The option to having the experience captured is a very personal one, and birth photography is a highly specialized subject. It involves the labor and delivery procedure, the surrounding circumstances, the parents, and the witnesses. Birth photography captures the magic of creating a new life, the tears of delight, and the joy of family.
Photographers that specialize in the subject utilize their work to depict the birthing process. The contest’s 2017 winners have been revealed. The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers selects the top images that capture moms’ struggles during childbirth. Take a peek at these images to see the beginning of life and the expressions of new parents.
I’ve Been Waiting For You
Falling In Love All Over Again
Are You My Mama?
Best In Category: Delivery, With A Splash
First Place Winner. Road To Deliverance
The First Look
Beautiful Transition
H.onorable Mentions. Rapture
Euphoria, Triumph
The World Ahead