10 Side Effects Of Watching TV On Your Toddler

Many parents may wonder whether the drawbacks of watching TV for toddlers outweigh the benefits since many television shows are aimed exclusively at providing entertainment to the little ones.

Although some shows are educational for toddlers, it may be inappropriate for them to be glued to the television and prefer it over playtime. Further, some toddlers may exhibit an unhealthy spike in their interest in watching TV. Some may also demand to watch TV more frequently and throw tantrums whenever the TV is switched off.

Read this post to learn more about the negative side effects of watching TV on toddlers.

Is TV Always Bad For Your Toddler?

Early exposure to TV can cause sleep issues in toddlers

Toddlers watching TV before or at preschool age are at a greater risk for developmental challenges and behavioral problems as compared to those who do not watch TV. Early exposure to TV has also been linked to attention disordersiXCondition when children are hyperactive and have trouble controlling impulsive behavior and paying attention, issues with sleep and routine, and adverse effects on academic achievement, social development, and classroom engagement (1). Children who spend more than four hours a day before TV are also more likely to experience obesity (2).

Watching TV has always been considered harmful, especially at an young age, as it may affect children’s social skills development and vocabulary-building. While almost all child experts are unanimous about their views on the harmful effects of TV, some also think that TV can have some good effects too. Here is a look at both the bad and the good of watching TV that can affect your toddler.

10 Dangers Of Watching TV For Toddlers

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlights that 47.5% of children aged two to five years spend more than two hours of screen time daily. Here are ten effects of TV on toddlers that can affect adversely:

1. It Can Permanently Damage The Brain Structure Of Your Toddler:

According to research, watching too much TV can permanently change your toddler’s brain structure. [2]

  • If your toddler spends too much time watching TV, he will have a higher amount of gray matter near his frontopolar cortex. It is the area that is located at the front part of your toddler’s frontal lobeiXThe largest lobe of the brain involved in motor function, problem-solving, memory, language, judgment, impulse control, social behavior, etc.. Such a condition can mean your toddler may have difficulty with verbal intelligenceiXAbility to use and comprehend words to communicate effectively.
  • While your toddler watches TV, he may experience a lot of educational and interactive content. However, the pace of knowledge that your toddler gets from watching TV does not always vary or increase as per your toddler’s mental capabilities. It means your toddler may experience a damaging effect on their cognitive development (3).
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2. There Are No Real Educational Benefits For Toddlers Under 2 Years:

Toddlers cannot relate to real people if they watch virtual characters early on

Till the time your toddler does not reach the age of two years, there is no real educational benefit in watching TV.

  • Whatever your toddler watches on TV is pre-programmed and may not always correlate to your toddler’s cognitive abilities (1).
  • In fact, your toddler may have a very distorted image of the real world from the education he receives from watching TV. He may also have problems relating to real people if he gets used to watching virtual characters at an early age.

Dr. Sharifa N. Glass, MD, a board-certified pediatrician from Houston, Texas, says, “All high-quality shows available for children ages 18 months and older are not right for your child. To find the best shows, watch how your child interacts with the content. The best shows will elicit verbal responses (i.e., repeating words, singing, asking questions, etc.) or physical activity (i.e., jumping, dancing, etc.) from your child.”

3. It Takes Away Precious Time From Your Toddler:

Getting used to watching TV will mean that your toddler loses a lot of real time that he could use in real situations.

  • Being around real people and in real time situations will help your toddler develop his various brain functions. Having quality family time with fun activities, such as reading a storybook with good moral lessons, can instill good values and improve the child’s creativity and imagination.
  • When your toddler plays with other children his age and sees real things, he will learn much more than he will learn from watching TV (1).

4. It Numbs Any Initiatives:

When your toddler is constantly exposed to TV, it can numb his thinking abilities and more.

  • Certain TV shows may teach your toddler, but they can also dissuade him from taking any initiative himself.
  • As the TV shows come with every idea and activity pre-programmed, there is not much scope for your toddler to develop critical thinking skills and take an initiative to think or do something.
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5. Reading Time Gets Encroached Upon:

Toddlers should read from as early as they can hold a book

The time your toddler spends watching TV takes up time he could spend reading (4).

