Fennel Seeds For Babies: Benefits, Precautions And Recipes

Fennel seeds come from the fennel plant (Foeniculum vulgare), an aromatic herb from the same botanical family as carrots. Fennel seeds for babies could be beneficial in promoting digestion, fighting infections, and improving overall health.

Fennel seeds are known for their culinary and therapeutic benefits. The seeds have been used to treat various illnesses affecting the reproductive, digestive, and respiratory systems for ages.

This post discusses the safety and potential health benefits of fennel seeds for babies. We also provide recipes to prepare dishes with fennel seeds for the baby.

When Can Babies Consume Fennel Seeds?

There is no specific age for the introduction of fennel seeds. Vegetables related to fennel, such as carrots, can be introduced at the age of six months (1). You may introduce fennel seeds as a natural flavoring substance to six-month-olds, who consume various other solids.

You may give a teaspoon or two of fennel water to babies. It will help the infant adjust to fennel’s taste and digestibility. Gradually, add fennel powder to different recipes, such as porridge, cereals, soups, and stews. Fennel powder enhances a meal’s flavor.

You may also occasionally feed fennel tea to babies. Young babies can consume a tablespoon of fennel tea after or before meals. Older babies and toddlers may be able to consume half a cup of fennel tea spread across multiple servings in a day. Giving fennel to babies is safe as long as the quantity is controlled. Consult a pediatrician to know the quantity of fennel tea you can give to your baby.

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Nutritional Value Of Fennel Seeds

Fennel seed benefits are vast. Besides adding flavor and aroma to a meal, fennel seeds can also offer extensive nutrients such as vitamins A, C, B6, niacin ,riboflaviniXVitamin B2 essential for healthy skin, eyes, and nervous system., thiamineiXVitamin B1 that helps the body convert food into energy and supports nerve function., zinc, sodium, phosphorus, proteins, and phytochemicals. One teaspoon (2g) of whole fennel seeds can provide the following nutrients to your infant (2) (3).

Nutrients Amount RDA
Fiber, total dietary 0.796g
Calcium, Ca 23.9mg 270mg
Iron, Fe 0.371mg 10mg
Magnesium, Mg 7.7mg 60mg
Potassium, K 33.9mg 700mg

Sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture and World Health Organization

Possible Uses Of Fennel Seeds For Babies

Fennel seed tea may help in the baby's digestion

Fennel seeds contain bioactive compounds, which may offer some long-term health benefits (4). Below are some notable benefits of fennel seeds for babies.

  1. Support digestion: Fennel seed water, tea, and essential oil can enhance gastric motility, improve digestion, and promote a healthy appetite (5) (6). Consumption of fennel water or tea is used as a herbal remedy for treating indigestion, bloating, farting, and gastric distension in babies. Effects are instantaneous and quite effective. Furthermore, anecdotal evidence suggests that fennel can improve the nutrient absorption and immune sensing function of the gastrointestinal tract while improving its ability to block pathogens.
  1. Help fight constipation: Fennel seeds are known for treating constipation by enhancing gastric motility (4) (7). Fennel seed water and tea are common remedies for relieving constipation in traditional and alternative medicine.
Fennel seed oil may help relieve colic
  1. Relieve colic symptoms: Fennel seed oil emulsion has shown effectiveness in reducing the symptoms of infantile colic (8) (9). However, fennel oil may contain some compounds, such as estragoleiXA natural flavoring agent commonly found in spices and for its fragrant inducing and anti-inflammatory activities., inappropriate for a baby’s health (10). Consult a doctor before serving fennel oil to a baby. In such a case fennel water can be quite effective in reducing the painful cramps in the baby.
  1. Might relieve cough: Warm fennel water and tea are used as home remedies to manage symptoms of respiratory ailments, such as cough and bronchitis. Anethole and fenchone are compounds with expectorantiXMedicine that increases the respiratory secretions to clear out mucus through coughing.properties found in fennel oil (5) (6).
  1. Overall health: Studies have noted that fennel seeds have antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidantiXA natural substance combating the free radical-induced cell damage., and hepatoprotectiveiXAgents that protect the liver from any damage and improve its function.effects that can benefit health in the long run (10) (11) (12).
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Consult a pediatrician before using fennel seeds for any therapeutic or medicinal purposes.

Precautions To Take When Feeding Fennel Seeds To Babies

Here are some tips to follow while feeding fennel to babies and toddlers.

  • Buy organic fennel seeds and fennel powder from a reputed store.
  • Do not feed whole fennel seeds to babies as they can be a choking hazard. Instead, use crushed fennel seeds in purees and smoothies during the weaning stage.
Fennel seeds for babies should be crushed to avoid choking
  • If the baby shows sensitivity or intolerance after ingesting fennel in any form, discontinue feeding it.
  • Fennel seed allergy is rare but possible. The allergy symptoms include hivesiXA skin condition causing rashes and irritations due to food or medicinal reaction., swelling of the mouth, itching, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. These symptoms may appear immediately after ingesting or touching fennel. Hence start with a small quantity and wait for a couple of days to check any signs of allergies.
  • If the baby has a family history of allergies to certain pollens and foods (parsley, carrot, celery, parsnip, etc.) belonging to the Apiaceae family (13), consult a doctor before introducing fennel.
  • Fennel seed can interact with several medicines, such as antibiotics (14). Consult a pediatrician about fennel seed use if your baby is on any medications.
  • While preparing fennel water or tea, take precaution to boil on a low flame and gradually to avoid evaporation of antioxidants.

Fennel Seed Recipes For Babies

Here are some easy-to-consume fennel seed recipes for babies and toddlers.

1. Fennel water

Fennel water for babies

You will need:

  • 1 cup clean drinking water
  • 1tsp fennel seeds
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How to:

  1. Soak a teaspoon of fennel seeds in a cup of water overnight.
  2. The next day, filter the water into a bowl and feed the baby a teaspoon or as directed by your pediatrician. Do not serve more than a tablespoon a day to younger babies.

2. Fennel tea

Fennel tea for babies

You will need:

  • 1 cup water
  • 1tsp fennel seeds (crushed)

How to:

  1. Boil water into a saucepan over medium heat and add fennel seeds.
  2. Switch off the flame and cover the pan. Let the seeds steep in the water for 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. Strain the tea into a cup, let it cool, and feed it to your baby.

For toddlers, you can serve fennel seed powder by adding it to milk and other dairy products, such as yogurt.

Fennel seeds for babies may be used as a flavoring agent once they start eating solids. This aromatic and flavorful spice contains several nutrients and beneficial phytochemicalsiX Bioactive compounds in plants with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.. It is also considered effective in improving digestion and treating constipation. It is better to start with small quantities of fennel water before adding fennel tea or powdered fennel seeds to your infant care diet. Use the crushed and powdered form, as whole seeds may be a choking hazard. Look out for signs of intolerance or allergic reactions and discontinue use if you observe any.

Key Pointers

  • Babies eating various solid foods can consume fennel seeds as a flavoring agent in different forms.
  • Fennel seeds offer several nutrients and bioactive compounds to help alleviate colic symptoms and promote digestion in babies.
  • Follow necessary precautions while purchasing and feeding fennels seeds for the baby’s safety.

Learn how to make a soothing and healthy fennel seed tea for your bottle-fed baby. Follow the simple steps in the video given below to make this delicious tea!

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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