘funa,’ indicating ‘ship or vessel,’ and ‘mizu,’ meaning ‘water’ in Japanese.

246.  Furihata

Furihata combines ‘furi’ meaning ‘fluttering sleeves’ with ‘hata’ which translates to ‘field.’

247.  Furuhara

Derived from Japanese, Furuhara combines ‘furu,’ meaning ‘old,’ with ‘hara,’ which denotes ‘field or plain.’

248.  Furukawa

This surname consists of the elements ‘furu’ meaning ‘old’ and ‘kawa’ meaning ‘stream or river’ in Japanese.

249.  Fuse

The surname Fuse originates from ‘fu,’ indicating ‘cloth,’ and ‘se,’ meaning ‘bestow or give’ in Japanese. Akira Fuse, a Japanese singer, is a well-known individual with this surname.

250.  Futami

Combining ‘futa,’ meaning ‘two,’ with ‘mi,’ signifying ‘appearance or look,’ Futami is of Japanese origin.

251.  Futamura

Futamura originates from Japanese, where ‘futa’ means ‘pair or two,’ and ‘mura’ means ‘hamlet or village.’

252.  Fuyuno

Fuyuno combines ‘fuyu,’ meaning ‘winter,’ with ‘no,’ which signifies ‘wilderness, plain, or field’ in Japanese.

253.  Fuyuumi

Originating from Japanese, Fuyuumi combines ‘fuyu,’ meaning ‘winter,’ with ‘umi,’ which denotes ‘sea.’

Check out more Japanese surnames.

Discover More Names

When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.

From real-life figures like Robert Frost to fictional characters such as Atticus Finch, last names that start with F have been carried by numerous individuals, both real and imaginary. These surnames have become emblematic of their bearers, reflecting their values and beliefs. Surnames serve as an enduring legacy, representing us even in our absence. Thus, selecting a surname that mirrors our identity and principles is important to leave a meaningful legacy for future generations.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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