2 Common Fruits You Should Avoid While Breastfeeding

While breastfeeding, women are often advised to eat plenty of fruits to maintain a nutritious diet. However, not all fruits are beneficial for lactating women. Thus, some fruits to avoid while breastfeeding are citrus fruits, cherries, and prunes. Although they may not cause direct harm to the mother, they can induce undesirable reactions in the baby.

Scroll through this article to learn more about the effects of these fruits on babies during lactation and why they should be avoided. This post also offers some safer alternatives to these fruits so that you don’t miss out on the essential nutrients they provide.

Fruits To Avoid While Breastfeeding

When you are breastfeeding, you aren’t as rigid about your diet as you were during pregnancy. However, a proper and a healthy maternal diet is highly desirable as it has a direct effect on your breast milk. Many a time, there is a possibility that your infant may fall ill, develop sensitivities, or contract allergies due to your improper diet. Infections and microbes remain in your breast milk and pass into your infant’s body. While your postpartum diet is all about making sufficient quality and quantity of milk, you should follow some dietary restrictions and avoid some types of foods to ensure your and your baby’s safety.

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Doctors typically advise breastfeeding moms to include two bowls of fruits in their daily diet, as fruits are rich in essential minerals and other nutrients. Fruits help provide extra nourishment to your baby through your milk. However, not all fruits have similar advantages, especially when you are breastfeeding. Remember that your baby’s health will directly depend on your diet.

Here we list some fruits to avoid while breastfeeding for you and your little one’s well-being.

1. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits may affect the baby’s digestion through breast milk

Juicy, tangy and incredibly tasty is how you would describe most citrus fruits. Citrus fruits are some of the most popular fruits, and they form a major part of your fruit basket. However, as a lactating mom, you need to monitor your intake to see if citrus fruits are affecting the baby’s digestion through your breast milk.

Citrus fruits include fruits like lime, kiwi fruits, strawberries, pineapples, oranges, and grapes. Many-a-time, citrus fruits lend a pungent flavor to your breast milk. Some babies might object to the taste of it, and get fussy while consuming it. Other babies may vomit. Sometimes, your baby may also develop diaper rash as a result of the citrus content in breast milk. Citrus fruits contain many acidic compounds and can lead to irritation of the gastrointestinal tract (GI) in children.

2. Cherries and prunes

Cherries are fruits to avoid while breastfeeding

Apart from citrus fruits, make sure you don’t consume any cherries, prunes, or berries. Cherries may sometimes create gas problems for your little one. Moreover, it is quite common for newborn babies to suffer from gas due to their newly developing digestive system.

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If you notice that you or your baby may have a sensitivity or any of the above symptoms, give up on the citrus fruits, cherries, and prunes immediately before you consult a pediatrician. However, if you are breastfeeding, make sure you consume a healthy diet. Remember to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or questions about your breast milk production.

What Fruits To Eat?

Mango can help you maintain the Vitamin C levels in your body

Now that you know what fruits to avoid during breastfeeding let’s understand what options that leaves you. Well, to replace citrus fruits, include fruits like mango and papaya, which will help you maintain Vitamin C levels in your body, without the obtrusive citric acid and its nasty side effects.

Paulina Allure, a mother of two, describes how she includes mango in her healthy smoothie while breastfeeding. She explains, “I start off with a smoothie, and I add in some oat milk, which is my favorite type of milk. Of course, some almond butter, which I add to every smoothie, and some flax meal, hemp seeds, and spinach. And then lastly, add in some frozen mango, which just makes this sweet and slushie and just a really good smoothie (i).”

Nursing mothers should eat plenty of fruits to get sufficient nutrition. However, not all fruits are suitable to consume during this time as they might adversely affect the baby. Thus, it is better to exercise caution while taking citrus fruits, cherries, and prunes. A baby’s digestive system may not tolerate these fruits well when they pass through the breast milk. Therefore, consuming these fruits may irritate the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. So, you may talk to your doctor about the temporary exclusion or avoidance of these from your diet. Also, you may speak to them about consuming other fruits like mango and papaya to compensate for the nutrition.

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Key Pointers

  • To prevent adverse reactions in the baby while breastfeeding, it’s recommended to avoid consuming citrus fruits, cherries, and prunes.
  • Citrus fruits have been associated with digestive problems, fussy behavior, vomiting, and diaper rash in breastfed babies.
  • Cherries and prunes can also cause gas in babies, so it’s advisable to stay away from these fruits as well.
  • Safe alternatives to citrus fruits, cherries, and prunes are mango and papaya, which provide vitamin C without negative effects on the baby.

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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