133 Elegant And Mesmerizing Victorian Baby Names

Victorian baby names are not tough likes those times. They were flowery, pleasant, and feminine. Trades, family names, and religious views inspired masculine names. Most of these names, such as Elizabeth and William, are still popular today, while a few remain obscure.

Top hats, puffed sleeves, crinoline, petticoats, horse carriages, and big celebrations are all images that come to mind when thinking of the Victorian era. The lovely names of this period, on the other hand, have stayed with us to this day.

So, if you are looking for a cute vintage Victorian baby name, you’ve come to the right place. Here is a compilation of some of the most adorable yet rare Victorian baby names to help you make a choice.

Most Beautiful Victorian Girl Names

1. Ada

This sophisticated name refers to Ada Lovelace, the daughter of Lord Byron. Ada means ‘adornment’.

2. Adelaide

Adelaide, meaning ‘noble’, was used in high numbers amongst the aristocratic families.

3. Adelia

This moniker, meaning ‘noble’, sounds like a combination of Adele and Adelaide. But unfortunately, it has not been used since the Victorian times.

4. Agatha

An ultimate Victorian name, But Agatha Heterodyne makes it swashbuckling. Agatha means ‘good woman’.

5. Alexandra

Alexandra is a royal Victorian name of the 19th century. It’s reported that every royal family had at least one Alexandra. This name means ‘defender’.

6. Alice

This moniker dominated the Social Security Administration list for over a century and hovered in one of the top 10 name list for decades. Alice means ‘nobility’.

7. Alma

This lovely Victorian name has different meanings in different languages. It means ‘loving’ in Swedish, ‘apple’ in Persian, and ‘good’ in Celtic’.

8. Anne

Anne, in all its variations, including Anna or Annie, was regularly used as the first name. It means ‘grace’.

9. Arabella

Royal name Arabella is taken from the Latin name Orabilis and means ‘yielding to prayer’.

10. Audrey

This lovely name has a timeless elegance and sophistication of Audrey Hepburn. Audrey means ‘nobility and strength’.

11. Bertha

Bertha is a German origin name and means ‘bright’.

12. Beryl

Beryl: Gemstone

This gem of a name, meaning ‘gemstone’, became popular for the first time in the 19th century.

13. Blanche

This French name, meaning ‘white’ has a sophisticated Victorian flair. It originated as a nickname for pale women and then went on to be associated with purity.

14. Briar

A fantasy inspired name for your little princess, Briar Rose was the original name of the Sleeping Beauty in the folklore. Briar means ‘thorny shrub’.

15. Catherine

Just like today, even in the Victorian era, Catherine was used in different forms including Katherine and Kathryn. But the original form was most dominant. Catherine means ‘pure’.

16. Clara

This moniker, meaning ‘clear and bright’ evokes the sweetness and elegance of the Victorian era.

17. Clementine

If you wish for a Victorian name that’s bold, frilly, and has the perfect twang, pick Clementine. It means ‘mild and merciful’.

18. Cora

This name is now associated with Lady Cora Grantham in “Downton Abbey”. Cora was made famous by American writer James Fennimore in his novel “Last of the Mohicans”. It means ‘maiden’.

19. Della

In the 1800s, Della was popularly used as a short form for names like Adelle, Adelaide, and Adeline. It means ‘noble’.

20. Ebba

Ebba could make an uncommon alternative to Emma and Ella. This Germanic saint’s name means ‘strong’.

21. Edith

Edith, meaning ‘prosperous in war’, was incredibly popular Victorian baby name for girls. No wonder it was chosen as the name of a female character in “Downton Abbey”.

22. Effie

This short form of Euphemia has become popular again, thanks to the “Hunger Games” series. Effie means ‘well spoken’.

23. Eleanor

Honestly, we’re surprised at the lack of use of this beautiful name. We think it’s time to turn the clock to this pretty Victorian girl name. Eleanor means ‘bright’.

24. Eliza

Bessie was not the only nickname for Elizabeth. Even Eliza was on the scene, and it became so popular it became a bonafide name in itself. It means ‘pledged to God’.

