Woman Delivers Baby Still in Its Amniotic Sac While En Route to Hospital

A woman has astounded the world not only by delivering her own baby 11 weeks early from the front seat of her car, but with the fact that he was born en caul, which means in the amniotic sac.

When Raelin Scurry felt contractions at just 29 weeks pregnant, she initially thought it was false labor. She and her fiancé, Ean Vanstory, jumped in their car and sped off to the hospital as the pain worsened, but before they arrived, Scurry found herself a part of a stunning, unusual incident.

Miss Scurry was en route to the hospital, when she realized she had just given birth after she pulled her pants down and felt her baby’s head.

“On our way to the hospital, I was very afraid and in a lot of pain,” Scurry, 23 said. “Because everything was so mysterious, I was terrified. I was unsure of his motivation for arriving so early and whether it would be alright for him to do so.”

“When he came out I was relieved to see he was still in his sac,” Scurry says.

“I knew that would keep him safe until we made it to the hospital.”

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As Scurry held her newborn son in her hands, she rubbed his face when she noticed he wasn’t moving. Fortunately, a mother’s touch did the trick, and her son moved his hands and feet.

The couple arrived at the hospital a little while later, and their son—who was given the name Ean Jamal, or EJ, in honor of his father—was transported to the NICU section. At 29 weeks gestation, he was 3 pounds, 1 ounce in weight.

Scurry shared a stunning photo of EJ in his amniotic sac on her Instagram account, and since then, the photo has received nearly 6,000 likes and hundreds of well-wishers’ comments.

“The picture is absolutely amazing,” Scurry says, adding that she debated with herself before deciding to share it. “I didn’t expect it to get the recognition it has.”

The amniotic sac is filled with fluid in which the unborn baby floats and moves – it helps to cushion the baby from bumps and injury, as well as providing them with fluids that they can breathe and swallow.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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