What Babies Enjoy Most When They’re In The Womb

Even before the baby is born, there is a deep bond between mother and child. It’s almost as if the baby and mother have developed a secret language that only the two of them comprehend. And, of course, nine months is a long time to try to build a relationship with the tiny life developing inside.

Even a mother looks forward to the day when she can finally hear her baby chatter, while still in the womb, the baby makes sure to let her know what he or she enjoys the most. Listed below are a few examples: There is a strong relationship between mother and kid even before the baby is born. This is owing to the fact that while still under the mother’s care, the child develops preferences and dislikes. Only the mother appears to be aware of it, while the rest of the world may be utterly unconscious of it. At times, it can be more than a hint. It’s almost as if the baby and mother have evolved their own secret language that only they understand.

And, of course, nine months is a long time to try to build a relationship with the tiny life developing inside. Even a mother looks forward to the day when she can finally hear her baby chatter, while still in the womb, the baby makes sure to let her know what he or she enjoys the most. Here are a few examples:

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All Things Sweet

Consider the following scenario: you’ve been craving something sweet for the whole day. But this isn’t the first time it’s happened to you throughout your pregnancy. And as you bite into that soft, spongy cake or guzzle down that scoop of special flavor ice cream, you may feel your baby move precisely. This is because infants can taste the stuff you consume when you’re still in the womb! The amniotic fluid gives them their flavor. While babies are not fond of spicy foods, they are fond of sweet ones. So, the next time you have a yearning, forget about the calories and simply do it! And savor the flavor with your kid.

Warm, Pleasant Baths

Pregnancy may be exhausting, especially in the third trimester. This is the time when you’ll want to take advantage of every chance to unwind. Taking lengthy showers is one of the safest ways to unwind. When a hot water bath may cause your baby discomfort, keeping the water warm and comfortable while showering may help you relax more. Also, your child. However, you should consult your doctor about the optimum temperature.

Soft Belly Touch

How many times have you observed that when you gently sᴛʀᴏᴋᴇd your tummy, your baby replied with a kick? Isn’t it true that this happens rather frequently? Babies in the womb respond to external stimuli, especially when they come from their mothers. They like this connection, which is why you could find your kid in a lively mood while you and your spouse play the touch-and-feel game together.

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Mother’s Voice

By Week 18, the baby’s ears should start to protrude. This is when the baby’s hearing begins to develop. And the mother’s voice is one of the first voices the infant recognizes. As your due date approᴀᴄʜᴇs, you’ll notice that your baby is becoming more responsive to your voice. Because it’s one of the voices your baby adores.

Pleasant Music

Prenatal music has several benefits. In the mother’s case, it produces the serotonin hormone and promotes the release of endorphins which are transferred to the baby, as well. In the case of the baby, music stimulates their senses and promotes brain development.

Soft music soothes them, but harsh and abrupt sound disturbs them. So turn on your favorite tunes and spend some time with your kid. However, keep the decibels moderate to avoid disturbing your infant with the loud jerks.

Mother’s Laughter

Ultrasounds have shown that fetuses begin bouncing up and down when their moms laugh. A trampoline reaction sets in motion — mom laughs even harder and the baby keeps bouncing too. It happens because of muscle contractions.

The happiness hormones that are released when you feel great and enjoy yourself directly benefit babies too. So make sure to create as many positive moments as possible.

Babies never cease to amaze us with their antics. And, although you prepare for more of them once they are born, savor these wonderful times with them for the time being. Cheers!

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Article written by Baby Plumbing

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