25. Elizabeth

Just like Ann, even Elizabeth was used in all its forms in the Victorian period, though the long form was the favorite. Elizabeth means ‘pledged to God’.

26. Elsie

This Scottish name is experiencing a major revival. It peaked in popularity 1890s, when it reached at #31. Elsie means ‘my god is bountiful’.

27. Emily

Emily, meaning ‘industrious’, was a beloved with authors like Boccaccio and Chaucer. Its namesake is Emily Bronte.

28. Emma

Emma, meaning ‘universal’, was popular amongst the upper-class Victorian families.

29. Esther

This name, meaning ‘star’, combines the dignity of the Biblical name with a rhythmic sound with an ‘er’ ending.

30. Evie

This moniker has returned with mother names Evelyn and Eve. This most popular Victorian nickname in England means ‘life’ or ‘lively’.

31. Fannie

This name hints at the Victorian era’s obsession with names ending with ‘e’. Fannie means ‘free’.

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32. Flora

Flora: Flower

The moniker of the Roman Goddess of spring and flowers, was a top 100 names in the 1880s and 1890s. It means ‘flower’.

33. Florence

This Victorian name is totally artsy. It is the name of the city at the heart of Italy and has a rock ballad after its name. Florence means ‘to flower’.

34. Frances

It’s reported that Frances, meaning ‘French woman’, was prominent in the Marriage Announcements in the 1820s.

35. Harriet

While this Victorian name is still receiving love in the United Kingdom, Americans are shy about this feminine form of Henry. You can shorten it to Hattie for a true-blue vintage charmer. Harriet means ‘estate ruler’.

36. Hazel

This cute Victorian baby name hit its peak in 1901, taking the 23rd spot. Having fallen off the charts in 1975, Hazel is on the rise again. Hazel mean ‘hazelnut tree’.

37. Henrietta

Before Harriet, charming and elegant Henrietta took the spotlight. Henrietta means ‘home ruler’.

38. Ida

Ida, the German name meaning ‘hardworking and diligent’, can be lengthened to the demure Idabelle or Idabel.

39. Isabella

Isabella or Isabel saw an increase in usage towards the end of 1850s. It means ‘devoted to God’.

40. Jane

‘Plain Jane’ was not relegated to the middle spot in the Victorian Era. It kept repeatedly popping throughout the centuries. Jane means ‘God has been gracious’.

41. Josephine

Josephine is one of those classic names that must be revived. It was last popular in 1884 when it reached the 45th spot. Josephine means ‘God increases’.

42. Josie

One of the most widely accepted Victorian nicknames for Josephine, Josie is more popular now that it has ever been. It means ‘may Jehovah add’.

43. Kitty

This pet form of Katherine predated all the Katies and Kathys in the 18th century. It means ‘pure’.

44. Lilian

Lilian, meaning ‘lily’, evokes the purity and innocence of the Victorian era.

45. Lily

This floral moniker is riding high in the name charts at the moment. Meaning ‘pure’, both the name and flower Lily are a symbol of innocence.

46. Lottie

A dainty Victorian favorite, Lottie, the short form of Charlotte, means ‘free man’.

47. Lucy

In the 1850s, Lucy was seen in regular frequency, often on its own. It means ‘light’.

48. Luella

This vintage name, meaning ‘warrior’ is patiently waiting for you to consider it. It is trendy and comes with cute nickname options like Ella or Lulu.

49. Mabel

After a long hiatus from the top 1000 list, Mabel is slowly making to the charts. Mabel means ‘lovable’.

50. Maggie

Maggie, the short form of Margaret, was a favorite nickname in the Victorian era. This delicate name means ‘pearl’.

51. Maida

In Southern Italy, baby girls were often named after great battles. That’s how Maida came into the scene. It means ‘virgin’.

52. Maisie

Maisie, the Scottish form of names Marjorie and Margaret, has the potential of being the next Daisy. Maisie means ‘pearl’.

