250+ Strong Viking Last Names Or Surnames

Viking last names and surnames have traditional roots in the Viking era. Vikings were the Norsemen from Scandinavia who raided Europe during the eighth to the eleventh centuries. These Norse traditions, hailing from Scandinavia, spread across Europe and beyond, reaching from North America to the Middle East. They originally came from ‘Viken/Vikin’ in the Oslo fjord of historical Norway; hence, they were named Vikings (1). From traders, warriors, and pirates to fishermen, farmers, and artisans, Vikings were involved in several occupations.

This post unveils the fascinating stories behind Viking surnames, offering a glimpse into their culture and heritage.

250+ Viking Last Names With Meanings

Viking surnames encompass patronymic and toponymic names and those tied to nature, animals, war, and deities like Thor. Explore famous and common Viking last names prevalent in regions affected by Viking influence, including Ireland, Scotland, Shetland, and England.

Famous Viking Last Names

Vikings invaded and conquered many neighboring countries, traveling to far-off places from the shores of Scandinavia. Check out the list below for some famous Viking last names associated with some Vikings who gained remarkable popularity.

1. Bjornsson

The popular Viking surname, originating from the name Bjorn, means ‘bear’ in Old Norse. The surname refers to the ‘son of Bjorn.’

2. Bergthorsson

The surname is derived from ‘Bergthor,’ which means ‘mountain Thor’ in Old Norse. The surname refers to the ‘son of Bergthor.’

3. Egilsson

Egilsson means ‘son of Egil’ and comes from the Old Norse name Egil, which means ‘edge of a sword’.

4. Einarsdottir

Einarsdottir is an old Norse surname from Einarr, meaning ‘lone warrior.’ The surname refers to the ‘daughter of Einarr.’

5. Eriksdottir

The Norse surname means ‘daughter of Erik’ and is derived from Erik, meaning ‘eternal ruler.’

6. Erikson

The popular surname means ‘son of Erik,’ and is derived from the name Erik, which means ‘eternal ruler.’

7. Fenrisdottir

Meaning ‘daughter of Fenrir,’ this last name stems from the Norse name Fenrir, meaning ‘marsh’ or ‘fen.’ In Norse mythology, it is also the name of the monstrous wolf, the offspring of Loki.

8. Freyadottir

Originating from Old Nordic roots, Freyadottir means ‘daughter of Freya,’ derived from the name Freya, the ‘Goddess of Love’ in Norse mythology.

9. Freysson

The surname Freysson means ‘son of Frey,’ derived from the name Frey, who is the Norse god of fertility, peace, and good weather.

10. Friggsson

This surname means ‘son of Frigg,’ which comes from the name Frigg, meaning ‘beloved.’ Frigg is the Norse goddess of marriage and fertility and the wife of Odin.

11. Fridriksdottir

Referring to the ‘daughter of Fridrik,’ this surname comes from the name Fridrik, meaning ‘peaceful ruler’ in Old German.

12. Gunnarsson

This Norse surname means ‘son of Gunnar’ and is derived from the Old Norse name Gunnarr, meaning ‘warrior.’

13. Hakonsson

The meaning of this surname is ‘son of Hakon,’ derived from the Old Norse name Hakon meaning ‘high son’ or ‘noble.’

14. Haldorsson

Derived from the Norse name Haldor, meaning ‘Thor’s rock,’ Haldorsson is a Norse surname which means ‘son of Haldor.’

15. Haraldsson

Haraldsson means ‘son of Harald,’ and is derived from the Norse name Harald, meaning ‘powerful or mighty army’ or ‘army ruler.’

16. Hrothgarsson

Derived from the Old Norse roots, Hrothgarsson means ‘son of Hrothgar,’ stemming from the name Hrothgar, which means ‘famous spear’ or ‘famous warrior.’ It is also the name of the legendary Danish King in the sixth century.

17. Ingridsdottir

The surname, derived from Old Norse roots, means ‘daughter of Ingrid,’ derived from the name Ingrid, meaning ‘beautiful.’

18. Ivarsson

Referring to the ‘son of Ivar,’ Ivarsson is a Norse surname derived from the name Ivar, meaning ‘army’ or ‘warrior.’

19. Magnusson

This surname means ‘son of Magnus’ which comes from the name Magnus, meaning ‘great’ in Latin and ‘power’ or ‘strength’ in Old Norse.

20. Njordsson

Deriving from the Nordic origins, this surname means ‘son of Njord,’ which stems from the name Njord meaning ‘strong’ or ‘vigorous.’ As per the Norse mythology, Njord is the god of the sea and fertility.

21. Odinson

The surname means ‘son of Odin,’ derived from the Norse name Odin, meaning ‘inspiration.’ According to Norse mythology, Odin is the highest of all Norse gods.

22. Odinsdottir

This Viking surname means’ daughter of Odin.’

