Oatmeal For Babies: Types, Benefits, And Recipes To Try

Oatmeal for babies is an excellent food choice that can provide them with essential nutrients, such as fiber, protein, and vitamins, to enable healthy growth and development. Further, most babies can eat oatmeal once they have been introduced to solids.

The difference between oats and oatmeal should first be understood. Oats refer to whole oats, which have the hull intact. Meanwhile, oatmeal refers to processed oats without the hull. Based on how much the oats have been processed, oatmeal is available in several variations in the market.

Read this post to learn more about the types of oatmeal, health benefits, the best type for babies, how to select and store oats, whether babies can be allergic to oats, and how to prepare oatmeal cereal age-appropriately for babies. (1).

When Can Babies Have Oatmeal?

Introduce oatmeals to your baby at four months

As per the Dietary Guidelines For Americans 2020-2025, six-month-old babies eating various solids can also eat oats (2). However, you may introduce the same at the age of four months after consulting your pediatrician. The doctor will check for signs of weaning readiness, after which the baby will be given the go-ahead to start solids. If this happens, you can check with your doctor and introduce oats.

Oatmeal can be a source of several vital nutrients for the baby, including iron, B vitamins, and fiber, which help in the healthy overall development of the baby.

Health Benefits Of Oats For Babies

Your baby may enjoy the following health benefits with an oats diet:

  1. Provides nourishment to babies with gluten allergy: Babies allergic to gluteniXA protein found in cereals, known for its elasticity and food-binding quality cannot consume grains like wheat, rye, and barley that provide essential nutrition. But they can eat oats, which are gluten-free and have the same vitamins and minerals that essential grains do. Oatmeal helps improve the nutritional value of a gluten-free diet, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies in babies (3).
  1. Aids in constipation: Since oats are rich in fiber, they could help tackle constipation. Medical experts recommend making oats a part of the diet when the individual has constipation, and this suggestion works even for infants (4).
  1. Good for immunity: According to the Academy of Nutrition And Dietetics, oats contain a soluble fiber called beta-glucans that can strengthen the immune system. So, regular consumption of oats could keep the immune system healthy, which is an advantage for a growing baby (5).
Oatmeal helps improve your baby's immunity
  1. Might help reduce inflammation: Oats contain compounds called avenanthramides that may help reduce the inflammation caused due to multiple reasons, including infections and wounds. Infants having some auto-immune diseasesiXA group of medical conditions where the body’s immune system erroneously attacks the healthy body cells may benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of oats (6).
  1. Improves insulin sensitivity: Infants born with congenital type-1 diabetesiXA chronic autoimmune disorder where the pancreas fails to produce the insulin hormone, leading to high blood sugar levels may benefit from oats consumption as the grain could possibly reduce insulin resistance. It means the body uses injected insulin better, reducing the effect of diabetes (7).
  1. Vital food for babies with GERD: One of the treatment options for infants with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)iXA chronic digestive disease when stomach acid repeatedly moves back to the food pipe, leading to heartburn involves giving them solid food in the form of a thicker puree or mush. The American Academy Of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests using oatmeal as a safe and healthy means of thickening food for such babies (8).
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Oats that are processed to remove the hull or cover are referred to as oatmeal. This is what we get in the market. But this oatmeal is of several types.

Types Of Oatmeal

When you go shopping for oats, you are quite likely to spot the following varieties of oatmeal options on the market (9) (10):

1. Rolled oats

The picture that comes to your mind when you think of oats is probably that of rolled oats. Rolled oats are oat flakes derived from whole oat grain. They are made by steaming dehulled (without skin) oat grains and then running them through a roller before drying. Rolled oats come in two varieties: slow-cooking and fast-cooking oats.

2. Coarse oat flour

Whole oat grain, and not refined oat grain, is pounded to form a coarse flour that is packed with fiber. An infant cereal mix will likely contain oat flour since it mixes well with hot water.

3. Instant oats

Instant oats for baby

This is the most processed type of oats. The oat grain is boiled, rolled, and then dried before packaging. Instant oats are semi-cooked and are usually found in the ready-to-eat baby cereals that can be prepared just by adding hot or boiling water.

