The Most Stunning C-Section Photos Birth Photographers Have Ever Taken

Although some people continue to debate C-sections versus vaginal births, there  are skilled birth photographers demonstrating that every birth is miraculous and should be documented.

As one of the co-founders of Birth Becomes Her, Monet Nicole is well aware that C-sections are popular among birth photographers. For many, these birth stories are some of the most rewarding they ever capture.

C-section moms are some of the bravest and strongest women we know. A C-section mother must hang on to her passionate and fierce love for her baby in the moments going up to surgery. She allows fear to wash over her… and then she lets it go. Although she knows a C-section birth is the best choice for her or her baby, she also knows she’ll endure major surgery with real wounds and scars.

Yes, birth is as real as you can get…mama’s beads of sweat, furrowed brow, clenched fists, fighter-like expression, vulnerability, even the moment she is actually birthing her baby (whether vaginally or by cesarean) are all raw, real, but BEAUTIFUL and MIRACULOUS moments.

As for the difference between a vaginal birth and a cesarean birth, the anticipation and emotion you feel about meeting your baby for the first time is all the same.

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Seeing the beauty in a cesarean birth image is encouraging because cesarean moms often feel like their birth experience has been diminished, reduced, or voided out due to often unavoidable circumstances.

In honor of these incredible mamas, check out this collection of stunning C-section birth photos from photographers across the world. “We’re here to say to all Cesarean moms: your birth stories are beautiful, powerful, and worth seeing and sharing,”.

‘This too is beautiful. This too is a miracle.’: Birth photographer empowers C-section moms to realize their births are not ‘diminished, reduced’

I hope these photos are shared and embraced for all of us mothers who didn’t get the ‘ideal’ birth, who thought our bodies were broken, who didn’t get to see our child take his or her first breath.

My heart is full knowing birth photography serves so many purposes! It’s not only beautiful and intriguing, but in some cases, healing as well.

Mothers see their pictures and are better able to process their births. These images reassure moms that they did indeed ‘give birth.’ The disconnect they might feel during the cesarean itself is made better by the happy moments captured and preserved, forever.”

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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