These Twin Sisters Say It Was a “Miracle” They Gave Birth to Their Rainbow Babies on the Same Day

Ask any twin and they’ll likely tell you that they’re used to sharing practically everything with their brother or sister –– or at least they can recall doing so when they were children.

Sharing a birthday is the least of it when you’re a twin. Often, you have the same friends, clothes, hobbies, and school courses, to name but a few.

Twin sisters Bao Nhia Julia Yang and Bao Kou Julie Yang, both 23, have taken things one step further, though … their daughters will be sharing the same birthdays too!

When Bao Nhia and Bao Kou found out they were pregnant at around the same time, they laughed at a coincidence that they had no idea they’d actually end up giving birth on the same day — their due dates were a few days apart. But as many first-time moms experience, the due date is only an estimate.

Neither they nor their doctors could have realistically envisaged what would happen, however.

A series of interesting events

Bao Kou recalled: “I started having like, I started spotting, so I think I knew that I was going to be in labor. And then I told her, and she was like, ‘I’m having pain here and there, too. I might be in there with you, too.’”

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The two moms quickly reunited in the hospital, feeling the heaviness of it all. They’d both previously suffered 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠, within months of each other. “We’ve gone through a lot,” Bao Kou shared. “My sister and I went through miscarriages together and that definitely brought us closer,” she went on. “Being able to see her, being able to have her be there, and keeping me together after our miscarriages was something that was very important to me.”

Bao Kou gave birth to a beautiful, healthy daughter, Nadalie Xiong. Then, just one hour later, Bao Nhia delivered a daughter of her own, Candra Thao.

“It’s like a miracle,” Bao Kou said.

Laura Schleicher, the nurse at Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno, California, helped to deliver both children. She says she’s never seen anything like it before.

“They just had great timing, very unique timing,” she said.

Taking things even further, the cousins also weighed almost exactly the same. Little Candra was delivered at 7 pounds, 3 ounces, while Nadalie was 7 pounds exactly.

It certainly looks like Bao Nhia and Bao Kou was destined to share virtually everything in their lives. Not only do they have each other, but now they have their beautiful children, Nadalie Xiong and Candra Thao, who will grow up knowing the true meaning of sisterly love.

Were you amazed by the similarities present in the births of Candra and Nadalie, given the bond shared by their mothers?

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Article written by Baby Plumbing

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