55 Most Popular Chilean Baby Names for Girls and Boys

Chilean baby names are most likely of Spanish ancestry. Chile is a mystical land located on the continent of South America. Chile has a rich history and heritage, and the Spanish inquisition resulted in the country having a mixed culture. We have listed some amazing Chilean names for you to choose from in this post.

Chilean Boy Names

1. Benjamin

Coming from the Hebrew name Binyamin, which signifies son of the south or son of the right hand, this is one of the most common Chilean names. Talking about the baby name option for her baby, Ashley, a mother and blogger, shares that she had Benjamin as one of the options. She says, “I think it is a really cool name, I think Benji is really cute too but the reason we changed our mind is because I felt like it didn’t suit our family… I just thought it was like the old-school names.” In her mind, Benjamin seems to align better with timeless classics rather than contemporary choices (i).

2. Vicente

The Spanish version of the name Vincent, it comes from the word ‘vincere’ of Latin, meaning conquer.

3. Martin

Martin from the Roman name Martinus, is the name of Roman God Mars.

4. Matias

This name is the Portuguese version of the name Matthias, which comes from the Greek name Matthaios – Gift of God.

5. Joaquin

This name is the Spanish form of the name Joachim, which in Hebrew means formed by God.

6. Agustin

The Roman name Augustus gives you this Spanish name which connotes to great in Latin.

7. Maximiliano

The Spanish version of the name Maximilianus, comes from the name Maximus meaning greatest.

8. Cristobal

The Spanish form of the name Christopher, which is derived from the name Christophoros, Cristobal means bearing God.

9. Sebastian

This name originates from the Latin name Sebastianus, which signifies a person from Sebaste, a town in Asia Minor.

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10. Tomas

A different version of the name Thomas, Ta’oma’ means twin.

11. Diego

This name is the shorter version of the name Santiago which comes from two Spanish words ‘santo’, meaning saint, and ‘yago’ meaning James.

12. José

The Spanish version of the name Joseph, it comes from the Greek name Ioseph that means God will increase.

13. Nicolas

This name is the French version of the name Nicholas, which comes from the Greek Nikolaos signifying victory of the people.

14. Felipe

Also popular in Brazil and Portugal, this is a different version of the name Philip. Meaning friend of horses, this is taken from Greek Philippos.

15. Lucas

This name is the Latin form of the name Loukas or Luke, denotes someone from Luciana.

16. Juan

This name is the Spanish version of the name John. It comes from the Greek name Ioannes, meaning God is Gracious.

17. Alonso

This Chilean boy name originates from the German name Alfonso, meaning noble and ready.

18. Bastian

A shorter form of the name Sebastian, it signifies someone belonging from Sebaste.

19. Gabriel

This name has its source in the Hebrew name Gavri’el denoting God is my strong man.

20. Ignacio

This name, extracted from the Latin name Ignatius, means fire.

21. Francisco

This name is the Spanish version of the name Franciscus, which means Frenchman.

22. Renato

This is the Spanish or Italian version of the name Renatus, meaning born again.

23. Mateo

This name comes from another name Matthew, which means gift of God.

24. Maximo

This name is the Spanish version of the name Maximus.

25. Javier

Javier is a popular baby boy name

This name is the Spanish variant of the name Xavier which means new house.

26. Luis

This is the Spanish variant of the name Louis that comes from the name Ludwig.

27. Daniel

This name originated from the Hebrew name Daniyyel denoting ‘God is my judge’.

Chilean Girl Names

28. Alexandra

This name is the female form of the name Alexander which comes from the Greek name Alexandros. It means protecting men.

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29. Bárbara

Originating in the Greek word ‘barbaros’, this name stands for unfamiliar.

30. Carla

Carla is the female variant of the name Carlos, which means man or warrior in German.

31. Martina

This is the female variant of the name Martinus which comes from the name Martis and is another name for the Roman God Mars.

32. Florencia

This is the Spanish variant of the name Florence which comes from the Latin feminine name Florentia and means wealthy.

33. Sofia

Sofia is a beautiful baby girl name

This is another version of the name Sophia that denotes knowledge in Greek.

Sophia, Sophie, Sophy, and Sofie are some popular variants of this name.

34. Valentina

A feminine variant for the name Valentinus, it comes from the name Valens signifying tough.

35. Emilia

This name comes from the name Aemilius which means enemy in Latin.

36. Catalina

This is the Spanish variant of the Katherine. The name, in turn, comes from the word ‘hekateros’ denoting each of the two.

37. Fernanda

This name is the Spanish form of the name Ferdinand which comes from a German name meaning courageous journey.

38. Maria

This name comes from the Greek name Mariam which has an Egyptian origin meaning beloved.

39. Victoria

The female variant of the name Victorius, Victoria means victory in Latin.

40. Isabella

The Latin version of the name Isabel, it comes from the name Elizabeth and denotes my God is an oath.

41. Pia

This name is the female variant of the name Pius, which is the Latin for pious.

42. Camila

This is the Spanish variant of the name Camilla which is the feminine variant of the name Camilius. It denotes someone who is associated with religious work.

43. Julieta

This name is the Spanish variant of the name Juliet which comes from the name Juliette. Juliette is the Greek for downy-bearded.

44. Matilde

This Chilean girl name originated from the German name Mahthildis implicating strength in battle.

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45. Pascal

Pascal has its roots in Latin

This name originated from the Latin name Paschalis, meaning ‘related to Easter’.

46. Paula

This name comes from the name Paulus which denotes humble in Latin.

47. Magdalena

This name is the Latin form of the name Magdalene which means someone from Magdala.

48. Gabriela

This name is the female form of the name Gabriel.

49. Trinidad

This name means trinity is Spanish.

50. Laura

Laura comes from the Latin name laurel.

51. Rocio

This name signifies dew in Spanish.

52. Carolina

This name comes from the name Carolus which means a man or warrior in German.

53. Monserrat

Monserrat comes from the name Montserrat, which in Latin stands for jagged mountain.

54. Thiare

Thiare, Chilean baby boy name

This name is the Chilean form of the name Tiare which has its origin in Tahitian, meaning flower.

55. Paz

This name denotes peace in Spanish.

Discover More Names

When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.

Chilean baby names are often of Spanish origin since many people adopted Spanish names and language during colonization. Chile is a country along the western coast of South America. Chileans are known for their sense of humor, prudence, wisdom, love for music and dance, and fun-loving nature. Most of the Chilean names can be variations of biblical or Christian names since most people of the country practice Christianity. You may find a meaningful Chilean name for your baby girl or boy, and it can be nostalgic, especially if your ancestors were from Chile.

Key Pointers

  • Chilean boy names, such as Benjamin, Sebastian, Diego, and Lucas, are some of the most famous titles worldwide.
  • Some world-famous Chilean girl names are Victoria, Gabriela, Isabella, and Maria.
  • The people of Chile are religious, and their beliefs are depicted in names such as Matias, Joaquin, Cristobal, and Mateo.
  • Maximo, Catalina, Luis, and Florencia are Spanish names inspired by foreign titles.

Explore the unique baby names of Chile in 2010! Discover the most popular names and their cultural significance in this exciting video.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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