23. Olafsdottir

Olafsdottir is a Viking surname, referring to ‘daughter of Olaf.’ It is derived from the Norse name Olaf, meaning ‘ancestor’s descendant’ or ‘descendant heir.’

24. Ragnarsdottir

Viking surname Ragnarsdottir means ‘daughter of Ragnar,’ which is derived from the Norse name Ragnar, which means ‘council of an army warrior.’

25. Svendson

Derived from the name Svend, a variant of the Norse name Sven, which means ‘young man’ or ‘servant,’ Svendson refers to the ‘son of Svend.’

26. Svennsson

Meaning ‘son of Sven,’ this surname is derived from the Norse name Sven, which means ‘young man’ or ‘servant.’

27. Thorkelsson

This is a Norse Viking surname, meaning ‘son of Thorkel,’ derived from the Norse name Thorkel, which means ‘Thor’s cauldron’ or ‘Thor’s helmet.’

28. Thuridursdottir

Referring to the ‘daughter of Thuridur,’ this surname comes from the name Thuridur, meaning ‘Thor’s beloved’ in Old Norse.

29. Valkyriesdottir

Meaning ‘daughter of Valkyrie,’ this Viking surname is derived from the name Valkyrie, meaning ‘chooser of the slain.’

Common Viking Last Names

Some Viking last names might become common because of their famous bearers, easy pronunciation, or significant meaning. The list below includes these common last names of Vikings.

30. Aglionby

This is a habitational surname from the Old Norse roots, derived from the Norman personal name Agyllun, meaning ‘thorny farmstead.’

31. Bakari

Bakari is an occupational Nordic surname, meaning ‘baker.’

32. Eyjolfsson

Eyjolfsson is an Icelandic patronymic surname meaning ‘son of Eyjolf,’ from the name Eyjolf which means ‘island wolf.’

33. Fisker

The occupational surname is used to refer to ‘Fisherman’ in Danish.

34. Fjellberg

The topographic surname means ‘mountain hill’ in Norway.

35. Flókadóttir

Derived from the Old Norse name Flóki, meaning ‘tuft of hair,’ this surname refers to the ‘daughter of Flóki.’

36. Flókason

The surname Flókason means ‘son of Flóki’ in Old Norse, derived from the name flóki, which means ‘flaky’ or ‘woolly.’

37. Hansen

Hansen is a Danish and Norwegian surname meaning ‘son of Hans,’ where Hans is the diminutive of Johannes, meaning ‘Yahweh is gracious.’

38. Ingolfsson

This surname is taken from the Norse name Ingolf, meaning ‘Ing’s wolf,’ and refers to the ‘son of Ingolf.’

39. Johansson

The patronymic surname of Old Norse origin means ‘son of Johan.’

40. Knut

The surname is transferred from an Old Norse given name Knútr, meaning ‘knot.’

41. Kolsrud

A habitational surname, derived from the Old Norse personal name Kolr meaning ‘coal black complexion’ and ‘‘ruth’ meaning ‘clearing cleared field.’

42. Larsson

The surname Larsson means ‘son of Lars,’ derived from the Old Norse name ‘Lars’ cognate to ‘Lawrence.’

43. Nilsson

Nilsson is a Scandinavian surname, meaning ‘son of Nils,’ derived from the given name ‘Nils,’ which is a Scandinavian form of the name ‘Nicholas.’ It means ‘victory of the people.’

44. Nordström

A topographic surname meaning ‘North stream’ in Swedish.

45. Olsen

A Scandinavian surname means ‘son of Ole,’ from the name Ole, a Danish and Norwegian variant of Olaf, which means ‘ancestor’s descendant.’

46. Rolfsson

Viking last name Rolfsson

A patronymic surname meaning ‘son of Rolf’ which comes from the Old Norse name Rolf meaning ‘famous wolf.’

47. Sigurdsson

It is a patronymic surname that means ‘son of Sigurd,’ from the name of the legendary Norse hero Sigurd, who slayed the dragon Fafnir.

48. Skoglund

This topographic surname describes a ‘forest grove’ in Swedish.

49. Skomaker

A variant of Schomaker, this German surname directly translates to ‘shoemaker’ in English.

50. Steinsson

Referring to the ‘son of Stein,’ this surname comes from the Norse name Stein meaning ‘stone’ or ‘rock.’

51. Sveinsson

A patronymic surname means ‘son of Svein,’ which comes from the Old Norse name ‘Svein, a variant of Sven, meaning ‘young man.’

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52. Thorgerson

The meaning of this surname is son of Thor,’ from the name of the Norse God of thunder and lightning Thor.

53. Torleifsson

This surname has Old Norse origin, meaning ‘son of Torleif,’ where the name Torleif means ‘Thor’s heir’ or ‘descendant of Thor.’

