Silent Reflux In Babies: Signs, Causes, Remedies & Treatment

Silent reflux in babies is a common disorder that usually gets corrected as the baby grows older. The condition is ...
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10 Causes Of Vomiting In Babies, Remedies & When To Seek Help

There may be several causes for vomiting in babies, ranging from indigestion and excessive crying to gastrointestinal tract anomalies. Although ...
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Why Do Babies Roll Their Eyes While Sleeping And When To Worry?

Eye rolling is a common phenomenon that many people do involuntarily. However, when you see a baby rolling eyes, you ...
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Why Does Your Baby Wake Up Crying? 7 Reasons And How To Stop It

Many parents complain that their baby wakes up crying in the middle of the night. This could be due to ...
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Hydrocortisone Cream For Babies: Safety And Side Effects

Hydrocortisone is a topical corticosteroid medication available in the form of lotions, ointments, and creams (1). Hydrocortisone cream for babies ...
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20 Reasons Why Baby Fusses Or Cries While Breastfeeding

You may often notice that your baby cries while breastfeeding. Babies may cry when breastfed for various reasons, ranging from ...
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Why Do Babies Fake Cough? Reasons And Ways To Stop It

When parents or caregivers hurry to a coughing baby to see what’s wrong, they may notice the baby giggling with ...
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Baby Gagging: Reasons, Prevention And When To Worry

Even before they start eating solid foods, you may notice your baby gagging. While gagging, food or an object is ...
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Why Do Babies Clench Their Fists And When Do They Unclench?

It may be troubling seeing your baby clenching their fists practically all of the time, even though you want them ...
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Baby Choking On Breastmilk: Why Does It Happen And What To Do

If you see your baby choking on breastmilk, it could be because their swallowing skills aren’t fully developed. Choking when ...
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Calamine Lotion for Babies: Uses, Safety And Side Effects

Calamine lotion is a popular skin lotion used across all age groups. The topical lotion has been available as an ...
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11 Reasons For Your Baby Sticking Tongue Out

A baby sticking tongue out is a cute gesture but may sometimes indicate certain conditions or the baby’s requirements. The ...
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11 Causes Of Green Stool In Infants, Treatment & Prevention

Parents will invariably notice the color of the baby’s poop when changing the diapers. There could be instances when you ...
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How To Clean A Baby’s Tongue: Tips and Precautions To Take

Oral hygiene is an essential part of infant care, even before they begin teething, since oral care also involves the ...
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