53. Marjorie

A perfect name for the twinkle of your eyes, Marjorie is a variation of Margaret and means ‘child of light’.

54. Martha

After being ignored for long, Martha is now marching its way up the list. This Biblical name means ‘lady’.

55. Mary

Mary, meaning ‘beloved or bitter’, was the ‘it’ name of the Victorian period, particularly in the end of the 1820s.

56. Millie

A vintage name that sounds thoroughly modern, it ranks at 231 in the UK and at the #717 US spot. Millie means ‘free born or noble’.

57. Minnie

Long before Minnie Mouse came into the picture, Minnie was one of the fastest rising names in the 19thcentury. Minnie is one of the disney baby Victorian names. Minnie means ‘rebellion’.

58. Nellie

The Victorian song ‘Nellie Bly’ made it a household name in the 19th century. Nellie means ’shining light’.

59. Nora

Nora is a no-nonsense name with a feminine ring. It means ‘light’.

60. Ottilie

The charming feminine version of Otto, meaning ‘riches’, was super popular during the Victorian times. With attractive nicknames like Lottie and Tillie, Ottilie deserves more time in the spotlight.

61. Rayne

This Victorian royal name is a fit for royalty and rightly so as it means ‘queen’ in a number of languages. Apt for your little princess, isn’t it?

62. Rosie

Rosie: Rose

Floral names would never go out of style. Rosie means ‘rose’.

63. Ruth

This short, but powerful, name means ‘friend’.

64. Sophronia

Move away Sophia/Sophie. It’s time for this elaborate Victorian name to rule the charts. Sophronia means ‘prudent’.

65. Sylvia

This moniker, meaning ‘wood’ brings to mind a forest filled with whispering trees.

66. Tillie

This name, currently at the 90th spot in the UK, is a short form of Matilda. It took off when Heath Ledger picked it for his daughter. Tillie means ‘battle mighty’.

67. Victoria

This moniker is ladylike and dignified, just like Queen Victoria. This eternally beautiful name means ‘victory’.

68. Vinnie

This diminutive of Lavinia is still very much in use for girls. Vinnie means ‘conqueror’. Do not confuse it with Winnie.

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69. Viola

This charmer from Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’ is derived from the classic name Violet, meaning the same.

70. Violet

This floral name is perfect for a spring baby. And we’re sure even your little one won’t feel shy about wearing this name. Violet means ‘purple’.

71. Winnie

Most of us had forgotten this name until Jimmy Fallon chose it for his daughter. Winnie means ‘fair one’.

72. Zadie

If you want an old-fashioned Victorian name for your daughter, add Zadie to your list right away! This name was at its peak in the 1880s and has its namesake in Zadie Smith, English author.

Most Beautiful Victorian Boy Names

73. Abraham

Meaning ‘father of multitudes’, Abraham got recognition via the US president, Abraham Lincoln.

74. Alfred

British Prince Alfred and poet Lord Alfred Tennyson made this name popular during the Victorian era. It means ‘elf ruler’.

75. Archie

This short form of stuffy name Archibald took off in the era when even the boy’s name ended with the ‘e’ sound. Archie means ‘bold and true’.

76. Arnold

Coming from Germanic elements, meaning ‘eagle power’, Arnold would make an awesome name for your son.

77. Arthur

This formal name reigned on the 14th spot in the 1880s, but slid down soon after. It’s taking steps back again, thanks to celebs who named their son Arthur recently.

78. Augustus

A name that sounds fit on both a toddler and a Roman emperor. This dignified name also comes with an approachable and friendly nickname Gus. Augustus means ‘great’.

79. Baxter

This prim and proper British name, meaning ‘baker’, made a strong comeback after featuring in the movie “Anchorman’.

80. Bernard

Bernard: Strong bear

This sturdy name, meaning ‘strong bear’, can be softened to the sweet and friendly Bernie or Bern.

81. Bert

In the Victorian era, Bert was often used as a short form for Robert, Albert, and Bertram. But today, it stands strong as a stand alone name. Bert means ‘bright’.

