Twin Sisters From Utah Give Birth to Second Sets of Twins: ‘They’ll Always Have a Best Friend for Life’

Two twin sisters have quite a few bundles of joy to chase around after they both recently gave birth to a set of twins — again!

Identical twin sisters Kelli Wall and Kerri Bunker, of Orem, Utah, welcomed their second set of twins just weeks apart. For the second time in five years, the 36-year-old identical twin sisters have each given birth to twins, instantly doubling the size of their families and their sleepless nights.

Kerri—who already has 4-year-old twins, a girl, and a boy—was told she’d never have kids again. Not surprisingly, she told Inside Edition that she and her husband were in shock when they got the news about her most recent pregnancy.

“Our jaws dropped,” she said. “We weren’t trying for kids, we weren’t expecting them, not one, let alone two.”

Kelli’s twins, Kyler (4 pounds, 5 ounces) and Kenadee (4 pounds, 2 ounces) recently went home from Timpanogos Regional Hospital‘s newborn intensive care unit, while Kerri’s twins, Kash (4 pounds, 12 ounces) and Jace (5 pounds, 10 ounces), are likely go home within a week or two after they’ve gained a few more ounces.

The sisters have done double duty with diapers and bottles before, as best friends who seldom spend a day apart. Despite being informed by physicians that they wouldn’t be able to have children, they soon made up for lost time, becoming pregnant with their first pair of twins through in vitro fertilization six years ago. Kelli’s daughters, Madison and McKell, are now 5, while Kerri’s twins, Kole and Hallie, are 4. She also has a daughter, Sadie, 2.

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For their second pregnancies with twins, Kelli conceived again in vitro, while Kerri conceived naturally and discovered she was pregnant after buying a home pregnancy test on a whim.

“Since Kelli’s twins were in the NICU for more than five weeks, she had time to catch up on sleep before bringing them home.

“It gave me a chance to recover and rest up,” she says, “but now, I’m back to those sleepless nights again. I tell Kerri, ‘Enjoy it. Because you won’t get another chance for a while.’’

Dustin and Robert are best friends, “making us all a love square, not a love triangle,” says Kerri. “They understand the closeness of our relationship and know all about twin intuition. It’s unavoidable, with so many twins in the house.”

Kelli is getting extra help with her newborns from Madison and McKell, “who would hold the babies all day long if I let them,” she says. “They adore them. When I caught McKell peeking over Kenadee’s bassinette, she told me, ‘Mom, I think she loves us.’ I’m really looking forward to watching these new relationships bloom.”

Congratulations to both big, happy families!

Article written by Baby Plumbing

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