Unexpectedly, A Pregnant Woman Gives Birth To Twins Instead Of A “13-Pound Baby” At Home

Meagan Peoples of Minnesota and her husband couldn’t wait to meet their third child when she became pregnant. And when she found out that her baby was going to be a bigger than expected bundle, she wasn’t shocked. When she learned that her third kid would weigh 13 pounds, she wasn’t concerned because her first two babies had each weighed more than ten pounds.

Coronavirus restrictions meant that her husband or any loved one was not allowed to be in the room with her for an ultrasound so instead of paying hundreds of dollars to do it alone she opted out of ultrasounds. According to CBS, she says she refused to go without him, and they didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars for her to go alone. When she was examined her doctor only felt one baby. “Baby two was right in front and typically twins are stacked,” Meagan told CBS.

Since the pregnancy seemed to be healthy and normal, Meagan and Connor decided on a home birth assisted by two midwives. “There’s two midwives when we did our home birth…and the second one looked down and she was like, ‘Oh lᴏrd, there’s another!’” Meagan said.

Their son August was born safely in the Peoples’ living room. But about seven minutes later, one of the midwives looked down and said something no one in the room expected to hear. The couple welcomed a second baby, daughter Aria. Since the now family of six welcomed their surprise bundles of joy they’ve been at home staying safe. “I’ve been at home for months, it feels like,” she said. “It made it really worth it when we ended up with two.”

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Article written by Baby Plumbing

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