54. Tønnemaker

It is an occupational surname that refers to ‘barrel maker.’

55. Vigdisdottir

This surname is taken from the name of the Norse battle goddess ‘Vigdis’ and thus means ‘daughter of Vigdis.’

Cool Viking Last Names

Some popular Vikings were given nicknames and titles describing their achievement, virtues, and warfare. Later, many of these nicknames and titles were being used as a last name. While you can also devise some cool last name carrying the essence of Vikings. Check out some of these cool Viking last names below.

56. Axegrinder

This descriptive surname indicates ‘someone who grinds or wields an axe.’

57. Battleborn

The surname Battleborn suggests ‘someone born for battle or warfare.’

58. Bloodaxe

Bloodaxe is derived from the Old Norse name ‘Blóðøx,’ where ‘blóð’ means ‘blood’ and ‘øx’ means ‘axe.’ This surname originates from Old Norse culture, particularly from the Viking era.

59. Bloodraven

Possibly a descriptive or symbolic surname, picturing ‘a raven associated with blood or death.’

60. Dragonheart

This surname may mean courageous or fierce, indicating someone with a heart like a dragon.

61. Dragonrider

The description of this surname suggests ‘someone who rides dragons,’ from a mythical or symbolical view.

62. Fireforge

The surname implies ‘someone associated with forging or crafting with fire.’

63. Flamebearer

Indicating ‘someone who carries or bears flames,’ this surname possibly symbolizes light or destruction.

64. Frostbane

Frostbane refers to ‘someone who banishes or withstands frost or cold.’

65. Frostbeard

As the surname indicates, it refers to ‘someone with a beard associated with frost or cold.’

66. Frostfang

Referring to ‘someone with fangs or teeth with frost or cold,’ Frostfang sounds cool with a serious undertone.

67. Grimhammer

This surname draws a picture of a ‘grim or serious individual with hammers.’

68. Hellscream

It is possibly a descriptive or symbolic surname to depict ‘screaming or chaos in hell.’

69. Ironhelm

This descriptive surname indicates ‘someone who wears an iron helmet made of iron.’

70. Ironside

It is a surname indicating ‘someone with a side of iron,’ meaning a powerful person.

71. Nightshade

This refers to someone who is ‘lethal and mysterious.’

72. Ravenshield

As the surname suggests, it indicates ‘someone with a shield adorned with ravens.’

73. Shadowblade

Indicating ‘someone skilled in the use of blades or weapons in shadowy or stealthy conditions,’ it symbolizes a skilled warrior.

74. Skybreaker

This descriptive surname paints a picture of ‘someone shattering the sky,’ possibly symbolizing power or destruction.

75. Stormbreaker

Stormbreaker is a descriptive surname that suggests ‘someone who breaks or controls storms,’ possibly depicting power or dominance.

76. Stormcloak

The surname Stormcloak refers to ‘someone who wears a cloak made with storms.’

77. Stormheart

The descriptive surname Stormheart symbolizes ‘someone with a heart full of storms.’

78. Thundershield

Indicates ‘someone with a shield of thunder,’ this byname or surname may symbolize resilience and endurance.

79. Thunderfist

This surname suggests ‘someone with fists of thunder,’ symbolizing strength.

80. Warbringer

It indicates ‘someone who brings or heralds war,’ depicting leadership.

81. Warhawk

Warhawk suggests ‘someone who is vigilant like a hawk in a war.’

82. Wolfslayer

As the surname Wolfslayer suggests, it refers to ‘someone who slays or kills wolves.’

Powerful Viking Last Names

Many Viking last names have powerful meanings associated with war and mighty animals such as eagles and wolves. The list below includes some of these mighty Viking last names. Have a look!

83. Arnulf

Arnulf is a powerful Scandinavian surname that means ‘wolf eagle’ in Old Norse.

84. Asulf

This mystical Old Norse surname means ‘God’s wolf.’

85. Berg

Originating from the Old Norse, this surname means ‘mountain.’

86. Brynjolf

It is a surname of Old Norse origin that means ‘hardened with a breastplate.’

87. Falk

This Old Norse surname has the meaning ‘falcon.’

88. Havard

Havard is a Scandinavian surname that means ‘the high guard’ in Old Norse.

89. Hávarðr

It is an Old Norse surname, meaning ‘battle guard or defender.’

90. Helvig

This surname comes from the name ‘Helvig’ with ancient Germanic roots, meaning ‘luck in war.’

91. Ingolf

Ingolf is an Old Nordic name and surname that means ‘God Ing’s wolf.’

92. Ragnulf

It is a badass Viking last name of Old Norse origin, which means ‘advisor wolf’ or ‘warrior.’

93. Thorgard

The powerful Scandinavian surname has the meaning ‘under Thor’s protection.’

94. Thorketill

Rooted in Old Norse origin, the meaning of Thorketill is ‘Thor’s cauldron (Thor’s helmet).’

