Zantac (Ranitidine) For Babies: Its Dosage And Side Effects

Doctors may prescribe Zantac for kids with heartburn. This medication belongs to the group of H2 blockers that prevents excess production of stomach acid. But does Zantac for babies work the same way? Zantac is the brand name of ranitidine (generic name), which is also available over the counter. Though you should give Zantac syrup to babies as per the pediatrician’s recommendations, you can read on to know if it is safe to treat heartburn and if it has any side effects.

What Is Zantac?

Zantac is the brand name for the generic antacid compound called ranitidine (1). Ranitidine is a type of histamine-2 (H2) blocker and is particularly used for acid suppression in the stomach cells and thus prevents heartburn.

Can A Baby Have Zantac?

Use zantac for babies after pediatrician's approval

Yes, babies can have ranitidine (Zantac), but only on a doctor’s prescription (2). Never give Zantac to babies and toddlers unless advised by a pediatrician. When administered in the right dosages, Zantac can be effective and not have any side-effects.

What Is The Right Age To Give Zantac?

Zantac is usually prescribed to babies of at least a month old (3). A pediatrician will explore non-pharmacological treatment, change in maternal diet, and other safer medical alternatives when the baby is less than a month old.

What Is Zantac Used For In Babies?

Ranitidine (Zantac) is prescribed to treat the following conditions in infants (4) (5):

  • Infant reflux or gastroesophageal reflux. In this condition, the lower esophageal sphincter present at the junction of esophagus and stomach does not shut completely and allows some stomach acid to flow upwards towards the mouth and cause regurgitation. Ranitidine subdues the secretion of stomach acid, thus providing relief from acid reflux.
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Farrah, a mother of three, shares her experience of using Zantac for her son to find relief from reflux, “The doctor prescribed Zantac for my baby’s reflex, and he was getting two doses of Zantac a day. We were also advised not to keep him lying fully on his back after he eats. Zantac helped calm the acidity developing through my milk in his tummy (i).”

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). When acid reflux becomes chronic, it is called GERD that causes feeding difficulties. Zantac provides relief from GERD by preventing excess acid accumulation in the stomach.
Zantac for babies can help relieve GERD
  • Esophagitis. It is the inflammation of the inner lining of the esophagus caused due to several reasons including GERD. Ranitidine is found to be effective in the treatment of this condition as well.
  • Diarrhea. Frequent loose and watery stools can indicate diarrhea in a toddler. A study analyzed the impact of three interventions – ranitidine, probiotics, and placebo- on average daily stool frequency over ten days.
    The findings show that oral ranitidine administration substantially decreased stool frequency and improved stool consistency by the 10th day. As illustrated in the accompanying graph, the oral administration of ranitidine was more effective than probiotics in reducing stool frequency and treating diarrhea in toddlers.

Effect of ranitidine on average daily stool frequency

Source: A short course of oral ranitidine as a novel treatment for toddler’s diarrhea: a parallel-group randomized controlled trial; BMC Pediatrics

What Is The Dosage Of Zantac For Babies?

Usually, about 1-2mg of Zantac per kg of the baby’s weight is the prescribed single dosage. No more than two to three such doses are to be given in a day (6).

For example, if the baby weighs about 10kg, he will get about 20mg (2mg x 10kg) of Zantac per dose, which amounts to about 60mg of Zantac in a day, in three doses.

The maximum dosage of Zantac for infants is at about 100mg per day, or as prescribed by the doctor (7). Zantac is often prescribed for two weeks (8).

Note that the dosage and duration can vary due to several factors such as the age of the baby, and the severity of the condition. The doctor will also let you know the best time to give the medicine (full stomach or empty stomach) and if the medicine can be combined with other medication (like gas drops or antacid).

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Dosage form of Zantac:

Zantac is available in the form of syrup or effervescent tablets for babies. Syrups are easy to administer to older infants who may like the slightly sweet taste. Younger infants could be given effervescent tablets that dissolve in water. The water can be administered to the baby through a dropper syringe.

