14 Best Speech Therapy Apps For Toddlers And Preschoolers

One of the major indicators of cognitive ability in toddlers is speech development. However, some toddlers might find it challenging to express their feelings, thoughts, and emotions using words. Thus, speech therapists recommend using speech therapy apps for toddlers to encourage them to start conversing and help improve their communication skills (1) (2).

Read this post as we list the best speech therapy apps that you can use to get your little one talking and conversing with you.

14 Speech Therapy Apps For Toddlers

Speech therapy refers to the techniques used to improve the overall communication skills of toddlers by addressing disorders, such as articulation, apraxia of speech, or stuttering. Some toddlers might also have trouble putting words together or using language (2). Here are a few speech therapy apps that you may use for your toddler.

1. Articulation station

This comprehensive articulation app developed by Little Bee Speech helps toddlers improve their pronunciation, enunciation, and phonology. It also provides a function where your toddler can record their voice and listen to it, which helps them work on their communication development.

Available on: iOS

2. Khan Academy Kids

This is a comprehensive app that can help toddlers learn about language, phonics, and writing skills. It helps improve their emotional-social skills. This app can be used from preschool until second grade as it contains age-appropriate content for all. It also lets children engage in fun physical activities, such as dancing and yoga.

Available On: Android, iOS

3. Monkey preschool lunchbox

Monkey preschool lunchbox app

This exciting app is a collection of seven games that may help your toddler improve their skills colors, words, counting, letters, differences, and matching skills. Kids may love the animated monkey that helps them easily navigate the learning activities and have lots of fun while playing with it.

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Available On: iOS, Android

4. Itsy Bitsy Spider

This is an interactive musical book developed by Duck Duck Moose. Itsy Bitsy spider takes the toddler on a journey with the spider as it goes up the water spout, comes down with the rain, and then watches the sun dry up the rain. It plays the familiar nursery rhyme in the background that the child may enjoy. This app also helps children develop a wide range of vocalizations and vocabulary while enjoying the story.

Available On: Android

5. NACD Apraxia

NACD Apraxia, speech therapy apps for toddlers

This app was developed by the National Association for Child Development team and is useful for children suffering from childhood apraxia of speech/ dyspraxia. Speech therapists also recommend the use of this app to engage children in practicing vocabulary.

Available On: iOS

6. Seasonal Directions

This is a colorful and visually attractive fun game that targets the comprehension and speech skills of children. There are also different animals present in the app which will keep your toddler engaged for longer periods.

Available On: iOS

7. Wh-Questions Island

Wh-Questions Island app for toddlers

This app was created by the Virtual Speech Centre Inc. It helps children with sentence formation, syntax, and articulation, promoting literacy. Another interesting fact about this app is that the questions used here were developed by a certified speech and language therapist for children. So, your toddlers are sure to learn and improve their language skills.

Available On: iOS

8. Magical Concepts

This app was created by a certified speech-language pathologist who wanted education for toddlers to be fun and motivating. This app contains more than 2000 colorful photos, and each one comes with individual audio instructions. Your toddler can earn stars for each correct response they give and eventually get rewarded with a magic show.

Available On: iOS

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9. Reading aphasia

Reading aphasia, speech therapy app

The reading aphasia app was created specifically for children who have difficulty in reading. This app contains 12 stimuli-related organized semantic categories that will greatly help toddlers practice their speaking skills and vocabulary at various levels.

Available On: iOS

10. Outdoor fun

This app was designed with the idea of providing a fun and receptive tool to speech pathologists to help toddlers practice their vocabulary and expressive skills better. It is not a pre-recorded app and the parent/guardian will have to sit with the toddler and guide them through every step. The app allows a better understanding of the concept and also increases human interaction.

Available On: iOS

11. Farm Academy

Farm Academy speech theraphy apps for toddlers

Farm academy is another app created by the Visual Speech Centre and a certified speech and language therapist. This app teaches toddlers the difference between big and small in farm-related terms. It also helps them learn their first vocabulary in learn mode and practice whatever they have learned in practice mode. It is a visually appealing and interactive app that may keep your toddler hooked for a certain time.

Available On: iOS

12. Splingo’s language universe

This app developed by the Speech and Language store contains high-quality interactive games for toddlers to help improve their listening, language skills, and fluency. It is also easy for the kids to navigate the app as Splingo the alien guides them all along. Your toddler can practice their language and listening skills by interacting with the app’s images and by responding to Splingo’s instructions.

Available On: iOS

13. Speech Blubs: Language Therapy

This app for speech therapy, operated through voice commands, is tailored to assist children in acquiring new sounds and words while engaging in an enriching educational setting. With a repertoire of over 1500 activities, it has been employed more than a million times to stimulate the production of sounds and words in toddlers, those with delayed speech development, and individuals with Apraxia of Speech, ADHD, Down Syndrome, Autism, and Sensory Processing Disorder.

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Available On: iOS, Android

Parv K. Jessy, a mother and blogger, recounts her experience with the Speech Blubs app and its positive impact on her daughter’s speech development. She remarks, “Recently, I came across the app Speech Blubs, which is focused on improving a child’s speech, especially for late talkers. I tried this app with my daughter and I was surprised how fast she learned new words (i).”

14. Ostimo

Otsimo is an app that helps children with special needs. It is especially useful for children with autism and ADHD. Otsimo also facilitates the process of attending public schools and gives the necessary fundamental education at home. The activities in the app are customizable according to the needs and wants of your child. Parents can also track the progress of their children’s learning. This exciting app helps reveal the true potential of your children and is completely safe. It includes games and activities that help improve the focus. Moreover, children can play this game on their own without
the need for any instructions.

Available on: iOS, Android

Speech therapy apps for toddlers should be introduced when their speech skills are developing and they are in the learning stage. These apps help children improve their understanding of words and language and thus better their pronunciation. But remember not to depend on these apps for their speech development completely. According to speech language therapists, it is not the technology that makes the connection but the techniques in the technology that help better the communication skills of your toddler (2).

Pogg for Communication is one of the best speech therapy apps for children. Learn how this app can help your child improve their communication skills by teaching them verbs and spellings.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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