4. Dehulled whole oat grain

If instant oats are most processed, then whole oat grains are the least. Dehulled whole oat grain, also called whole oat groat, is raw oats in their purest form, with 100% of their nutritional value intact.

5. Steel-cut oatmeal

Whole oat grains that are cut into small bits by powerful steel blades are called steel-cut oats. They contain the same nutritional value of whole oat grains but cook faster since the grain is broken into smaller pieces.

After realizing that there are a variety of oats, we know what you are thinking.

Which Is The Best Type Of Oatmeal For The Baby?

Steel-cut oatmeal is the best for babies since they are unprocessed and retain all the nutrients of whole oats (11). You can use steel-cut oatmeal in various baby food recipes at your convenience. Pick an oatmeal with a texture that will be easy for the baby to swallow.

How To Select And Store Oats For Babies?

Selecting oats: When selecting steel-cut oats or standard infant oat cereal, look for options with no added preservatives, sugar, salt, and flavoring.

Storage: Place the jar of oats in a cool, dry place. Just like any other grain, oats can be susceptible to pest infestation. Make sure you keep the storage area clean and use anti-pest measures. Avoid anti-pest tablets or sachets since they can harm the baby.

Purchase smaller quantities that you can consume within a short period. If you intend to store oats for an extended duration, then place it in an airtight container or Ziplock pouch and put it in the freezer. The low humidity and low-temperature environment in the freezer prevent the oats from becoming soggy while keeping pests at bay.

How To Process Oats For Babies?

Here is how you can cook rolled oats/infant oatmeal and steel-cut oats:

Cooking rolled oats/infant oatmeal for a baby

  • Let the oats soak in water for a minute.
  • Cook them for 10-15 minutes or as per the time recommended on the packet.
  • Add more water or milk to adjust the consistency.
  • Cool and blend the cooked oats to prepare an oatmeal porridge for the baby.
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Cooking steel-cut oats for babies

Steel-cut oats are whole grains and thus require additional cooking time.

  • Boil the steel-cut oats for ten minutes and let them soak in boiled water overnight (11-12 hours).
  • In the morning, boil the oats again, this time for 15-20 minutes on a medium flame.
  • Keep stirring so that they cook evenly.
  • Once cooked, let the oats cool. Blend to make porridge.
  • You can use milk instead of water and follow the same preparation process.

In addition to having them with milk, oats can be combined with several other foods to make delicious oats baby food recipes.

Oats Baby Food Combinations

You can give your baby oatmeal with milk

Oats taste the best when combined with the following food items:

  • Milk is often the leading choice to go with oats. You can prepare a delicious and simple baby porridge using cooked oats and milk.
  • Nearly all types of fruits taste good with oats. Fruits, such as a banana with naturally sweet pulp, go well with oats.
  • Boil finely chopped vegetables with oats to make savory porridge for a baby.
  • Meat can be combined with oats in the same way as vegetables. You can make a delicious meat oat porridge using just oats, meat, and water.
  • Oats can also be combined with yogurt to form smoothies for babies; it is a perfect combination of a pre-probiotic meal for your baby.

A blogger and mom of two, ElleMura, adds oat bran to oatmeal to make the recipe healthier and easy to feed. She says, “Adding oat bran to your standard oatmeal and making it with milk means two major things. First, no mess – it’s not runny while you’re feeding. Second, it’s thick enough not to boil over in most microwaves, depending on the bowl.

“Just take your 1/4 cup and scoop it half full with oatmeal, then finish with Oat Bran. Then, fill the scoop twice again with whole milk and microwave for one to two minutes. Chill in the freezer if you need it right away. It packs protein, calcium, and whole grains (even soluble fiber). I went straight to this with Baby #2, no rice or oatmeal ‘baby cereal’ this time. Add fresh diced fruit if you’ve got some good stuff on hand. Otherwise, you can sweeten it with a fruit puree (prunes are nice to avoid constipation) or with YoBaby Yogurt – which I find to be too sweet by itself (i).”

Oats taste great with nearly all foods, which means that they can be a part of your baby’s diet. But allergies are always a concern when introducing new foods to babies.

Can A Baby Be Allergic To Oats?

A baby can be allergic to oats, but the chances are few. The AAP states that oats are less likely than the other grains, such as wheat or rye, to cause an allergy, and thus, they are safe to be included in a baby’s diet (12).

