8 Signs Of Heat Stroke In Babies, Causes And Prevention

Babies are easily susceptible to environmental changes. For instance, a sudden temperature rise may cause heat stroke in babies. Likewise, ...
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10 Signs Of Tuberculosis (TB) In Babies, Causes & Treatment

Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly infectious airborne disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (1). Tuberculosis in babies, similar to adults, primarily ...
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7 Effective Home Remedies To Prevent Baby’s Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers in babies are common and usually clear up on their own. They are small and painful sores that ...
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Pinworms in Babies – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pinworm in babies is a contagious intestinal infection caused by tiny parasites called pinworms. They inhabit the intestine and are ...
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Causes Of Urinary Tract Infection In Babies And Its Symptoms

The signs of urinary tract infection in babies can be hard to identify as the symptoms mainly include frequent urination ...
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Cold Sores In Babies: Causes, Risk, Treatment & Prevention

Cold sores in babies are the blisters that appear around the lips. Although they are called cold sores, they do ...
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Pink Eye In Babies: Signs, Causes And Treatment

Pink eye in babies may result from an infection or allergy and is referred to as conjunctivitis. According to StatPearls ...
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Chickenpox In Babies: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Chickenpox is a highly contagious viral infection. Chickenpox in babies can cause fever, symptoms resembling the common cold, and an ...
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Sticky Eyes In Babies: Causes, Treatment, Remedies And Prevention

Watery discharge from the eyes can cause eyelids to become sticky. Generally, sticky eyes in infants are associated with the ...
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8 Symptoms Of Baby Sinus Infection, Treatment, And Prevention

Sinus infection in babies, flu, or common cold is mainly the common reason behind the stuffy nose and other similar ...
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5 Types Of Skin Allergies In Babies, Treatment & Prevention

An allergy is defined as a chronic skin condition that occurs due to the immune system’s abnormal response to an ...
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Benefits Of Baby Pacifiers And Tips To Stop Using Them

Pacifiers are the most sought-after tools when it comes to calming babies down. Baby pacifiers are also known to reduce ...
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What Is Thrush In Babies? Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Oral thrush in babies is a bacterial infection of the mouth that can sometimes be seen in the crotch and ...
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23 Tips For Travelling With A Baby

You don’t have to miss out on adventures after your baby arrives. You simply need the right tips for traveling ...
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