82. Bram

Honor the creator of the “Dracula” series by naming your son Bram after the author Bram Stoker. Bram means ‘father of multitude’.

83. Cassius

Cassius is an undeniably cool Victorian name. It means ‘empty’.

84. Charley

To keep it fun and informal, pick Charley instead of Charles or Charlie. Or use it as a nickname for Charles. Charley means ‘man’.

85. Clarence

This baby boy name and even its namesakes are filled with Victorian charm and vigor, whether you take the American attorney Clarence Darrow or the lifesaving guardian from “It’s a Wonderful Life”.

86. Claude

This delightfully short name with Roman roots brings to mind Emperor Claudius. Claude means ‘from the Roman clan’.

87. Clifford

In the 1800s, the term Clifford was used to describe a ford near a slide. It later transformed into a name.

88. Douglas

Douglas, the name of one of the most powerful clans in Scotland, was given as a first name for the first time in the 16th century. It’s a dark Victorian baby mean which means ‘dark stream’.

89. Edgar

Edgar Degas was an extremely influential figure during the Victorian era. So was Edgar Allen Poe. This name means ‘fortunate and powerful’.

90. Edison

This name, with its namesake Thomas Edison, embodies the spirit of invention. A distinctly masculine name, Edison means ‘son of Edie’.

91. Edmund

One of the top 100 names of the Victorian era, you can shorten it to Eddie to make it sound more friendly. Edmund means ‘prosperity’.

92. Edwin

After fading from use after the Norman conquest, Edwin returned in the 19th century, via Dickens’ novel, “The Mystery of Edwin Drood”. Edwin means ‘rich friend’.

93. Elmer

This Teutonic name, meaning ‘awe-inspiring’, was once quite widespread in America during the Victorian Era. It means ‘noble or famous’.

94. Enoch

This strong and masculine name, meaning ‘dedicated’ would be a nice Victorian name for your little one.

95. Ernest

An ideal name for a boy destined for literary greatness, it does not just nod to Ernest Hemingway, but is also associated with a character from Oscar Wilde’s play. Ernest means ‘earnest’.

96. Everett

This upbeat name was a rage in England in 1800s. It means ‘wild boar’.

97. Fletcher

This strong and sturdy name sounds like a combination of Flynn and Archer. It will remind some of you of the “Fletch” film series, where Fletcher was the last name of the lead. It means ‘arrow maker’.

98. Floyd

This Celtic name, meaning ‘gray’ became popular because of the novel “Aurora Floyd” by Mary Elizabeth Braddon in the year 1863.

99. Frank

In America, Frank was the eighth most popular name in the 1880s. Now, since the number has fallen in recent times, there won’t be many Franks on the playground. Franks means ‘free man’.

100. Franklin

Franklin is a cool and refined name, meaning ‘free landholder’.

101. Gilbert

This name of the 12th century English saint was introduced to England by the Normans. It means ‘shining pledge’.

102. Grover

A Victorian presidential name (Grover Cleveland), in the present times, Grover is associated with “Sesame Street”. It means ‘grove of trees’.

103. Harold

Harold, meaning ‘ruler’, would be a bold and strong choice for boys of today. You can use Harry for the nickname.

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104. Harvey

A perfect example of a wonderfully vintage name. It brings to mind Harvey Dent from the “Batman” comic series. Harvey means ‘battle worthy’.

105. Henry

This classic name, meaning ‘estate ruler’, keeps moving up and down the list. It’s sweet and sounds less old school than Walter and Harold.

106. Hugh

After the early Americans had brought this name from Europe, its popularity began to wane. Thanks to Hugh Grant, this vintage name is back on the list. Huge means ‘intellect’.

107. Hugo

Hugo sounds Victorian, slightly eccentric, but dauntless. It means ‘intelligent’.

108. Ives

Ives is a variant of the saintly name Yves and means ‘eve’. It is creative, stately, and totally uncommon.

109. Ivor

Ivor, meaning ‘bow warrior’, has always been popular in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Cornwall. So pick it if you want to pay tribute to your Gaelic heritage.

