Woman Has Two Sets Of Twins Three Years Apart Defying 700,000 To One Odds

A super fertile mother has a 700,000 to one family after giving birth to two sets of twins – one identical, one fraternal – with no ‘filler baby’ in between at incredible odds.

Just three years after the birth of their girl twins, Niamh and Esme, Gina Shelton and Olie Lloyd welcomed their twin boys Arlo and Alby into the world.

Gina, who is also mum Phoebe, aged six, said: ‘I never thought we would have twins, but when I was pregnant with the girls I was working in a nursery and I was just so tired all the time.

‘Everyone around me was always saying I was going to have twins.

‘A year later we found out we were having another set of twins – we couldn’t believe it, but neither could our family or even our doctors.

‘It’s crazy, busy and noisy having five kids but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

‘Although we go through a lot of diapers and had to purchase a seven-seater vehicle, my family is still one in a million.”

Gina and Olie’s relatives are perplexed as to where the couple’s double problem DNA has come from because there is no known history of twins on either Gina or Olie’s side of the family.

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The couple’s relatives were shocked when they revealed that a second set of twins were on the way because both sets of twins were naturally conceived and delivered through c-section.

The two estimated that they have currently changed 5,550 diapers.

Gina said: ‘I did worry that Phoebe was going to be pushed out as Niamh and Esme grew up, but actually it has just brought us closer together.

‘While the twins have each other, Phoebe and I will always have each other because we don’t understand their bond.

‘Niamh and Esme will talk to each other and burst into hysterical fits of laughter while Olie and I are stood trying to work out what they’re laughing at.

‘But if one of them gets picked on, the other is the first one by their side defending them.

‘They’re incredibly close and I’m sure the boys will be the same.

The supermom amazes her friends, family, and fans as she dresses her five children in lovely, spotless matching clothing for outings.

But the siblings have also caught the eye of well-known companies like Heinz, Amazon, and McDonalds, who have used the family in advertisements.

And Gina and Olie, a carpenter, said while their unlikely two sets of twins have brought twice as much demand to the family they have also brought twice as much love and happiness.

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Gina said: ‘I did worry that Phoebe was going to be pushed out as Niamh and Esme grew up, but actually it has just brought us closer together.

‘While the twins have each other, Phoebe and I will always have each other because we don’t understand their bond.

‘While Olie and I are standing there trying to figure out what Niamh and Esme are laughing at, they will converse to each other and then break out in fits of uncontrollable laughter.

‘But if one of them gets picked on, the other is the first one by their side defending them.

‘They’re incredibly close and I’m sure the boys will be the same.

‘Watching them laugh and love each other like that is the most rewarding thing as a mother.

‘I still believe we are luckier to have the family we do, even though the odds of winning the lotto aren’t all that much higher.’

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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