How Long Does It Take For Zantac To Work In Babies?

The time taken for the medicine to work depends on the severity of baby’s reflux. Ideally, a baby should get relief from reflux and GERD within two weeks from the day Zantac was first administered.

Are There Side-Effects Of Zantac On Babies?

Yes. Side-effects of Zantac include:

  • Headache
  • Fussiness or irritability
  • Lethargy and excessive sleepiness
Zantac can cause some side effects
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Constipation

The side-effects are not many and usually disappear once the medicine has been discontinued.

The negative effects are significant among less than 2% of patients who take the medication (10). However, some may experience a few long-term side-effects of using the medicine.

Long-term side-effects of Zantac in babies

Ranitidine seldom has any long-term effects on the baby’s health. However, if the baby is regularly given Zantac or if there is an overdose of the medication, then the baby runs the risk of the following long-term side-effects:

  1. Repeated stomach infections: Ranitidine suppresses the stomach acid that plays a vital role in destroying pathogens. Extended consumption of Zantac can increase the risk of infection due to lower acid production (11).
Prolonged zantac use raises stomach infection risk
  1. Necrotizing enterocolitis: It is a condition where bacteria destroy the walls of intestines, leaving perforations/holes in the intestinal walls. Stool and semi-digested food spill out from such holes into the abdominal cavity causing severe infection (12). While the exact reason for this condition is not known, some studies have shown that increased use of H-2 blockers, such as ranitidine (Zantac), in babies can put them at risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (13).
  1. Liver function problems: Excessive use of the drug may decrease liver capabilities, leading to complications and susceptibility of the liver to diseases like hepatitis. Liver problems due to ranitidine occur in one among 1,000 patients (10).
  1. Neuropsychological problems: Complications include chronic disorientation, confusion, delirium, and hallucinations. However, these side effects happen in less than 1% of ranitidine users and usually only among those infants who are critically ill and on multiple medications.
  1. Cardiovascular problems: This is an extremely rare side-effect of ranitidine, which affects one in a million patients and only due to rapid dosage or overdose of ranitidine. Problems of the heart include abnormal heart rate, either too many or too few heartbeats than the average.
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Some other side effects of this medicine also include sleep disturbances, allergic reactions, drug interactions, and even respiratory problems; however, these are rare.

What If The Baby Is On Zantac But Still Spits Up?

Chronic spit ups warrant medical evaluation

If your baby continues to spit up despite using Zantac, then take him to the doctor immediately. This could indicate some other underlying condition or infantile diseases such as pyloric stenosis that causes the baby to spit up (14). Get your baby checked by a pediatrician in case of chronic spit ups that do not stop even with ranitidine.

Have you used Zantac for your baby? Do let us know your experience in the comments section below.

Zantac for babies should be given if the pediatrician recommends it. These are H2 blockers that suppress stomach acid production, thus relieving heartburn. It is available in syrup and tablet forms. Syrups or effervescent tablets that dissolve in water after dissolving are given through droppers for babies. Side effects are less common if given the right dosages according to the baby’s weight, age, and other factors. Never give a portion of adult zantac medications to babies since the composition may vary and often causes adverse effects.

Key Pointers

  • Zantac is the brand name for ranitidine and can be prescribed by a pediatrician or purchased over the counter.
  • Zantac is typically prescribed to babies over one month old to treat acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and esophagitis.
  • The recommended dosage for infants is 1-2 mg per kilogram of weight, with a maximum of two to three doses per day.
  • Zantac may cause side effects such as fussiness, lethargy, diarrhea, nausea, and constipation in babies.
  • If the baby’s reflux persists even after using this medication, it is best to seek prompt medical advice.

Explore practical methods for addressing infant reflux. Learn gentle techniques to ease your baby’s discomfort and promote peaceful sleep for them.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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