110. Jack

Jack with its hard ‘k’ sound was at its peaks in the Victorian era. Meaning ‘man’ Jack is currently in the 46thspot.

111. Jerome

This Greek Victorain english name, meaning ‘Hieronymus’ was beloved in Victorian England. A famous bearer of this name is Jerome Kern.

112. Jules

This Victorian baby boy name, meaning ‘youthful’, is bold and antique, but elegant. And it sounds like ‘joules’ which is the unit of energy.

113. Larkin

Larkin may sound modern, but the last time it entered the top 1000 list was in the 1880s. Larkin means ‘fierce or rough’.

114. Leo

Leo: Lion

Thanks to Russian author Leo Tolstoy for bringing fame to this name during the Victorian Era, Leo means ‘lion’.

115. Louis

It seems that celebs are in love with this Victorian name. Sandra Bullock recently picked it for her son. Louis means ‘famous warrior’.

116. Luther

A name that always conjures images of the American civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, Jr. It means ‘renowned warrior’. What a fitting name!

117. Martin

A Victorian name that’s enjoying fame in countries like Austria, Spain, and Chile, Martin means ‘warlike’.

118. Merritt

Merritt is a cute English surname-turned-first name, meaning ‘worthy’. It’d be a fitting twist on Everett.

119. Oliver

This classic Victorian baby name has significant literary clout in Dickens’ “Oliver Twist”. Oliver means ‘olive tree’.

120. Oscar

This award-winning name was adored by the parents of the Victorian era. Oscar means ‘God’s spear’.

121. Otto

This one has a slew of literary and historical figures sporting it. It means ‘wealthy’.

122. Phineas

This moniker, with its quirky manliness, seems like it was made in the Victorian era. Phineas means ‘oracle’.

123. Raymond

With a name like Raymond, your son is sure to be ‘a complete man’. This Victorian baby name means ‘wise protector’.

124. Silas

This serious and sophisticated name has the literary association in “Silas Marner”. It means ‘from the forest’.

125. Sterling

This name has an air of the affluent poise, which one needs to carry the silver-topped walking stick and top hat. Sterling means ‘easterner’.

126. Tesla

Since the interest in Serbian names has been rising, Tesla is seen popping in various places. It means ‘of the axe’.

127. Thaddeus

Thaddeus, meaning ‘wise’, was a firm favorite in the 18th and 19th centuries.

128. Theodore

In the late 19th century, Theodore was one of the top 40s names. It means ‘gift of God’.

129. Victor

The name may be ancient in origin, but it became commonplace in the 19th century. Meaning ‘winner’, this name would give a solid start to your child’s life.

130. Warren

A tough and rugged name from a dainty era, Warren means ‘park-keeper’.

131. Watson

We must say that detective Sherlock Holmes’ partner makes this name irresistible. Watson means ‘son of Walter’.

132. Wellington

This British surname name harkens to the time of Duke of Wellington. As a bonus, you get Wells for the nickname. Wellington means ‘from the wealthy state’.

133. Willie

We’re sure you’ll find this name in your family tree going back to the 1800s. It started as a nickname for William and which means ‘resolute protector’.

Discover More Names

When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.

Victorian baby names have not lost their charm. They are as popular today as they were in the Victorian era. So, if you are captivated by the idea of elegant hats, corsets, and large dresses, it would be a good idea to try a Victorian-era-inspired name for your baby. If you’re wondering what those names sound like, the list provided here will take you through some of the best ones that will raise your curiosity and interest. So, explore some classic names such as Agatha, Della, Hazel, and Isabella, and choose the one that excites you the most.

Key Pointers

  • Victorian names have a touch of classic beauty.
  • Girl names are inspired by flowers and feminine traits.
  • Boy names are inspired by strong qualities and nobility.
  • A few common unisex Victorian names are Francis, Avery, Elias, and Jules.
  • Victorian baby names were also inspired by Biblical characters.

Celebrate the elegance of the Victorian Era with this exquisite list of Victorian baby names that will surely leave you reminiscent of a wodnerful era.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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