However, if your baby is allergic to oats, then they will display symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, skin hives, abdominal pain, lethargy, and swelling of the face.

An extreme manifestation of food allergy is food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES), where symptoms like vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea are severe (13). Take your baby to the doctor right away if you suspect he is showing signs of a food allergy.

How To Prepare Oatmeal Cereal For Baby?

Below are some recipes you may try for your baby, depending on their age.

Oatmeal for a 4-month-old

Starting solids for a four-month-old baby is a decision that you need to take after consulting your pediatrician. This will happen only if your baby shows certain signs of development that are mandatory to start solids (14). Once you get a go-ahead, you can try the following:

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Oats porridge recipe
What you need:
  • ½ cup organic rolled oats
  • Water (as needed)
How to:
  1. Take a blender and put half a cup of oats into it.
  2. Boil enough water in a saucepan. Add the oats to it by whisking gently.
  3. Let it cook well. Stir occasionally.
  4. Once cooked, allow it to cool and serve.

This is the simplest way to introduce oats to your baby. Once you feel the baby is accustomed to its taste, you can try adding fruit and vegetable purees to oatmeal. You can also add breastmilk and formula milk to this recipe. However, be watchful of signs of allergies and intolerance, if any.

Oatmeal For 6-Month-Old

Once the baby is six months old, their digestive system is relatively developed. They can be introduced to a variety of fruits, vegetables, and cereals to get optimum nutrients. Thus, now is the time that the oatmeal recipe can be prepared more elaborately. Some interesting meal options for your baby include oatmeal pancakes, oatmeal upma, oatmeal dessert, and oatmeal smoothie.

1. Upma Recipe
What you need:
  • 1 cup organic rolled oats
  • 1 cup vegetables (carrots, capsicum, peas, onion, and tomato)
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • Oil for sautéing
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Water (as needed)
How to:
  1. Take a pan and pour one teaspoon of oil in it.
  2. Put the pan on medium heat and let the oil get heated.
  3. Once the oil is heated, add cumin seeds and let them crackle.
  4. Now add all the diced vegetables in the pan and sauté them.
  5. As the vegetables are half cooked, add oats and water in the pan while stirring the mix continuously.
  6. At this point, put the pan on low flame and keep stirring the mix. Add salt to taste.
  7. After 2-3 minutes, cover the pan with a lid and let the oats cook for 5-7 minutes.
  8. Once cooked, allow it to cool and serve.
2. Oatmeal Banana Bread

What You Need:

  • 3 ripe bananas (medium)
  • 2½ cups rolled oats
  • 3 eggs
  • ¼ cup butter
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp baking powder and soda
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup

How To:

  1. Begin by grinding the oats in a food processor.
  2. Blend well after adding all the other ingredients.
  3. Pour the mixture into the prepared baking dish. If you don’t have a food processor, use quick oats and mash the bananas in the pan before stirring in the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Bake and allow it to cool completely in the pan before slicing and serving to ensure it holds together well.

This quick bread is light, moist, and sweet enough for small hands. Children will enjoy the delightful combination of highly nutritious content and pleasing taste.

You can customize the recipe as per your baby’s likes and dislikes. These recipes are ideal to be served at breakfast or lunch. There are many other yummy oats recipes that you can try for your baby. These recipes are not only healthy but also sumptuous enough to keep your baby full for longer.

Have a few more questions on giving oats to your baby? Read on.

Oatmeal for babies is a healthy choice because it contains fiber, and vitamins, thus helping prevent constipation and enhance immunity. After consulting a doctor, you may introduce it to your baby at four or six months. Oats are a safe choice for babies and can be introduced as the first solid food because they have fewer chances of causing allergies. However, it is still important to keep an eye on your child after introducing oats. Consult a doctor if you notice symptoms, such as vomiting, swelling, or abdominal pain.

Key Pointers

  • Oats are a nutritious and easily digestible food for babies.
  • They are a good source of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Oats can help regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation in babies.
  • Oats are versatile and can be added to various baby foods, such as porridge and smoothies.

Indulge your 7-12 month old with a delectable and nourishing apple-infused oat breakfast porridge, ensuring a wholesome beginning to their day and deal for promoting their well-being and growth.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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