A Mother Of Ten Under 13 And She’s Been Pregnant For The Last 14 Years

MANY women dream of becoming a mum, but one woman’s desire of starting a family was nearly dashed when she thought she’d never be able to do so. But now, Satu Nordling Gonzalez, from Sweden, is a proud mum of ten having spent the last 14 years of her life pregnant.

The 35-year-old mum details her family life on Instagram and shares adorable snaps of her children aged four months to 13 years. Satu, a stay-at-home mom, was reportedly 21 years old when she became pregnant with her now-husband Andres from Uruguay, but the pregnancy ended in sorrow when she miscarried.

According to a local Swedish publication, Satu was left with scarring on the uterus and falling pregnant again proved difficult. Satu’s ovulation halted completely due to stress, and she believed, “I would never become what I felt I was intended to be, a mother.” But two and a half years later, after believing it was impossible, she became pregnant again, and their first child, Nicole, was born in 2008.

Now, Satu and Andres, who works in construction, have six girls and four boys after welcoming their youngest Benjamin just seven months ago – Nicole, 13, Vanessa, 12, twins Jonathan and Danilo, 11, Olivia, eight, Kevin, seven, Celina, six and Isabelle, three and Melania, one-and-a-half.

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“Being a mother is a huge work and sacrifice. At times, a feeling of fatigue overwhelms me even before I have breakfast. However, the smiles and love of children is the best reward for my care for them,” Satu revealed.

“My body has always recovered quickly after pregnancies. I am active with children and I move a lot because of them,”

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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