These Shirtless Dads Doing Skin-to-Skin With Their Babies Will Make Your Ovaries Burst

Those precious minutes and hours of bonding with a fresh baby right after their birth make for some of the most emotional moments between baby’s parents and family.

Highest on the “AWW” scale, though, has got to be dad and baby skin-to-skin bonding time — what could be more precious than a father being able to hold his child after nine months in the womb?

Instead of utilizing an incubator, skin-to-skin contact, also known as kangaroo care, is a parenting approach that involves laying your newborn infant on your naked chest.

It’s believed to have many potentially beneficial qualities for both you and your young one. It can assist the most vulnerable babies regulate their bodies, soothe moms, and enhance early connection between father and baby. Apart from all of that, it also makes for an exceedingly cute photograph!

“Every Infant Should Have 30 Minutes Of Skin To Skin With Father On The First Day”

While what happens on the first few days of life isn’t the be-all and end-all of parental success, it can and does influence the development of the baby as well as parental-child bonds.

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We often hear about the importance of skin to skin between mother and baby as it helps prevent postnatal haemorrhage, aides in beginning lactation, and helps stabilise baby’s breathing and temperature.

We don’t always hear about the importance of father-daughter contact. Any close touch benefits the baby, but it appears that in this case, dad has a lot to gain biologically from skin to skin contact.

By encouraging this contact on the first day of life, we can help dads begin parenthood in a positive way. Rewiring the brain to seek close contac

This dad snuck in a little smooch during skin-to-skin time.

Blue steel while holding a baby? We’re into it.

We’re sure this babe was only crying because she’s never seen such a beautiful beard before.

Well, isn’t this dad’s smile just the cutest?!

This dad clearly takes skin-to-skin time seriously.

Look at this little man’s face! Bonding time with Daddy is the best.

This baby’s hand placement on Dad’s chest is just too darling.

Giggles all around for this daddy-son duo.

Did anyone’s ovaries not go into overdrive over Dwayne Johnson’s first photo with his newborn baby girl?

Hello, peaceful couch nap.

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This little one knows that he’s safe in Dad’s strong arms.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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