95. Thorstein

The surname Thorstein is of Old Norse origin, meaning ‘Thor’s stone.’

96. Thorvald

It is a surname of Norse origin, meaning ‘powerful by Thor.’

97. Vilulf

This Old Norse surname means ‘warrior’s will’ or ‘wolf’s will.’

Viking Surnames Names

Many Viking surnames have evolved and can now also be used as given names. The following are some of these Viking surname names.

98. Axtell

This surname comes from the Old Norse name Ásketill, derived from the Old Norse elements áss meaning ‘god’ and ketill meaning ‘sacrificial cauldron helmet.’

99. Bjerke

Bjerke is a Scandinavian surname that comes from the topographic name of Nordic origin Birki meaning ‘birch grove.’

100. Brand

Brand surname is derived from the Old Norse given name Brandr, meaning fire, torch, or sword.’

101. Cattell

It is a surname-derived name that comes of Scandinavian origin, meaning ‘helmeted warrior.’

102. Gadsby

The habitational surname Gadsby comes from the name of the island of Alfsigr in Scotland.

103. Jansson

Jansson is a Swedish patronymic surname that means ‘son of Jan.’

104. Lagerkvist

This surname means ‘barrel branch’ in Old Norse, and is a descriptive surname for ‘someone associated with barrels or kegs.’

105. Ness

It is a topographic surname that refers to ‘someone who lived on a headland.’

106. Nybo

The surname Nybo is a Scandinavian habitational surname derived from the words- ‘ny’ meaning ‘new’ with ‘bo’ meaning ‘home.’

107. Olaf

Derived from Old Norse origin, this surname comes from the name Áleifr meaning ‘ancestor’s descendant.’

108. Torgrimson

Torigmson is a patronymic surname that comes from the Old Norse name Torgrimr, meaning ‘son of Torgrimr.’

109. Valdis

Viking last name Valdis

This surname-turned-name comes from Germanic roots, meaning ‘famous ruler.’

110. Westergard

Derived from the name Westergård, this Swedish surname is a habitational name from a farm named ‘Western farm.’

111. Yngling

Originating from the Old Norse, this surname-derived name means ‘descendant of Frey.’

Scottish Viking Surnames

Scotland is also among the many parts of the British Isles that Vikings invaded during the Viking era (5). Therefore, Vikings greatly influenced Scotland, which can be seen in their surnames. Check out the list below to learn about some Scottish Viking surnames.

112. Bains

The surname Bains originates from the Old Norse ‘beinn,’ meaning ‘straight’ or ‘tall.’

113. Brodie

This surname comes from the Old Norse name ‘Broði,’ meaning ‘brother.’

114. Bruce

It originates from the Old Norse ‘Brúsi,’ possibly meaning ‘brushwood.’

115. Calder

Derived from the Old Norse ‘kald,’ this surname means ‘cold,’ or ‘river.’

116. Cameron

It comes from the Old Norse name ‘Kambr,’ meaning ‘crooked nose.’

117. Campbell

Popular surname originating from the Gaelic ‘Caimbeul,’ possibly meaning ‘crooked mouth.’

118. Donaldson

Derived from the Old Norse ‘Dónaldr,’ meaning ‘ruler of the world,’ it refers to ‘son of Dónaldr.’

119. Einarson

Originating from the Old Norse name ‘Einarr,’ meaning ‘one warrior,’ referring to ‘son of Einarr.’

120. Ferguson

This surname is derived from the Old Norse ‘Fjarðar,’ meaning ‘fjord’ and ‘son.’

121. Forbes

Forbes is a Scottish surname that comes from the Old Norse ‘fors,’ meaning ‘waterfall.’

122. Fraser

The surname originates from the Old French ‘fraisier,’ meaning ‘strawberry plant.’

123. Gibson

Meaning ‘son of Gísl,’ this surname is derived from the Old Norse ‘Gísl,’ meaning ‘pledge.’

124. Gunn

Gunn comes from the Old Norse ‘gunnr,’ meaning ‘battle.’

125. Henderson

Meaning ‘son of Heinn,’ this surname originates from the Old Norse ‘Heinn,’ meaning ‘the ruler of the home.’

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126. Innes

Derived from the Old Norse ‘Ingi,’ this surname means ‘protected by Yngvi.’

127. Jenson

The surname Jenson means ‘son of Jón,’ which comes from the Old Norse ‘Jón,’ meaning ‘Jehovah has been gracious’ in Hebrew.

128. Keith

A Scottish surname that originates from the Old Norse ‘geykr,’ meaning ‘wind’ or ‘wood.’

129. Lamb

Derived from the Old Norse ‘lamb,’ meaning ‘lamb’ or ‘sheep.’

