Blackberries For Babies – Are They Safe?

The benefits of blackberries for babies are numerous since it is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants. However, many parents do not include them in their baby’s diet because they fear it could be a choking hazard or cause food allergies.

Most pediatricians suggest introducing babies to blackberries after they have learned to chew properly. In most cases, these fruits do not cause any allergies; however, if you are worried, it is best to consult your child’s doctor.

Read this post to obtain some relevant information on blackberries and understand whether they are safe for babies or not.

About Blackberries

The soft and delicate blackberry mostly grows on trailing vines and thorny bushes. Blackberries usually grow as drupelets (a cluster of fruits), quite like a bunch of grapes. The seeds inside the drupelets possess high nutritional value. Minerals, vitamins, dietary fibers and antioxidants are just some of the nutrients in blackberries. The anthocyaninsiXDeep red, blue, and purple pigments found in plants offer the glossy and dark coloration to blackberries. The powerful phytochemicalsiXBioactive compounds found in plant-based foods that act as antioxidants and have antimicrobial effects in blackberries also protect your baby from diseases like dementiaiXA collection of symptoms that are so severe as to impair memory, problem-solving, language, and thinking process significantly and Alzheimer’s disease (1).

When Can My Baby Eat Blackberries?

Introduce blackberry puree to your four to six months old baby

As soon as your baby begins to wean and have solid food, you can gradually introduce blackberries into their daily diet. Usually, the best time to include blackberry in your child’s diet is when she’s around four to six months old. At that age, you can start including solid foods and pureed berries as part of the baby-weaning diet. Remember that you need to blend it well and strain, so that your baby can swallow it easily.

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However, if your baby suffers from a food allergy or chronic eczema, consult the pediatrician before including blackberries in her diet (2).

Goodness of Blackberries For Babies

Fiber-rich blackberries help get rid of constipation in children

A half cup serving of blackberries supplies almost 7 mg of Vitamin C, 0.03 mg of riboflavin, 0.03 mg of thiamine, and 2 gm of dietary fiber. Blackberries keep your baby’s digestive tract clean and enhance her skin health. The anti-oxidants present in blackberries minimize the risk of cancer. The high fiber content in blackberries regulates your baby’s bowel movement and reduces the risk of constipation or indigestion. The mineral calcium and magnesium present in blackberry helps in the healthy bone development of your little one.

Health Benefits Of Blackberries

Here are some of the noticeable benefits of blackberries for your baby (3) (4):

1. Antioxidant Properties:

Some of the antioxidants present in blackberries include flavonoidsiXA group of naturally-occurring antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds found in plants and fruits, phenolic acidsiXCompounds in plants that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on humans, and flavonols. This antioxidant-rich fruit protects your baby’s body from harmful oxidative damage.

The anti-oxidants rich fruit protects your baby’s body from harmful oxidative damage.

2. Prevents Cancer:

This nutritious fruit for infants reduces the risk of colon, lung, and esophageal cancers.

Blackberries contain micronutrients, which minimize the proliferation of malignant cells in your baby’s body.

3. Improves Digestive Health:

Blackberries serve as a rich source of soluble and insoluble fibers, which promote the optimum functioning of your baby’s digestive system. Dietary fibers in blackberries add bulk to your baby’s stool and promote regular bowel movements.

Dietary fibers in blackberries add bulk to your baby’ stool and promote regular bowel movements.

4. Cures Anemia:

As per the World Health Organization, the prevalence of anemia among children aged six to 59 months is 60.2%. However, there is a possible remedy in the form of blackberry fruit and juice, which aid in treating iron-deficiency anemia by increasing the body’s iron absorption.

5. Immunity Booster:

The healthy plant vitamins and minerals help your baby’s body fight against infectious diseases and germs.

Blackberries help improve a baby's immunity


The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that breastfeeding should be the sole source of infant nutrition for a newborn. When your baby reaches the age of six months, you can slowly introduce age-appropriate foods to her menu. As babies prefer sweet flavors, the introduction of blackberries never gives a sweet tooth to your little one.