  • Reading is recommended for toddlers from as early as they can hold a book, even earlier if possible. It will help your toddler perform better once he is at school.
  • Reading will also help sharpen your toddler’s various cognitive and motor skillsiXUse of muscles to make physical movements. It will encourage him to spend quality time, encourage imagination and improve memory.

6. Too Much TV Can Hamper Speech:

Most speech and language experts warn that being exposed to too much TV noise at home can hamper timely child development by affecting their speech.

  • If your toddler is always exposed to background noise from the TV, he will have difficulty in listening to other sounds and words.
  • It can permanently hamper your toddler’s speaking abilities (5).

7. Learning With A Teacher Becomes Difficult:

 Toddlers find it difficult to concentrate in regular classrooms

If your toddler gets used to watching shows with high-quality educational programming on TV, it can clash with the way he learns from a real teacher.

  • Many parents may wonder whether the drawbacks of watching TV for toddlers outweigh the benefits since many television shows are aimed exclusively at providing entertainment to the little ones. The shows your toddler watches on TV are always fast-paced and filled with animation. Once your toddler gets used to learning through these shows, he will find it difficult to concentrate on regular teaching techniques in the classroom.
  • It can also become difficult for your toddler to pay attention to studying or learning at home.

8. Attracted Towards Negative Influences:

TV viewing has always been criticized for the negative impact it has on toddlers and children.

  • Even though you regulate what your toddler watches, commercials or shows that do not have age-appropriate content can always come up.
  • TV shows will not always match the sensitivities or values you may want your toddler to learn. For instance, you may not want your toddler to eat packaged foods but the TV shows or commercials may encourage so (6).

Emi Sano, a mother and blogger, shares how increasing screen time affected her child’s behavior. She says, “As my son grows up, we’ve been allowing more and more screen time. It doesn’t total more than two hours in a day. I’ve noticed, however, that the more screen time he has been getting, the worse his tantrums have become (i).”

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9. It Can Make Your Toddler Obese:

Toddlers who watch excess TV may face weight issues

Watching TV from an early age can adversely affect your toddler’s weight.

  • Limiting screen time is crucial as toddlers who watch too much TV may start facing weight issues from an early age. In most cases, your toddler may turn out to be overweight, even obese.
  • Watching TV will take away play time from your toddler and may limit their time on physical activity and exercise. (6).

10. Increases Blood Pressure:

If your toddler is exposed to TV viewing, it can harm his blood pressure by increasing the levels.

  • According to a study, watching too much TV between the ages of two and ten can put your toddler at a 30% higher risk of blood pressure.
  • Combined with lesser physical activity, it can further increase the risk factor by 50%.

Introducing TV time to children before the age of preschool can have serious impacts on your child’s health. However, following parental supervision and screen time guidelines while watching TV is considered safe. Many parents use TV as a babysitter or as a distraction. This pattern can cause adverse effects in the longer run. One-on-one interaction with parents, reading books, singing rhymes and poems, etc., has many benefits and can be included in their everyday routine. Also, encourage your toddler to watch educational shows during their screen time.

Choosing TV Shows For Toddlers

Although entirely eliminating TV exposure may be challenging, opting for toddler-friendly programs might be beneficial. Consider these guidelines when choosing television shows for toddlers (7):

  • Prioritize TV shows that offer good-quality screen time, as it positively impacts learning and behavior in toddlers.
  • Choose co-viewing-friendly programs by shortlisting shows that you find both tolerable and enjoyable.
  • Prefer shows that foster messages and themes (such as dance or science) aligned with your values and preferences.
  • Select shows, movies, and videos with positive messages, inclusive themes, and age-appropriate content, promoting emotional well-being in preschoolers.
  • Be cautious about apps featuring ads, check privacy settings, and assess the potential addictiveness of shows to ensure a safe and balanced screen experience for your child.

Key Pointers

  • Toddlers who watch television before or during preschool are more likely to have developmental problems.
  • Too much television can permanently alter your toddler’s brain structure and numb their thinking and cognitive abilities.
  • Loud TV noises at home might also hinder your toddler’s communication ability.
  • Prolonged TV exposure increases blood pressure risk in toddlers by 30-50%.

The impact of television on children has always been controversial. Watch this video to gain insights from an expert on the effects television has on your child.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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