130. MacAuley

The surname MacAuley means ‘son of Amhlaigh,’ and comes from the Old Norse ‘Amhlaigh,’ meaning ‘having large eyebrows.’

131. MacDonald

This surname means ‘son of Dómhnall,’ which originates from the Old Norse ‘Dómhnall,’ meaning ‘ruler of the world.’

132. MacIntyre

MacIntyre means ‘son of Tighearna,’ which is derived from the Old Norse ‘Tighearna,’ meaning ‘lord.’

133. MacLeod

Means ‘son of Leod,’ and comes from the Old Norse ‘Ljótólfr,’ meaning ‘ugly wolf.’

134. McAllister

Meaning ‘son of Allister,’ this surname is derived from the Old Norse ‘Ailbhe,’ meaning ‘white’ or ‘fair.’

135. McLeod

A variant of the surname MacLeod with the same meaning.

136. McMillan

Originates from the Old Norse ‘Melrakki,’ meaning ‘red wolf’ and refers to the ‘son of Millan.’

137. McNab

Derived from the Old Norse name ‘Mann,’ meaning ‘man’ or ‘person,’ this surname refers to ‘son of Mann.’

138. McNeil

The surname means ‘son of Neil,’ which comes from the Old Norse name ‘Níall,’ meaning ‘champion’ or ‘cloud.’

139. McPherson

The surname means ‘son of Pétur,’ which originates from the Old Norse ‘Pétur,’ meaning ‘rock’ or ‘stone.’

140. Melville

Melville is derived from the Old Norse ‘Mel,’ meaning ‘sandbank’ and ‘village.’

141. Olafson

Olafson means ‘son of Olaf,’ which comes from the Old Norse ‘Olaf,’ meaning ‘ancestor’s descendant.’

142. Peterson

Peterson is a patronymic surname that translates to ‘son of Peter,’ originating from the Old Norse ‘Pétr,’ meaning ‘rock’ or ‘stone.’

143. Robertson

This surname means ‘son of Robert,’ derived from the Old Norse ‘Róði,’ meaning ‘fame’ and ‘spear.’.

144. Skene

Skene originates from the Old Norse name ‘Skið,’ meaning ‘wooden dish.’

145. Stewart

It comes from the Old Norse word ‘stígr,’ meaning ‘house guardian.’

146. Sutherland

A topographic surname, which originates from the Old Norse ‘Súðrland,’ meaning ‘southern land.’

147. Thorburn

The surname Thornburn is derived from the Old Norse ‘Thor/Þor,’ meaning ‘thunder’ and ‘bear.’

148. Wallace

Originates from the Old French word ‘waleis,’ meaning ‘foreigner’ or ‘Welshman.’

149. Watson

Derived from the Old Norse name ‘Vatns,’ meaning ‘water,’ referring to the ‘son of Watt.’

150. Watt

Viking last name Watt

It comes from the Old Norse word ‘vatn,’ meaning ‘water.’

151. Wilson

Meaning ‘son of Wils,’ this surname originates from the Old Norse ‘Vilhjálmr,’ meaning ‘will helmet’ or ‘resolute protector.’

152. Wylie

This surname is derived from the Old Norse ‘Vigfúss,’ meaning ‘battle-ready.’

153. Young

Young surname comes from the Old Norse ‘ungr,’ meaning ‘young’ or ‘youthful.’

154. Yule

Originating from the Old Norse ‘jól,’ this surname means ‘Yule’ or ‘Christmas.’

155. Zeigler

Derived from the Old Norse word ‘sieg,’ meaning ‘victory’ and ‘spear.’

156. Zoller

This surname comes from the Old Norse word ‘sól,’ meaning ‘sun.’

Irish Viking Surnames

During the Viking conquest, they invaded and raided Ireland in around 795 AD possibly from Rathlin Island, and became extensively settled around 840 AD (6). Thus, Vikings have a significant influence on Irish arts & culture, names, and even surnames. The below list includes some common Irish Viking surnames. Take a look!

157. Boyle

Irish surname derived from the Irish ‘Baoighill,’ meaning ‘foreign’ or ‘from beyond the pale.’

158. Byrne

Originates from the Irish ‘Ó Broin,’ meaning ‘descendant of Bran,’ where Bran may refer to a raven or a chieftain.

159. Connor

Derived from the Irish ‘Conchobhar,’ meaning ‘lover of hounds.’

160. Doherty

Comes from the Irish ‘Ó Dochartaigh,’ meaning ‘descendant of Dochartach,’ where Dochartach means ‘hurtful.’

161. Donovan

Derived from the Irish ‘Ó Donnabháin,’ meaning ‘descendant of Donndubhán,’ from Donndubhán, meaning ‘brown-haired chieftain.’

162. Flanagan

This surname originates from the Irish ‘Ó Flannagáin,’ meaning ‘descendant of Flannagán,’ which comes from Flannagán, meaning ‘little red one.’

