Is It Safe To Take Sleeping Pills While Breastfeeding?

New moms often struggle with sleep deprivation because of changes in lifestyle and daily routine. It has been reported that postpartum anxiety and depression occur in women with chronic sleep loss as adverse pregnancy outcomes (1). In such a situation, many women may want to know if it is safe to take sleeping pills when breastfeeding. Most doctors do not advise taking sleeping pills during motherhood because they may leak into the breast milk and cause adverse effects on the baby. However, if you have considerable trouble sleeping, you may seek the guidance of your healthcare provider, whose prescription may contain drugs that have a low ability to pass into the milk. You may also try some effective home remedies to enhance sleep and relax. Read the post to know about the safety of sleeping pills when breastfeeding and the natural remedies that should be taken care of to sleep better.

Can I Take Sleeping Pills While Breastfeeding?

Any drug you take should be checked with the doctor.

There are certain drugs that are safe to take while you are breastfeeding, while there are drugs that your doctor will caution you about. Conventional and otherwise unassuming drugs are not as safe as you think while you are pregnant, let alone while breastfeeding. These can mix in your bloodstream and reach the milk that will finally reach your newborn. Taking these drugs can also sometimes affect your milk supply and interfere with your baby’s breastfeeding routine. Any drug you take should be checked with your baby’s doctor (2).

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Any drugs that you take should be checked with your baby’s doctor.

What Sleeping Pills Are Safe To Take While Breastfeeding?

In some cases, sleeping pills like zolpidem may be prescribed.

According to most doctors, no sleeping pills are safe to take while you are breastfeeding as they might have side effects. In some cases, sedatives such as zolpidem may be prescribed when you are breastfeeding. This drug mixes in the breast milk at a low level. However, extremely young or preterm babies may experience symptoms such as respiratory depression and low muscle tone (3).

Any drugs you take to help you sleep while breastfeeding should first be checked with your doctor.

5 Natural Remedies To Help You Sleep While Breastfeeding

Warm milk will raise the level of melatonin in your brain and make you feel sleepy.

Taking sleeping pills while you are breastfeeding is not recommended. There are many natural ways that can support your sleep. Try out these tips and tricks that may work in your favor:

1. Sleep With Your Baby Near Your Bed

In the initial maternal phase, you may need to wake up many times in the middle of the night to feed your baby. Sleeping near your baby can help you relax while you are feeding your baby in the middle of the night. This will help you go back to sleep right after your baby has finished feeding (4).

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2. Try And Get Power Naps

Every time that your baby falls asleep, you too try and catch those winks. You may not get long hours of sleep yet as you will be feeding your baby multiple times. Having shorter nap breaks throughout the day can help you prevent feeling too sleepy or tired at night (4).

3. Drink Warm Milk Just Before Sleeping

Milk contains a good amount of protein and is a good drink for you, especially when you are breastfeeding. It contains L-tryptophan, which is an amino acid. This will raise the level of melatoniniXAn antioxidant hormone produced by a gland in the center of the brain that helps improve the body’s sleep cyclein your brain and make you feel sleepy (5).

4. Chamomile Tea

The herb chamomile is generally considered safe to take while you are breastfeeding. You can have it at bedtime. The calming effects of this herb can soothe and relax your senses and muscles. It will also help reduce or prevent flatulence and cramps (6).

5. Lavender On Your Pillow

Sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow before you go to sleep. Alternatively, you can add a few drops of this oil on a handkerchief and place it on your pillow. You can also try using roll-on tubes that contain lavender oil. Apply this directly on your temples and forehead or behind your ears to feel calm and relaxed (7).

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If you suffer from sleeplessness after pregnancy due to the added work, stress, and responsibilities, do not resort to sleeping pills while breastfeeding. Breastfeeding itself is believed to induce a calming effect by releasing oxytociniXA natural hormone that manages male and female reproductive systems, sexual arousal, childbirth, lactation, and human behavior, thus reducing cortisoliXA steroidal stress hormone that helps regulate the body’s response to stresslevels and better sleep (8). So instead of immediately taking medicines, try out natural approaches and other home remedies such as chamomile tea, warm milk, or sleeping with your infant. If you are still not able to get enough good sleep, consult your doctor. They may recommend some effective techniques or medicines that do not pose a threat to you or your baby’s health.

Sleeping pills though helpful also have several side effects. Take a look at the following video to learn more about the safety of sleeping pills.

Key Pointers

  • Sleeping pills are generally not safe and not prescribed for lactating mothers as they can pass through breast milk to the baby.
  • Doctors may prescribe zolpidem to lactating mothers who are struggling with sleep disorders.
  • Drinking warm milk, sleeping next to your baby, and taking power naps may help a lactating mother sleep.
  • Sprinkling lavender oil on the pillow and drinking chamomile tea can help relax and induce sleep.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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