How Long Can A Baby Sleep In Pack ‘N Play And Is It Safe?

How long can a baby sleep in a pack ‘n play while meeting all the suggested safety precautions? This question ...
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How To Dress Babies For Sleep (At Different Temperatures)?

Although it may sound like a basic question, many parents may think about how to dress babies for sleep to ...
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15 Foods You Should Avoid For Babies Younger Than A Year

Complementary feeding is an essential milestone in a baby’s life. A well-growing, healthy baby can eat several solid foods from ...
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Pick Up, Put Down Method Of Sleep Training: Does It Work?

Several babies can self-soothe themselves to sleep, while others need assistance from parents. If your baby falls in the latter ...
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8 Tips To Handle A Baby Who Cries When Put Down To Sleep

A common complaint that many parents voice is how their baby cries when put down. Initially, it may seem adorable ...
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Baby Wakes Up Every Hour: Is It Normal, Reasons And Tips

A good night’s sleep is crucial for the well-being of babies. However, you may feel defeated in your parenting attempts ...
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6-Month Sleep Regression: Signs, Causes And Tips To Try

The term 6-month-old sleep regression indicates a change in the sleeping pattern of babies of that age. However, this is ...
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14 Baby Body Language Cues And Their Meaning

Understanding baby body cues and their meaning is essential since babies tend to speak through gestures and body language for ...
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Baby Twitching In Sleep: Is It Normal, Causes And Concerns

Any new parent would love to witness all movements of their babies, including smiling, rolling over, communicating, and sleeping. However, ...
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Baby Sleeping On The Floor: Safety, Benefits And Precautions

If you frequently discover your baby sleeping on the floor or if your baby enjoys spending time on the floor, ...
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8-Month-Old Sleep Regression: What Is It And How To Handle

Infancy sleep regression stages are commonly seen and occur in conjunction with the baby’s neurodevelopment. An 8-month sleep regression is ...
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12th Month Sleep Regression: Signs, Causes, And Tips To Handle

The exact cause of the 12-month sleep regression in babies is unknown. Most babies have frequent, unexplained sleep disruptions, called ...
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4th Month Sleep Regression: Signs And 10 Tips To Handle It

Four-month sleep regression results in a sudden change in sleep patterns that may cause worry in new parents. It is ...
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3 Reasons Why Babies Sleep With Eyes Open

It is soothing to watch babies doze and sleep peacefully. However, you may occasionally notice your baby sleeping with eyes ...
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