163. Gallagher

Derived from the Irish surname ‘Ó Gallchobhair,’ meaning ‘descendant of Gallchobhar,’ where Gallchobhar means ‘foreign help.’

164. Hagan

The origin of this surname is from the Irish surname ‘Ó hÁgáin,’ meaning ‘descendant of Ágán,’ where Ágán possibly means ‘fire’ or ‘little fire.’

165. Higgins

The popular surname comes from the Irish surname ‘Ó hUiginn,’ meaning ‘descendant of Uiginn,’ where Uiginn is a personal name.

166. Kennedy

Originating from the Irish surname ‘Ó Cinneide,’ the surname means ‘descendant of Cináed,’ where Cináed means ‘helmeted head.’

167. Lynch

The short surname comes from the Irish surname ‘Ó Loingsigh,’ meaning ‘descendant of Loingseach,’ where Loingseach means ‘mariner’ or ‘sailor.’

168. MacCarthy

Originates from the Irish surname ‘Mac Cárthaigh,’ meaning ‘son of Carthach,’ derived from the name Carthach which may mean ‘loving.’

169. Maguire

Derived from the Irish surname ‘Mag Uidhir,’ meaning ‘son of Odhar,’ where the name Odhar means ‘dun-colored’ or ‘sallow.’

170. Malone

Originating from the Irish surname ‘Ó Maoil Eoin,’ this surname means ‘descendant of the devotee of St. John.’

171. Murphy

From the Irish surname ‘Ó Murchadha,’ meaning ‘descendant of Murchadh,’ taken from the name Murchadh which means ‘sea warrior.’

172. Nolan

Derived from the Irish surname ‘Ó Nualláin,’ meaning ‘descendant of Nuallán,’ this surname comes from the name Nuallán which means ‘noble’ or ‘famous.’

173. O’Brien

Derived from the Irish surname ‘Ó Briain,’ meaning ‘descendant of Brian,’ taken from the name Brian, meaning ‘noble’ or ‘high.’

174. O’Connor

Originating from the Irish surname ‘Ó Conchobhair,’ this surname means ‘descendant of Conchobhar,’ taken from the name Connor, meaning ‘lover of hounds.’

175. O’Donnell

Derived from the Irish surname ‘Ó Domhnaill,’ meaning ‘descendant of Domhnall,’ taken from the name Donnell, meaning ‘world ruler.’

176. O’Keefe

Variant of the Irish surname ‘Ó Caoimh,’ meaning ‘descendant of Caomh,’ which comes from the name Caomh, meaning ‘gentle’ or ‘kind.’

177. O’Neill

It is a derivative of the Irish surname ‘Ó Néill,’ meaning ‘descendant of Niall,’ where the name Niall means ‘champion’ or ‘cloud.’

178. O’Reilly

From the Irish surname ‘Ó Raghallaigh,’ O’Reilly means ‘descendant of Raghailligh,’ taken from the name Raghailligh which may mean ‘valiant.’

179. Quinn

It is a derivative of the Irish ‘Ó Cuinn,’ meaning ‘descendant of Conn,’ where the name Conn means ‘chief’ or ‘intelligent.’

180. Reilly

This surname originates from the Irish surname ‘Ó Raghallaigh,’ meaning ‘descendant of Raghailligh,’ where the name Raghailligh may mean ‘valiant.’

181. Sheehan

It is a variant of the Irish surname ‘Ó Síocháin,’ meaning ‘descendant of Síochán,’ where the name Síochán means ‘peaceful’ or ‘tranquil.’

182. Sullivan

Originating from the Irish surname ‘Ó Súilleabháin,’ this surname means ‘descendant of Súilleabhán,’ derived from the name Súilleabhán which means ‘dark-eyed’ or ‘one-eyed.’

183. Tierney

Tierney is derived from the Irish surname ‘Ó Tíghearnaigh,’ meaning ‘descendant of Tíghearnach,’ where it comes from the name Tíghearnach, meaning ‘lord’ or ‘master.’

184. Walsh

This surname is derived from the Irish ‘Breathnach,’ which means ‘Welshman’ or ‘foreigner.’

185. Whelan

Derivative of the Irish surname ‘Ó Faoláin,’ meaning ‘descendant of Faolán,’ where the name Faolán means ‘little wolf.’

186. Winters

This cool surname comes from the Irish surname ‘de Faoite,’ meaning ‘descendant of Faoite,’ where the name Faoite means ‘hunted’ or ‘chased.’

Viking Surnames In Shetland

The Shetland Islands are between Orkney, the Faroe Islands, and Norway. They were greatly influenced by Vikings, which can be seen in their names, cultures, and even surnames (7). Some of the Viking surnames in the Shetland Islands are given below. Check them out!

187. Anderson

This surname means ‘son of Andrew’ or ‘son of Anders,’ derived from the Old Norse name Andreas or Anders.

