Can You  Eat Avocado While Breastfeeding?

In the past few years, avocados have gained a lot of popularity as a superfood. Nursing mothers may always look for ideas to add nutrition-rich food to their diet. In addition, they may want to know if it would be a good idea to consume avocados while breastfeeding. They have a distinct taste and a nice creamy texture that many lactating women enjoy. Read this post to know more about the nutritional value of avocados. We also tell you it is safe to consume them while breastfeeding and the possible health benefits of eating avocados while nursing your baby.

What Are Avocados?

Avocados, also known as “Alligator Pears,” are wonderful, nutritious fruits that grow on an evergreen tree called Persea Americana, which belongs to the Lauraceae family. The fruit’s skin possesses a leathery appearance, and it’s native to Puebla, Mexico. Each avocado weighs between eight ounces and three pounds. The fruit is widely popular for its unique taste, appearance, and many individuals include it in their snacks for numerous health benefits (1).

Is Eating Avocados Safe While Breastfeeding?

Avacados also promote the growth and development of newborn.

Yes, you can include avocados in your diet for optimal postpartum nutrition., especially when you are nursing a newborn round the clock. In fact, several doctors and lactation consultants recommend adding this fruit to your breakfast or snacks while breastfeeding since it offers several infant and maternal health benefits. It may positively impact the growth and development of your newborn. So, make sure you eat the nutritious fruit in appropriate quantities while nursing your baby (2).

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Health Benefits Of Eating Avocados While Breastfeeding

Avocados offer you and your newborn several health benefits during lactation. Here, we list some important health benefits of eating avocados while nursing.

1. Helps neurological development of newborn

Avocados contain high amounts of healthy fats, such as monounsaturated fats, which are healthy, particularly for newborns. Consuming the fruit provides your baby with healthy fat which helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins K, A, E, and D, during digestion. These vitamins promote your baby’s growth and neurological development. DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid present in avocados that promotes your baby’s brain growth and improves her visual functioning. Avocados are also a great source of minerals, including magnesium and potassium, which benefit the baby’s health (1). Moreover, the folic acid content in avocados helps boost your baby’s growth and brain and nervous system development.

2. Promotes digestion

Avocados provide about 40% of the daily dietary fiber requirement per serving. Soluble and insoluble fibers in the nutritious fruit promote smooth digestion while you are nursing your baby. Also, consumption of avocados prevents stomach upset, indigestion, and constipation while breastfeeding.

3. Helps with dental care

Eating avocados also prevents bad breath (halitosis).

Eating avocados also prevents bad breath (halitosis). Flavonoids and antibacterial properties of the fruit kill the bacteria in your mouth effectively and promote good oral hygiene while breastfeeding. Also, consumption of avocados prevents the risk of development of oral cancer.

4. Promotes liver health

Avocados help to keep the liver healthy. Organic compounds in the fruit help promote your liver health substantially while you are nursing your baby.

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5. Supports weight management

Incorporating avocados into your breastfeeding diet can significantly improve your overall nourishment and aid in weight regulation. The fruit prevents you from gaining too much weight during the postpartum period and helps you stay fit and active.

6. Treats arthritis

Anti-inflammatory benefits of avocados prevent inflammation and pain of joints

Anti-inflammatory benefits of avocados prevent inflammation and pain of tissues, muscles, joints while breastfeeding. A high amount of flavonoids, carotenoids, phytochemicals, and phytosterols in the fruit make it an excellent anti-arthritic, pain and joint swelling (arthritis).

Did you enjoy eating avocados while nursing your dear little one? How did you benefit from it? Fellow moms would love to hear your side of the story. So, leave us a comment in the section below.

Key Pointers

  • Eating avocados while breastfeeding is recommended by many doctors due to its benefits.
  • Avocados are rich in healthy fats and fiber, aiding in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and promoting digestion.
  • Avocados contain DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, and folic acid, which aid in brain and nervous system development.
  • Consuming avocados can improve the nursing mother’s oral hygiene, weight regulation, liver, and joint health.
  • Additionally, avocados help the mother feel fuller for longer periods and provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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