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Allergy Risks

Avoid giving blackberries to babies who are allergic to them

Though berries rarely cause food allergies in infants, researchers conclude that it is best to include blackberries after your baby begins to consume traditional solid foods such as baby cereal, boiled vegetables, and pureed meat. Consult your medical practitioner, if your baby:

  • Has severe to moderate eczema and has to undergo a medical skin treatment plan.
  • Was previously diagnosed with any food allergies
  • Had an immediate allergic reaction after eating certain foods

Some common signs of food allergy include skin rash, vomiting, diarrhea, wheezing, facial swelling, and abdominal cramp. If you notice any of the signs, after your baby eats blackberries, contact the medical consultant immediately.

Other Reactions

The recommended dosage of blackberry for your six-month-old baby is around 1–2 cups in pureed form. However, excess intake of blackberries can lead to some adverse conditions like:

  • Nausea
  • Stomach Upset
  • Dark color of urine

How To Serve Blackberries To Babies?

Once your little one reaches the age of six months, and she can safely eat homemade baby food, you can serve her pureed form of blackberries. For babies above eight months, you can also consider offering fingertip-sized pieces of blackberries (2).

Can My Baby Have Blackberry Puree?

You can include blackberry fruit puree in your baby’s diet, whose age lies around six months. When you prepare homemade blackberry puree for a baby, it should not contain solid pieces. As your baby cannot chew their food properly, it is better to feed them the pureed form of the berry. Remove all the seeds, as it can elevate your baby’s risk of choking when they find it difficult to swallow them.

Blackberry Recipes For Babies

1. Blackberry And Apple Puree:

Blackberry and apple puree is a good choice for babies

You Will Need:

  • 1 cup organic blackberries
  • 2 organic apples chopped into small pieces
  • 1/2 cup water or formula milk

How To:

  1. Take a medium-sized saucepan and add the said quantity of water or formula milk and boil it over medium heat.
  2. Add the pieces of apples and blackberries into a steamer basket and let them soften for ten minutes.
  3. Let the boiled water cool down.
  4. Transfer the steamed apples and blackberries into a food blender or processor, to obtain a smooth puree.
  5. Add ¼ cup of boiled water to the puree, until it reaches your desirable consistency.
  6. Feed the fresh apple and blackberry puree to your baby.
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2. Blackberry Pancake (above six months):

Blackberry Pancake (above six months)

You Will Need:

  • ½ cup flour
  • ½ cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup blackberries

How To:

  1. Add an egg to the flour.
  2. Pour in the milk, and mix until all items are just combined (avoid overmixing).
  3. Allow the batter to rest for three minutes. Adjust consistency by adding water if needed.
  4. Gently fold in the blackberries.
  5. Heat a pan and spoon a dollop of batter onto it.
  6. Cook for three minutes until the top stops bubbling.
  7. Flip and cook the other side for another three minutes.
  8. You may serve plain or top it up with some blackberry syrup or chopped blackberries.

3. Blackberry Baked Oatmeal (above 12 months):

Blackberry Baked Oatmeal (above 12 months)

You Will Need:

  • 2 ¾ cups rolled oats
  • 1tsp cinnamon
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • 3tbsp melted butter
  • 1 ½ cups frozen blackberries

How To:

  1. Set the oven to preheat at 350˚F and spread a small amount of oil on the baking tin.
  2. In a bowl, combine oats and cinnamon.
  3. Stir in milk, beaten eggs, maple syrup, melted butter, and blackberries.
  4. Pour the mixture into the baking tin and bake until the top is firm (30-35 minutes).
  5. Remove, let it cool, cut into slices and serve.

Blackberries for babies could be a healthful addition to their weaning diet. This fiber-, antioxidant-, and vitamin-rich berry alleviates digestive troubles and is recommended for enhancing digestive health in babies after six months. You may begin feeding blackberries in mashed forms after removing the seeds. You may cut the fruit to your fingertip size for babies older than eight to nine months and serve them. Try adding other baby-friendly fruits, such as apples, to enhance the nutritional value of blackberry puree further. Contact a pediatrician immediately if you spot any signs of allergies in your baby after consuming blackberries.

Key Pointers

  • Blackberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins and could be introduced to babies at around six months.
  • Begin by feeding them a blackberry puree. Then, if it suits them, you may add it along with other fruits to make an interesting recipe.
  • These calcium- and fiber-rich berries help reduce constipation and aid in bone development in babies.

Blackberry is a tasty fruit that can be incorporated into baby foods. Learn how to make a Quinoa Blackberry Banana Avocado baby puree that’s perfect for babies 6 months and up.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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