188. Bain

The surname Bain means ‘white, fair,’ derived from the Old Norse word ‘bain’ or ‘beyn.’

189. Clouston

This is a habitational surname derived from a place named Clouston in Orkney, recorded as Klóstathr (in Norse). It might have been derived from a personal name like ‘Klútr’ or ‘Klōtr.’

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190. Flett

Flett is a habitational surname, referring to ‘someone from the parish of Delting, Shetland.’

191. Gifford

This surname is derived from the Old Norse elements ‘gífr’ meaning ‘gift’ and ‘fríðr’ meaning ‘peace.’

192. Halcrow

Halcrow is a habitational surname from Halcro in South Ronaldsay, Orkney.

193. Harper

It is derived from the Old Norse word ‘harp,’ meaning ‘minstrel’ or ‘harp player.’

194. Inkster

This Viking surname is a habitational surname, derived from the place named Inkster in Gorseness (Orkney). It is either derived from the Old Norse word ‘sǽtr,’ meaning ‘mountain pasture shieling,’ or from ‘setr,’ meaning  ‘house dwelling.’

195. Irvine

Irvine means ‘Freshwater’ or ‘eel river,’ stemming from the Old Norse elements ‘ir’ meaning ‘eel’ and ‘vīn’ meaning ‘river.’

196. Jamieson

Jamieson is a patronymic surname that means ‘son of James.’

197. Johnston

This patronymic surname means ‘son of John,’ derived from the Old Norse personal name ‘Jón’ or ‘Johann.’

198. Jorgensen

It is derived from the Old Norse personal name ‘Jǫrgen,’ referring to the ‘son of Jørgen.’

199. Laird

The meaning of Laird is ‘Lord’ or ‘landlord,’ derived from the Old Norse word ‘lárd.’

200. Lairdson

A variant of the surname Laird, meaning ‘Son of the Laird.’

201. Louttit

Of Norse origin, Louttit is derived from the place named Louvetot in Seine-Maritime.

202. Magnusson

Magnusson is a patronymic surname that comes from the name ‘Magnus,’ and thus, means ‘son of Magnus.’

203. Manson

This patronymic surname comes from the personal name Måns, a derivative of Magnus, and has the meaning ‘son of Magnus.’

204. MacKay

A variant of the surname McKay, MacKay means ‘son of Aodh,’ derived from the Gaelic Mac Aoidh, where the name Aodh means ‘fire.’

Tracing the origins of his wife’s surname, blogger and husband Wayne shares, ‘Linda’s paternal and maternal lines go through Northern Scotland and the Shetlands, both regions where Vikings landed and set up colonies. The MacKay Clan was centered in Sutherland. MacKay was the surname of Linda’s father. Her mother’s family – the Coopers – originated in the Shetland Islands. Both are areas where Norwegian Vikings settled (i).’

205. Norquoy

This habitational surname is derived from the place named Northquoy in Deerness. It comes from the Old Scandinavian term ‘norð’ meaning ‘northern’ with the term ‘kvī’ meaning ‘enclosure.’

206. Omand

The surname Omand is derived from the Old Norse personal name Ámundi.

207. Peterson

Peterson is a patronymic surname that comes from the personal name ‘Pētār,’ and thus, means ‘son of Pētār.’

208. Simpson

Originating from the Old Norse personal name ‘Sigmundr’ or ‘Sigurðr,’ this surname means ‘son of Simon.’

209. Sinclair

A Scottish surname, Sinclair, is derived from the Old Norse elements ‘sīn’ meaning ‘clear’ and ‘klæra’ meaning ‘bright.’

210. Skinner

This is an occupational surname, meaning ‘skin dresser’ or ‘tanner’ and is derived from the Old Norse word ‘skinn’ meaning ‘skin.’

211. Tait

Tait is a short surname that comes from the Old Norse word ‘teitr,’ meaning ‘cheerful’ or ‘happy.’

212. Tulloch

Viking last name Tulloch

This habitational surname means ‘small hill,’ derived from the Norse elements ‘tullr’ meaning ‘small’ and ‘hóll’ meaning ‘hill.’

Viking Surnames In England

From 860 AD, the Vikings invaded and raided mostly the northern parts of England and conquered most Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. Therefore, you can also find traces of Vikings in England, including in their surnames. Check out the list below to learn about some of the Viking surnames in England.

213. Algar

This surname means ‘elf spear’ originating from the Old English and Norse roots.

214. Allgood

Allgood is a descriptive surname of Old English and Old Norse roots, meaning ‘all good.’

215. Collings

Originating from the personal name ‘Colin,’ which is a diminutive of Nicholas, the surname Collings means ‘victory of the people.’

216. Dowsing

This surname means ‘son of Duki, probably derived from the Old Scandinavian (Old Danish) personal name Dúsi, combined with the suffix -ing.

