Teething Tablets Safe For Babies And Their Alternatives

If your little one is teething, you may have thought of using teething tablets for babies at some point or ...
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Baby’s First Haircut: Step by Step Process To Make It Easy

Most parents are enthusiastic about giving their baby’s first haircut. But babies could be twitchy and restless during a haircut. ...
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Baby Chewing Tongue: Why They Do It And What To Do About It

Parents find various activities of their babies to be humorous. One such uncommon activity is a baby chewing on the ...
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Baby Banging Head: Is this Normal, Causes And How To Respond

Most newborn, infant, or baby behaviors are adorable and surprising to their parents, and they may love watching them doing ...
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Nail Polish For Babies: Is It Safe Or Unsafe?

It is fun to apply nail polish to babies’ little toenails and fingernails. Baby nail polish may look adorable, and ...
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What Is The Safe And Right Temperature For Baby Bath?

Many parents may wonder whether their newborn baby’s bath temperature is ideal. Some prefer giving their babies a warm bath ...
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Premature Baby Survival Rates, Risks, And When to See Doctor

A premature baby’s survival rate and development may vary depending on how early they are born before the due date. ...
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What Is The Right And Ideal Room Temperature For A Baby?

Maintaining the optimal room temperature for babies can help them sleep well and stay comfortable during playtime. To maintain the ...
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7 Essential Oils For Teething Babies: Their Safety And Possible Uses

While some adults use essential oils to deal with teeth and gum pain, it must be considered whether it is ...
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Can You Tickle Babies? Safety, Myths And Alternative Ways to make them laugh

Many of us resort to tickling babies to make them laugh. While most babies break into giggles while being tickled, ...
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How To Shower With Baby? Safety And Precautions To Take

While some babies like to bath, bath time is a cry fest for many. In such scenarios, mothers may wonder ...
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Is Baby Sleeping In Swing Safe? Tips & Alternatives To Try

It is adorable to watch a baby sleep in a swing, but you may wonder why experts recommend cribs for ...
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Do Diapers Expire? Is It Safe To Use Old Diapers For Baby?

If you purchase disposable diapers for your baby, you may wonder do diapers expire and if you need to replace ...
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4 Things to Do If Your Baby Falls Off the Bed & Ways To Prevent

It is not uncommon for babies to be prone to accidents despite the best efforts of the parents to prevent ...
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