217. Drabble

The surname Drabble possibly comes from the Old Norse and English personal name ‘Drabbi’ or ‘Drabbe.’

218. Eetelbum

Eetelbum is an English surname of Norse origin that does not have any certain meaning.

219. Gamble

Originating from the Old Norse roots, it comes from the name ‘gamall,’ meaning ‘old.’

220. Goodman

As the spelling suggests, Goodman is a descriptive English surname of Old Norse origin that means ‘good man.’

221. Grime

Derived from the Old Norse word ‘grimr,’ this surname means ‘fierce’ or ‘grim.’

222. Hacon

The surname Hacon is a variant of ‘Haakon,’ which is derived from the Old Norse name ‘Hákon,’ meaning ‘high son’ or ‘noble son.

223. Harold

Derived from the Old Norse name ‘Haraldr,’ this surname means ‘army ruler.’

224. Hemming

This surname stems as a derivative of the Old Norse name ‘Hemmingr,’ which possibly means ‘shape’ or ‘form.’

225. Hobson

Stems from the personal name ‘Hob,’ which is a diminutive of ‘Robert,’ this surname may mean ‘son of Hob.’

226. Ketellbum

Ketellbum is possibly derived from the Old Norse personal name ‘Ketill’ combined with the suffix ‘-bum, where the name Ketill means ‘kettle, cauldron, or helmet.’

227. Knott

A variant of the surname Knut, this surname originates from the Old Norse word ‘knutr,’ meaning ‘knot.’

228. Kronick

Kronick is an English surname of Old Norse origin; however, the meaning of this surname is uncertain.

229. Mainwaring

Mainwaring is a unique surname, derived from the Old Norse personal name ‘Meginvarr,’ meaning ‘mighty defender.’

230. Mannerink

This surname also originated from the Nordic roots; however, its meaning is not known.

231. Orme

The surname Orme comes from the Old Norse word ‘ormr,’ meaning ‘serpent’ or ‘dragon.’

232. Osborne

Derived from the Old Norse personal name ‘Ásbjǫrn,’ this surname has the meaning ‘divine bear’ or ‘God’s bear.’

233. Osborn

This English surname is an alternative variant of the surname ‘Osborne.’

234. Osmund

Originating from the name ‘Ásmundr,’ this surname means ‘God’s protection’ or ‘divine protection’ in Old Norse.

235. Quinnell

Possibly derived from the Old Norse personal name ‘Quinnr,’ the surname Quinnel may also stem from the Middle English name Quenill, meaning ‘battle queen.’

236. Ransom

The surname Ransom stems from the Old Norse word ‘ransom,’ meaning ‘redemption.’

237. Rogers

English surname of Old Nordic roots, from the name Rogerus,’ meaning ‘renowned spear.’

238. Raven

A nature-derived sweet surname, Raven is derived from the Old Norse word ‘hrafn,’ meaning ‘raven (a bird).’

239. Rolf

Originating from the Old Norse name Hrólfr, Rolf means ‘wolf’s glory.’

240. Seagrim

The surname Seagrim has its possible origins from the Old Norse name ‘Sigurðr,’ meaning ‘victory guard.’

241. Starbuck

Starbuck is possibly a variant of the habitational English surname ‘Tarbuck,’ which might have derived from the Old Norse personal name ‘Thor/Thori’ combined with the Old English ‘brōc,’ meaning ‘brook stream.’

242. Thomassen

This patronymic surname is derived from the given name ‘Thomas,’ and means ‘son of Thomas.’

243. Storey

Derived from the Old Norse word ‘Storr,’ this surname means ‘big’ or ‘great.’

244. Thurgood

As the spelling suggests, Thurgood means ‘good Thor,’ derived from the name of the Old Norse god Thor combined with the English word ‘good.’

245. Fell

Fell surname is a topographic surname that means ‘hill/mountain,’ from the Old Norse word ‘fell.’

246. Tookey

Could be a variant of the surname Tooke, which comes from the Middle English personal name Toky, a pet name of the Old Norse Thorkell.

247. Toope

Possibly a variant of Toop, Toope might be derived from the Old Norse personal name Tópi Túpi, a short form of the personal name Thórr.

248. Toovey

A variant of the surname Tovey, Toovey is possibly derived from the Old Norse name ‘Tofi.’

249. Tovey

The surname Tovey possibly comes from the Old Norse name ‘Tofi.’

250. Truelove

This is a descriptive surname, meaning ‘true love.’

251. Tubb

Derived from the Old Norse word ‘tubbi,’ this surname means ‘fat’ or ‘plump.’

252. Turk

Viking last name Turk

The surname Turk comes from the Old Norse word ‘Þorsteinn,’ meaning ‘Thor’s helmet.’

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Article written by Baby Plumbing

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